Skill Gem /42
Skill Gem Quality /14
Item | Stats |
Elemental Hit | +(0–5)% more Damage for each type of Elemental Ailment on the Enemy |
Dual Strike | +(0–30)% more Damage with Hits and Ailments against Enemies that are on Full Life |
Vaal Glacial Hammer | (0–40)% increased Duration of Cold Ailments |
Elemental Weakness | (0–20)% increased Duration of Elemental Ailments on Cursed enemies |
Molten Strike | Projectiles deal (0–10)% more Damage with Hits and Ailments |
Molten Strike | Every fifth Attack, Projectiles deal (0–200)% more Damage with Hits and Ailments |
Vaal Molten Strike | Projectiles deal (0–10)% more Damage with Hits and Ailments |
Earthquake | Aftershock deals +(0–30)% more Damage with Hits and Ailments |
Blade Flurry | +(0–5)% more Damage with Hits and Ailments for each stage |
Vaal Blade Flurry | +(0–5)% more Damage with Hits and Ailments for each stage |
Vaal Earthquake | Aftershock deals +(0–30)% more Damage with Hits and Ailments |
Frost Shield | (0–20)% increased Effect of Cold Ailments |
Crackling Lance | +(0–10)% more Damage with Hits and Ailments per Intensity |
Voltaxic Burst | +(0–1)% more Damage with Hits and Ailments for each Cast of this Spell currently waiting |
Support Gem /20
Support Gem Quality /4
Item | Stats |
Elemental Proliferation Support | (0–10)% increased Duration of Elemental Ailments on Enemies |
Critical Strike Affliction Support | Supported Skills have +(0–10)% Damage over Time Multiplier for Ailments from Critical Strikes |
Unbound Ailments Support | (0–10)% increased Duration of Ailments inflicted with Supported Skills |
Awakened Unbound Ailments Support | (0–10)% increased Duration of Ailments inflicted with Supported Skills |
Item mods /120
Name | Level | Pre/Suf | Description | Weight |
40 | Corrupted | (25–30)% increased Effect of Cold Ailments elemental cold ailment | helmet 1000 default 0 | |
40 | Corrupted | Projectiles deal (20–25)% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments for each time they have Chained damage | quiver 1000 default 0 | |
40 | Corrupted | Projectiles deal (8–10)% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments for each Enemy Pierced damage | quiver 1000 default 0 | |
of Stoicism | 23 | Suffix | (16–20)% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments elemental fire cold lightning ailment | shield 1000 default 0 |
of Resolve | 41 | Suffix | (21–25)% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments elemental fire cold lightning ailment | shield 1000 default 0 |
of Fortitude | 57 | Suffix | (26–30)% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments elemental fire cold lightning ailment | shield 1000 default 0 |
of Will | 73 | Suffix | (31–35)% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments elemental fire cold lightning ailment | shield 1000 default 0 |
of Shaping | 81 | Suffix | (31–35)% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments elemental fire cold lightning ailment | boots_shaper 1600 default 0 |
of Shaping | 68 | Suffix | Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 16 Hypothermia (8–12)% increased Effect of Cold Ailments elemental cold ailment gem | helmet_shaper 800 default 0 |
of Shaping | 75 | Suffix | Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 18 Hypothermia (13–16)% increased Effect of Cold Ailments elemental cold ailment gem | helmet_shaper 800 default 0 |
of Shaping | 80 | Suffix | Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Hypothermia (17–20)% increased Effect of Cold Ailments elemental cold ailment gem | helmet_shaper 800 default 0 |
of Shaping | 68 | Suffix | Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 16 Innervate (8–12)% increased Effect of Lightning Ailments elemental lightning ailment gem | helmet_shaper 800 default 0 |
of Shaping | 75 | Suffix | Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 18 Innervate (13–16)% increased Effect of Lightning Ailments elemental lightning ailment gem | helmet_shaper 800 default 0 |
of Shaping | 80 | Suffix | Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Innervate (17–20)% increased Effect of Lightning Ailments elemental lightning ailment gem | helmet_shaper 800 default 0 |
of the Elder | 68 | Suffix | Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 18 Unbound Ailments (5–7)% chance to Freeze, Shock and Ignite elemental fire cold lightning ailment gem | sceptre_elder 1000 default 0 |
of the Elder | 75 | Suffix | Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Unbound Ailments (8–10)% chance to Freeze, Shock and Ignite elemental fire cold lightning ailment gem | sceptre_elder 1000 default 0 |
of Shaping | 68 | Suffix | Projectiles deal (20–30)% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments for each Enemy Pierced damage | bow_shaper 1000 default 0 |
of Redemption | 68 | Suffix | (30–34)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments ailment | boots_eyrie 500 default 0 |
of Redemption | 73 | Suffix | (35–40)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments ailment | boots_eyrie 500 default 0 |
Hunter's | 68 | Prefix | (10–12)% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies ailment | gloves_basilisk 500 default 0 |
Hunter's | 80 | Prefix | (13–15)% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies ailment | gloves_basilisk 500 default 0 |
of Redemption | 68 | Suffix | (6–8)% chance to Shock (8–12)% increased Effect of Lightning Ailments elemental lightning ailment | helmet_eyrie 500 default 0 |
of Redemption | 75 | Suffix | (6–8)% chance to Shock (13–15)% increased Effect of Lightning Ailments elemental lightning ailment | helmet_eyrie 500 default 0 |
of Redemption | 68 | Suffix | (15–20)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments ailment | shield_eyrie 500 quiver_eyrie 500 ring_eyrie 500 amulet_eyrie 500 default 0 |
of Redemption | 75 | Suffix | (21–25)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments ailment | shield_eyrie 500 quiver_eyrie 500 ring_eyrie 500 amulet_eyrie 500 default 0 |
of the Crusade | 68 | Suffix | Projectiles deal (15–20)% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments for each Enemy Pierced damage | bow_crusader 500 default 0 |
of the Crusade | 70 | Suffix | Projectiles deal (21–25)% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments for each Enemy Pierced damage | bow_crusader 500 default 0 |
of the Crusade | 73 | Suffix | Projectiles deal (26–30)% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments for each Enemy Pierced damage | bow_crusader 500 default 0 |
45 | ScourgeUpside | (17–19)% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments elemental fire cold lightning ailment | shield 500 default 0 | |
68 | ScourgeUpside | (20–22)% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments elemental fire cold lightning ailment | shield 500 default 0 | |
68 | ScourgeUpside | (23–25)% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments elemental fire cold lightning ailment | shield 500 default 0 | |
45 | ScourgeUpside | (17–19)% reduced Elemental Ailment Duration on you elemental ailment | boots 500 default 0 | |
68 | ScourgeUpside | (20–22)% reduced Elemental Ailment Duration on you elemental ailment | boots 500 default 0 | |
68 | ScourgeUpside | (23–25)% reduced Elemental Ailment Duration on you elemental ailment | boots 500 default 0 | |
45 | ScourgeUpside | (7–8)% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies ailment | gloves 500 default 0 | |
68 | ScourgeUpside | (9–10)% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies ailment | gloves 500 default 0 | |
68 | ScourgeUpside | (11–12)% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies ailment | gloves 500 default 0 | |
45 | ScourgeUpside | (10–12)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments ailment | boots 500 default 0 | |
68 | ScourgeUpside | (13–15)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments ailment | boots 500 default 0 | |
68 | ScourgeUpside | (16–18)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments ailment | boots 500 default 0 | |
45 | ScourgeDownside | (21–25)% reduced Duration of Ailments on Enemies ailment | gloves 250 default 0 | |
68 | ScourgeDownside | (26–30)% reduced Duration of Ailments on Enemies ailment | gloves 250 default 0 | |
45 | ScourgeDownside | (17–19)% increased Elemental Ailment Duration on you elemental ailment | boots 250 default 0 | |
68 | ScourgeDownside | (20–22)% increased Elemental Ailment Duration on you elemental ailment | boots 250 default 0 | |
45 | ScourgeDownside | Cannot inflict Elemental Ailments | sceptre 500 wand 500 staff 500 default 0 | |
45 | ScourgeDownside | (30–40)% reduced Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments ailment | boots 500 default 0 | |
68 | ScourgeDownside | (50–60)% reduced Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments ailment | boots 500 default 0 | |
75 | BlueImplicit | (13–14)% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies ailment | no_tier_6_eldritch_implicit 0 helmet 700 amulet 700 default 0 | |
75 | BlueImplicit | (15–16)% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies ailment | no_tier_5_eldritch_implicit 0 helmet 700 amulet 700 default 0 | |
75 | BlueImplicit | (17–18)% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies ailment | no_tier_4_eldritch_implicit 0 helmet 700 amulet 700 default 0 | |
75 | BlueImplicit | (19–20)% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies ailment | no_tier_3_eldritch_implicit 0 helmet 700 amulet 700 default 0 | |
75 | BlueImplicit | (21–22)% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies ailment | no_tier_2_eldritch_implicit 0 helmet 700 amulet 700 default 0 | |
75 | BlueImplicit | (23–24)% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies ailment | no_tier_1_eldritch_implicit 0 helmet 700 amulet 700 default 0 | |
75 | BlueImplicit | While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (21–22)% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies ailment | no_tier_5_eldritch_implicit 0 helmet 350 amulet 350 default 0 | |
75 | BlueImplicit | While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (23–24)% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies ailment | no_tier_4_eldritch_implicit 0 helmet 350 amulet 350 default 0 | |
75 | BlueImplicit | While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (25–26)% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies ailment | no_tier_3_eldritch_implicit 0 helmet 350 amulet 350 default 0 | |
75 | BlueImplicit | While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (27–28)% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies ailment | no_tier_2_eldritch_implicit 0 helmet 350 amulet 350 default 0 | |
75 | BlueImplicit | While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (29–30)% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies ailment | no_tier_1_eldritch_implicit 0 helmet 350 amulet 350 default 0 | |
75 | BlueImplicit | While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (29–30)% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies ailment | no_tier_4_eldritch_implicit 0 helmet 140 amulet 140 default 0 | |
75 | BlueImplicit | While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (31–32)% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies ailment | no_tier_3_eldritch_implicit 0 helmet 140 amulet 140 default 0 | |
75 | BlueImplicit | While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (33–34)% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies ailment | no_tier_2_eldritch_implicit 0 helmet 140 amulet 140 default 0 | |
75 | BlueImplicit | While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (35–36)% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies ailment | no_tier_1_eldritch_implicit 0 helmet 140 amulet 140 default 0 | |
75 | BlueImplicit | (14–16)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments ailment | no_tier_6_eldritch_implicit 0 helmet 700 amulet 700 default 0 | |
75 | BlueImplicit | (17–19)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments ailment | no_tier_5_eldritch_implicit 0 helmet 700 amulet 700 default 0 | |
75 | BlueImplicit | (20–22)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments ailment | no_tier_4_eldritch_implicit 0 helmet 700 amulet 700 default 0 | |
75 | BlueImplicit | (23–25)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments ailment | no_tier_3_eldritch_implicit 0 helmet 700 amulet 700 default 0 | |
75 | BlueImplicit | (26–27)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments ailment | no_tier_2_eldritch_implicit 0 helmet 700 amulet 700 default 0 | |
75 | BlueImplicit | (28–29)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments ailment | no_tier_1_eldritch_implicit 0 helmet 700 amulet 700 default 0 | |
75 | BlueImplicit | While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (23–25)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments ailment | no_tier_5_eldritch_implicit 0 helmet 350 amulet 350 default 0 | |
75 | BlueImplicit | While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (26–28)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments ailment | no_tier_4_eldritch_implicit 0 helmet 350 amulet 350 default 0 | |
75 | BlueImplicit | While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (29–31)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments ailment | no_tier_3_eldritch_implicit 0 helmet 350 amulet 350 default 0 | |
75 | BlueImplicit | While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (32–33)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments ailment | no_tier_2_eldritch_implicit 0 helmet 350 amulet 350 default 0 | |
75 | BlueImplicit | While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (34–35)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments ailment | no_tier_1_eldritch_implicit 0 helmet 350 amulet 350 default 0 | |
75 | BlueImplicit | While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (32–34)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments ailment | no_tier_4_eldritch_implicit 0 helmet 140 amulet 140 default 0 | |
75 | BlueImplicit | While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (35–37)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments ailment | no_tier_3_eldritch_implicit 0 helmet 140 amulet 140 default 0 | |
75 | BlueImplicit | While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (38–39)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments ailment | no_tier_2_eldritch_implicit 0 helmet 140 amulet 140 default 0 | |
75 | BlueImplicit | While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (40–41)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments ailment | no_tier_1_eldritch_implicit 0 helmet 140 amulet 140 default 0 | |
75 | BlueImplicit | (15–17)% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments elemental fire cold lightning ailment | no_tier_6_eldritch_implicit 0 boots 500 default 0 | |
75 | BlueImplicit | (18–20)% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments elemental fire cold lightning ailment | no_tier_5_eldritch_implicit 0 boots 500 default 0 | |
75 | BlueImplicit | (21–23)% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments elemental fire cold lightning ailment | no_tier_4_eldritch_implicit 0 boots 500 default 0 | |
75 | BlueImplicit | (24–26)% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments elemental fire cold lightning ailment | no_tier_3_eldritch_implicit 0 boots 500 default 0 | |
75 | BlueImplicit | (27–29)% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments elemental fire cold lightning ailment | no_tier_2_eldritch_implicit 0 boots 500 default 0 | |
75 | BlueImplicit | (30–32)% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments elemental fire cold lightning ailment | no_tier_1_eldritch_implicit 0 boots 500 default 0 | |
75 | BlueImplicit | While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (27–29)% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments elemental ailment | no_tier_5_eldritch_implicit 0 boots 250 default 0 | |
75 | BlueImplicit | While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (30–32)% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments elemental ailment | no_tier_4_eldritch_implicit 0 boots 250 default 0 | |
75 | BlueImplicit | While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (33–35)% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments elemental ailment | no_tier_3_eldritch_implicit 0 boots 250 default 0 | |
75 | BlueImplicit | While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (36–38)% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments elemental ailment | no_tier_2_eldritch_implicit 0 boots 250 default 0 | |
75 | BlueImplicit | While a Unique Enemy is in your Presence, (39–41)% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments elemental ailment | no_tier_1_eldritch_implicit 0 boots 250 default 0 | |
75 | BlueImplicit | While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (39–41)% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments elemental ailment | no_tier_4_eldritch_implicit 0 boots 100 default 0 | |
75 | BlueImplicit | While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (42–44)% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments elemental ailment | no_tier_3_eldritch_implicit 0 boots 100 default 0 | |
75 | BlueImplicit | While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (45–47)% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments elemental ailment | no_tier_2_eldritch_implicit 0 boots 100 default 0 | |
75 | BlueImplicit | While a Pinnacle Atlas Boss is in your Presence, (48–50)% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments elemental ailment | no_tier_1_eldritch_implicit 0 boots 100 default 0 | |
36 | WeaponTree | Adds 3 to 6 Fire Damage Adds 3 to 6 Cold Damage Adds 1 to 8 Lightning Damage 15% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments | one_hand_weapon 125 default 0 | |
60 | WeaponTree | Adds 4 to 9 Fire Damage Adds 4 to 9 Cold Damage Adds 1 to 13 Lightning Damage 15% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments | one_hand_weapon 63 default 0 | |
85 | WeaponTree | Adds 11 to 15 Fire Damage Adds 11 to 15 Cold Damage Adds 3 to 25 Lightning Damage 15% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments | one_hand_weapon 31 default 0 | |
36 | WeaponTree | Adds 7 to 10 Fire Damage Adds 7 to 10 Cold Damage Adds 3 to 15 Lightning Damage 25% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments | two_hand_weapon 125 default 0 | |
60 | WeaponTree | Adds 9 to 17 Fire Damage Adds 9 to 17 Cold Damage Adds 3 to 25 Lightning Damage 25% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments | two_hand_weapon 63 default 0 | |
85 | WeaponTree | Adds 20 to 29 Fire Damage Adds 20 to 29 Cold Damage Adds 4 to 46 Lightning Damage 25% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments | two_hand_weapon 31 default 0 | |
5 | WeaponTree | 7% increased Damage over Time 15% reduced Duration of Ailments on You | one_hand_weapon 125 default 0 | |
23 | WeaponTree | 10% increased Damage over Time 15% reduced Duration of Ailments on You | one_hand_weapon 125 default 0 | |
51 | WeaponTree | 13% increased Damage over Time 15% reduced Duration of Ailments on You | one_hand_weapon 125 default 0 | |
69 | WeaponTree | 17% increased Damage over Time 15% reduced Duration of Ailments on You | one_hand_weapon 63 default 0 | |
80 | WeaponTree | 20% increased Damage over Time 15% reduced Duration of Ailments on You | one_hand_weapon 31 default 0 | |
5 | WeaponTree | 11% increased Damage over Time 25% reduced Duration of Ailments on You | two_hand_weapon 125 default 0 | |
23 | WeaponTree | 16% increased Damage over Time 25% reduced Duration of Ailments on You | two_hand_weapon 125 default 0 | |
51 | WeaponTree | 21% increased Damage over Time 25% reduced Duration of Ailments on You | two_hand_weapon 125 default 0 | |
69 | WeaponTree | 26% increased Damage over Time 25% reduced Duration of Ailments on You | two_hand_weapon 63 default 0 | |
80 | WeaponTree | 32% increased Damage over Time 25% reduced Duration of Ailments on You | two_hand_weapon 31 default 0 | |
20 | WeaponTree | +100 to Evasion Rating 20% increased Duration of Ailments on You | str_armour 0 int_armour 0 str_int_armour 0 shield 500 default 0 | |
55 | WeaponTree | +125 to Evasion Rating 20% increased Duration of Ailments on You | str_armour 0 int_armour 0 str_int_armour 0 shield 500 default 0 | |
83 | WeaponTree | +150 to Evasion Rating 20% increased Duration of Ailments on You | str_armour 0 int_armour 0 str_int_armour 0 shield 500 default 0 | |
40 | WeaponTree | 100% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments while on Consecrated Ground 50% reduced Effect of Consecrated Ground you create | shield 250 default 0 | |
1 | WeaponTree | 50% chance to avoid Ailments from Critical Strikes | shield 400 default 0 | |
70 | WeaponTree | 75% chance to avoid Ailments from Critical Strikes | shield 400 default 0 | |
1 | WeaponTree | +0.2 seconds to Flameblast and Incinerate Cooldown Flameblast and Incinerate cannot inflict Elemental Ailments Flameblast starts with 2 additional Stages Incinerate starts with 2 additional Stages | two_hand_weapon 0 caster_unique_weapon 1000 attack_staff 0 attack_dagger 0 weapon_can_roll_minion_modifiers 0 wand 1000 staff 1000 dagger 1000 sceptre 1000 shield 500 default 0 | |
1 | WeaponTree | +0.4 seconds to Flameblast and Incinerate Cooldown Flameblast and Incinerate cannot inflict Elemental Ailments Flameblast starts with 4 additional Stages Incinerate starts with 4 additional Stages | one_hand_weapon 0 caster_unique_weapon 1000 attack_staff 0 attack_dagger 0 weapon_can_roll_minion_modifiers 0 wand 1000 staff 1000 dagger 1000 sceptre 1000 default 0 | |
1 | WeaponTree | Summoned Skeletons and Holy Relics convert 100% of their Physical Damage to a random Element 100% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments inflicted by Summoned Skeletons and Holy Relics | two_hand_weapon 0 minion_unique_weapon 1000 weapon_can_roll_minion_modifiers 1000 focus_can_roll_minion_modifiers 1000 default 0 | |
1 | WeaponTree | Summoned Skeletons and Holy Relics convert 100% of their Physical Damage to a random Element 200% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments inflicted by Summoned Skeletons and Holy Relics | one_hand_weapon 0 minion_unique_weapon 1000 weapon_can_roll_minion_modifiers 1000 default 0 | |
1 | WeaponTree | Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 30 Unbound Ailments | crucible_unique_staff 1000 default 0 | |
1 | WeaponTree | Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 30 Deadly Ailments | crucible_unique_staff 1000 default 0 |
Enchantment Modifier /6
Name | Level | Pre/Suf | Description | Weight |
Enchantment Flame Surge Vs Burning Enemies 1 | 66 | Enchantment | 40% increased Flame Surge Damage with Hits and Ailments against Burning Enemies damage caster | helmet 100 default 0 |
Enchantment Flame Surge Vs Burning Enemies 2 | 75 | Enchantment | 60% increased Flame Surge Damage with Hits and Ailments against Burning Enemies damage caster | helmet 100 default 0 |
Enchantment Lightning Trap Shock Effect 1 | 66 | Enchantment | 25% increased Lightning Trap Lightning Ailment Effect damage elemental lightning caster ailment | helmet 100 default 0 |
Enchantment Lightning Trap Shock Effect 2 | 75 | Enchantment | 40% increased Lightning Trap Lightning Ailment Effect damage elemental lightning caster ailment | helmet 100 default 0 |
83 | Enchantment | 20% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments while you have Elusive elemental fire cold lightning ailment | belt 1 default 0 | |
83 | Enchantment | Elemental Ailments inflicted on Enemies Exposed by you have 20% increased Duration elemental fire cold lightning ailment | belt 1 default 0 |
Monsters mods /24
Name | Level | Pre/Suf | Description | Weight |
Blessing of Elements | 25 | Nemesis | Gain 50% of Physical Damage as Extra Damage of a random Element always cause elemental status ailment [1] bleed damage physical elemental ailment | rare 800 default 0 |
Frostwoven | 1 | Unique | 50% increased Cold Damage +50% to Cold Resistance Gain 50% of Physical Damage as Extra Cold Damage 25% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage Inflict Cold Exposure on Hit cold ailment effect on self +% [-50] | no_common_monster_mods 0 default 5000 |
Freezing | 68 | Unique | 25% increased Freeze Duration on Enemies 35% chance to Freeze All Damage can Freeze cold ailment effect on self +% [-80] | no_common_monster_mods 0 magic 0 default 2500 |
of Trickery | 68 | Unique | Prevent +10% of Suppressed Spell Damage +100% chance to Suppress Spell Damage Monsters grant 20000% increased Experience Non-Damaging Ailments Reflection moment of respite damage taken over time +% final [-50] | no_common_monster_mods 0 legion_monster 0 essence_monster 0 delve_monster 0 abyss_monster 0 breach_commander 0 immobile 0 blight_monster 0 magic 0 default 50 |
Flamewoven | 1 | Unique | 50% increased Fire Damage +50% to Fire Resistance Gain 50% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage 25% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage Inflict Fire Exposure on Hit scorch ailment effect on self +% [-50] | no_common_monster_mods 0 default 5000 |
Stormwoven | 1 | Unique | 50% increased Lightning Damage +50% to Lightning Resistance Gain 50% of Physical Damage as Extra Lightning Damage 25% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage Inflict Lightning Exposure on Hit lightning ailment effect on self +% [-50] | no_common_monster_mods 0 default 5000 |
Shocking | 13 | Unique | Hits always Shock 50% increased Shock Duration on Enemies All Damage can Shock 25% increased Effect of Shock lightning ailment effect on self +% [-80] | no_common_monster_mods 0 magic 0 default 2500 |
of Frost-striding | 13 | Unique | 30% increased Cold Damage +40% to Cold Resistance Gain 25% of Physical Damage as Extra Cold Damage 50% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage 200% increased Effect of Chill cold ailment effect on self +% [-50] | no_common_monster_mods 0 immobile 0 no_strider_mod 0 magic 0 default 1000 |
Imprisoning | 18 | Unique | 30% increased Cold Damage +40% to Cold Resistance Gain 25% of Physical Damage as Extra Cold Damage 50% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage 20% additional Physical Damage Reduction cold ailment effect on self +% [-50] | no_common_monster_mods 0 magic 0 default 800 |
of Flame-striding | 13 | Unique | 30% increased Fire Damage +40% to Fire Resistance Hits always Ignite Gain 25% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage 50% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage ignite damage +% [200] scorch ailment effect on self +% [-50] | no_common_monster_mods 0 immobile 0 no_strider_mod 0 magic 0 default 1000 |
of Storm-striding | 13 | Unique | 30% increased Lightning Damage +40% to Lightning Resistance Gain 25% of Physical Damage as Extra Lightning Damage 50% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage lightning ailment effect on self +% [-50] | no_common_monster_mods 0 immobile 0 no_strider_mod 0 magic 0 default 1000 |
of Siphoning | 34 | Unique | 30% increased Lightning Damage +40% to Lightning Resistance Gain 25% of Physical Damage as Extra Lightning Damage 50% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage dropped items are converted to amulets [1] lightning ailment effect on self +% [-50] | magic 0 default 200 |
of Storms | 24 | Unique | 30% increased Lightning Damage +40% to Lightning Resistance Gain 25% of Physical Damage as Extra Lightning Damage 50% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage lightning ailment effect on self +% [-50] | no_common_monster_mods 0 magic 0 default 800 |
Freezing | 68 | Unique | 20% chance to Freeze All Damage can Freeze cold ailment effect on self +% [1] | no_common_monster_mods 0 rare 0 default 2500 |
Shocking | 13 | Unique | Hits always Shock 50% increased Shock Duration on Enemies All Damage can Shock 25% increased Effect of Shock lightning ailment effect on self +% [-80] | no_common_monster_mods 0 rare 0 default 2500 |
of Flame-striding | 13 | Unique | 30% increased Fire Damage +40% to Fire Resistance Hits always Ignite Gain 25% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage 50% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage ignite damage +% [200] scorch ailment effect on self +% [-50] | immobile 0 no_strider_mod 0 not_part_of_pack 0 rare 0 default 1000 |
of Frost-striding | 13 | Unique | 30% increased Cold Damage +40% to Cold Resistance Gain 25% of Physical Damage as Extra Cold Damage 50% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage 200% increased Effect of Chill cold ailment effect on self +% [-50] | immobile 0 no_strider_mod 0 not_part_of_pack 0 rare 0 default 1000 |
of Storm-striding | 13 | Unique | 30% increased Lightning Damage +40% to Lightning Resistance Gain 25% of Physical Damage as Extra Lightning Damage 50% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage lightning ailment effect on self +% [-50] | immobile 0 no_strider_mod 0 not_part_of_pack 0 rare 0 default 1000 |
Vaal Cultist's Touch | 1 | Torment | Gain 25% of Physical Damage as Extra Damage of a random Element always cause elemental status ailment [1] damage physical elemental | default 1000 |
1 | Unique | Enemies Taunted by you deal 30% less Damage with Hits and Ailments against other targets | ||
1 | Unique | ailment threshold +% [-30] ailment | ||
1 | Unique | base ailment threshold [35000] | ||
Mirrored | 46 | Prefix | Non-Damaging Ailments Reflection | default 500 |
1 | Unique | Non-Damaging Elemental Ailments you inflict have 50% less Effect self bleed duration +% final [-50] self ignite duration +% final [-50] self poison duration +% final [-50] |
Abyss Jewel mods /6
Name | Level | Pre/Suf | Description | Weight |
1 | Corrupted | (5–7)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments ailment | default 1000 | |
of Chilling | 30 | Suffix | (10–15)% increased Effect of Cold Ailments elemental cold ailment | abyss_jewel_summoner 0 default 500 |
of Shocking | 30 | Suffix | (10–15)% increased Effect of Lightning Ailments elemental lightning ailment | abyss_jewel_summoner 0 default 500 |
of Banishing | 1 | Suffix | (30–40)% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments against Abyssal Monsters damage | abyss_jewel_summoner 0 default 500 |
of Marshalling | 1 | Suffix | Minions deal (30–40)% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments against Abyssal Monsters damage minion | abyss_jewel_summoner 500 default 0 |
of Escape | 84 | Suffix | (8–10)% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments while you have Elusive elemental fire cold lightning ailment | abyss_jewel_melee 100 abyss_jewel_ranged 500 abyss_jewel_caster 100 abyss_jewel_summoner 100 default 0 |
Cluster Jewel mods /3
Name | Level | Pre/Suf | Description | Weight |
of Tumult | 1 | Suffix | Added Small Passive Skills also grant: 3% increased Duration of Elemental Ailments on Enemies elemental fire cold lightning ailment | affliction_effect_of_non-damaging_ailments 350 default 0 |
of Turbulence | 68 | Suffix | Added Small Passive Skills also grant: 4% increased Duration of Elemental Ailments on Enemies elemental fire cold lightning ailment | affliction_effect_of_non-damaging_ailments 350 default 0 |
of Disturbance | 84 | Suffix | Added Small Passive Skills also grant: 5% increased Duration of Elemental Ailments on Enemies elemental fire cold lightning ailment | affliction_effect_of_non-damaging_ailments 250 default 0 |
Fossil mods /3
Name | Level | Pre/Suf | Description | Weight |
of the Underground | 1 | Suffix | (30–40)% increased Damage with Ailments damage ailment | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 quiver 1600 ring 1600 amulet 1600 belt 1600 default 0 |
of the Underground | 1 | Suffix | (15–20)% increased Damage with Ailments damage ailment | jewel 1000 abyss_jewel 1000 default 0 |
of the Underground | 1 | Suffix | (20–30)% reduced Elemental Ailment Duration on you elemental ailment | abyss_jewel 0 jewel 0 shield 2000 body_armour 2000 helmet 2000 gloves 2000 boots 2000 default 0 |
Map mods /5
Name | Level | Pre/Suf | Description | Weight |
Insulating | 69 | Prefix | Monsters have (70–80)% chance to Avoid Ailments Found Items have 2% chance to drop Corrupted in Area 16% increased Quantity of Items found in this Area ailment | uber_tier_map 0 secret_area 800 default 0 |
of Insulation | 1 | Suffix | Monsters have 30% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments 10% increased Quantity of Items found in this Area 6% increased Rarity of Items found in this Area 4% increased Pack size elemental fire cold lightning ailment | uber_tier_map 0 low_tier_map 800 expedition_logbook 0 primordial_map 0 default 0 |
of Insulation | 1 | Suffix | Monsters have 50% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments 10% increased Quantity of Items found in this Area 6% increased Rarity of Items found in this Area 4% increased Pack size elemental fire cold lightning ailment | uber_tier_map 0 mid_tier_map 800 expedition_logbook 0 primordial_map 0 default 0 |
of Insulation | 1 | Suffix | Monsters have 70% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments 10% increased Quantity of Items found in this Area 6% increased Rarity of Items found in this Area 4% increased Pack size elemental fire cold lightning ailment | uber_tier_map 0 top_tier_map 800 maven_map 0 expedition_logbook 0 primordial_map 0 default 0 |
of Insulation | 1 | Suffix | Monsters have 70% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments 10% increased Quantity of Items found in this Area 6% increased Rarity of Items found in this Area elemental fire cold lightning ailment | uber_tier_map 0 top_tier_map 0 maven_map 800 primordial_map 800 default 0 |
Delve Area mods /3
Name | Level | Pre/Suf | Description | Weight |
1 | DelveArea | Monsters have 30% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments 10% increased Quantity of Items found in this Area 6% increased Rarity of Items found in this Area 4% increased Pack size elemental fire cold lightning ailment | default 1000 | |
52 | DelveArea | Monsters have 40% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments 10% increased Quantity of Items found in this Area 6% increased Rarity of Items found in this Area 4% increased Pack size elemental fire cold lightning ailment | default 1000 | |
173 | DelveArea | Monsters have 50% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments 10% increased Quantity of Items found in this Area 6% increased Rarity of Items found in this Area 4% increased Pack size elemental fire cold lightning ailment | default 1000 |
Heist Area mods /3
Name | Level | Pre/Suf | Description | Weight |
of Insulation | 46 | Suffix | Monsters have 30% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments heist contract alert level +% final [-4] heist contract lockdown timer +% [4] heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4] map item drop quantity +% [10] map item drop rarity +% [6] elemental fire cold lightning ailment | default 800 |
of Insulation | 73 | Suffix | Monsters have 50% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments heist contract alert level +% final [-4] heist contract lockdown timer +% [4] heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4] map item drop quantity +% [10] map item drop rarity +% [6] elemental fire cold lightning ailment | default 800 |
of Insulation | 78 | Suffix | Monsters have 70% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments heist contract alert level +% final [-4] heist contract lockdown timer +% [4] heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4] map item drop quantity +% [10] map item drop rarity +% [6] elemental fire cold lightning ailment | default 800 |
Veiled mods /5
Name | Level | Pre/Suf | Description | Weight |
Chosen | 1 | Prefix | (20–25)% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments (20–25)% chance to Avoid being Stunned elemental fire cold lightning ailment | body_armour 0 default 0 |
of the Order | 60 | Suffix | (33–40)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments ailment | boots 1500 amulet 1500 default 0 |
of the Order | 60 | Suffix | (36–40)% increased Duration of Ailments you inflict while Focused grant focus skill [1] ailment | helmet 1000 default 0 |
of the Order | 60 | Suffix | Focus has (5–8)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate You are Immune to Ailments while Focused grant focus skill [1] ailment | boots 2000 default 0 |
Chosen | 60 | Prefix | (30–35)% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments (30–35)% chance to Avoid being Stunned elemental fire cold lightning ailment | body_armour 2000 default 0 |
Crafting Bench /9
Mod | Require | ItemClasses | Unlock |
(16–20)% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments | 1x ![]() | Boots · Shield | The Ascent |
(21–25)% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments | 2x ![]() | Boots · Shield | Malformation Map |
(16–22)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments | 2x ![]() | Boots · Amulet | Betrayal Unveil |
(23–30)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments | 2x ![]() | Boots · Amulet | Betrayal Unveil |
(16–20)% increased Duration of Ailments you inflict while Focused grant focus skill [1] | 4x ![]() | Helmet | Betrayal Unveil |
(21–25)% increased Duration of Ailments you inflict while Focused grant focus skill [1] | 4x ![]() | Helmet | Betrayal Unveil |
(26–30)% increased Duration of Ailments you inflict while Focused grant focus skill [1] | 4x ![]() | Helmet | Betrayal Unveil |
You are Immune to Ailments while Focused grant focus skill [1] | 3x ![]() | Boots | Betrayal Unveil |
(20–25)% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments (20–25)% chance to Avoid being Stunned | 6x ![]() | Body Armour | Betrayal Unveil |
Misc mods /27
Name | Level | Domain | Pre/Suf | Description | Weight |
1 | Jewel | Corrupted | (5–7)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments ailment | jewel 1000 default 0 | |
1 | Jewel | Unique | 10% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments elemental fire cold lightning ailment | ||
Decrepifying | 1 | Jewel | Prefix | Damaging Ailments deal damage (4–6)% faster ailment | default 250 |
1 | Jewel | Unique | Gain 3 Life per Elemental Ailment on Enemies Hit with Attacks resource life attack | ||
1 | Jewel | Unique | Gain 3 Life per Elemental Ailment on Enemies Hit with Spells resource life caster | ||
1 | Jewel | Unique | 12% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments per Grand Spectrum number of stackable unique jewels [1] elemental | ||
1 | Jewel | Unique | Modifiers to Ignite Duration on you apply to all Elemental Ailments | ||
1 | Jewel | Unique | Modifiers to Chance to Avoid being Shocked apply to all Elemental Ailments | ||
1 | PrimordialAltar | Unique | Non-Damaging Ailments you inflict are reflected back to you | primordial_altar_upside 0 tangle_altar 1000 default 0 | |
of Prolonged Suffering | 75 | SanctumSpecial | Suffix | (20–30)% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies ailment | dex_special_relic 600 default 150 |
of Punishment | 75 | SanctumSpecial | Suffix | (20–30)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments ailment | dex_special_relic 600 default 150 |
of the Untouchable | 75 | SanctumSpecial | Suffix | (20–30)% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments elemental fire cold lightning ailment | dex_special_relic 600 default 150 |
of the Wild | 1 | Tincture | Suffix | (25–35)% increased Duration of Elemental Ailments from Melee Weapon Attacks elemental attack ailment | tincture 700 default 0 |
of the Untamed | 42 | Tincture | Suffix | (36–45)% increased Duration of Elemental Ailments from Melee Weapon Attacks elemental attack ailment | tincture 700 default 0 |
of the Savage | 60 | Tincture | Suffix | (46–55)% increased Duration of Elemental Ailments from Melee Weapon Attacks elemental attack ailment | tincture 700 default 0 |
of the Beast | 82 | Tincture | Suffix | (56–65)% increased Duration of Elemental Ailments from Melee Weapon Attacks elemental attack ailment | tincture 700 default 0 |
Inquisitor's | 1 | Charm | Prefix | (20–30)% increased Effect of non-Damaging Ailments you inflict with Critical Strikes | int_animal_charm 500 str_animal_charm 500 default 0 |
Inquisitor's | 60 | Charm | Prefix | (31–40)% increased Effect of non-Damaging Ailments you inflict with Critical Strikes | int_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 default 0 |
Hierophant's | 1 | Charm | Prefix | Non-Damaging Ailments have (20–30)% reduced Effect on you while you have Arcane Surge | int_animal_charm 500 str_animal_charm 500 default 0 |
Hierophant's | 60 | Charm | Prefix | Non-Damaging Ailments have (31–40)% reduced Effect on you while you have Arcane Surge | int_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 default 0 |
of the Guardian | 45 | Charm | Suffix | Every 4 seconds, remove Curses and Elemental Ailments from you | int_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 default 0 |
of the Guardian | 45 | Charm | Suffix | Enemies in your Link Beams cannot apply Elemental Ailments | int_animal_charm 250 str_animal_charm 250 default 0 |
of the Raider | 1 | Charm | Suffix | (10–15)% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments while Phasing | dex_animal_charm 1000 default 0 |
of the Raider | 60 | Charm | Suffix | (16–25)% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments while Phasing | dex_animal_charm 500 default 0 |
of the Pathfinder | 1 | Charm | Suffix | Enemies you Kill that are affected by Elemental Ailments grant (15–25)% increased Flask Charges | dex_animal_charm 1000 default 0 |
of the Pathfinder | 60 | Charm | Suffix | Enemies you Kill that are affected by Elemental Ailments grant (26–40)% increased Flask Charges | dex_animal_charm 500 default 0 |
of Insulation | 1 | UberMap | Suffix | Monsters have 70% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments 10% increased Quantity of Items found in this Area 6% increased Rarity of Items found in this Area 4% increased Pack size elemental fire cold lightning ailment | has_uber_map_suffix 96 default 0 |
Essence /4
Item /4

No Elemental modifiers

No Physical Ailment or Chaos Ailment modifiers
Right ring slot: 30% increased Duration of Ailments on You
50% reduced Effect of Curses on you
Unique /70
each type of Elemental Ailment on Enemy
also grant Chance to Suppress Spell Damage at 70% of its value
Deal no Non-Fire Damage)

instead grant: Minions have 25% reduced Movement Speed
Nova Spells Cast at the targeted location instead of around you
Socketed Triggered Bow Skills gain a 0.05 second Cooldown
Passive /59
Your Critical Strikes do not deal extra Damage
Ailments never count as being from Critical Strikes
Critical Strikes do not deal extra Damage
Non-Critical Strikes cannot inflict Ailments
+1% Chance to Suppress Spell Damage per 15 Dexterity
2% reduced Duration of Elemental Ailments on you per 15 Intelligence
100% more Duration of Ailments on you
50% reduced duration of Damaging Ailments on you
Ascendancy Passive /15
Cannot gain Unbound Fury while Unbound
Ailments against other targets
Cluster Jewel Passive /34
Timeless Jewel Passive /4
Faction | Category | Name | Show Full Descriptions |
Vaal | Passive | Avoid Elemental Ailments![]() | 3% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments(Elemental Ailments are Ignited, Scorched, Chilled, Frozen, Brittle, Shocked, and Sapped) |
Vaal | Notable | Jungle Paths![]() | (8–10)% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments(8–10)% chance to Avoid being Stunned(Elemental Ailments are Ignited, Scorched, Chilled, Frozen, Brittle, Shocked, and Sapped) |
Templar | Notable | Cloistered![]() | Immune to Elemental Ailments while on Consecrated Ground if you have at least 150 Devotion(Elemental Ailments are Ignited, Scorched, Chilled, Frozen, Brittle, Shocked, and Sapped) |
Eternal | Notable | Secret Tunnels![]() | 20% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments(Elemental Ailments are Ignited, Scorched, Chilled, Frozen, Brittle, Shocked, and Sapped) |
Timeless Jewel Passive Additions /3
Faction | Category | Show Full Descriptions | Code |
Vaal | Notable | 3% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments | vaal_small_attack_dodge |
Maraketh | Notable | 10% increased Duration of Elemental Ailments on Enemies | maraketh_notable_add_ailment_duration |
Maraketh | Notable | 10% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments | maraketh_notable_add_ailment_effect |
Elevated modifier List /15
Name | Lv | Mods | Elevated Mods |
of Shaping | 68 | Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 16 Hypothermia (8–12)% increased Effect of Cold Ailments Group: 2726 | Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 18 Hypothermia (13–16)% increased Effect of Cold Ailments |
of Shaping | 75 | Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 18 Hypothermia (13–16)% increased Effect of Cold Ailments Group: 2726 | Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Hypothermia (17–20)% increased Effect of Cold Ailments |
of Shaping | 80 | Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Hypothermia (17–20)% increased Effect of Cold Ailments Group: 2726 | Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 25 Hypothermia (17–20)% increased Effect of Cold Ailments |
of Shaping | 68 | Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 16 Innervate (8–12)% increased Effect of Lightning Ailments Group: 2726 | Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 18 Innervate (13–16)% increased Effect of Lightning Ailments |
of Shaping | 75 | Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 18 Innervate (13–16)% increased Effect of Lightning Ailments Group: 2726 | Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Innervate (17–20)% increased Effect of Lightning Ailments |
of Shaping | 80 | Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 20 Innervate (17–20)% increased Effect of Lightning Ailments Group: 2726 | Socketed Gems are Supported by Level 25 Innervate (17–20)% increased Effect of Lightning Ailments |
of Redemption | 68 | (6–8)% chance to Shock (8–12)% increased Effect of Lightning Ailments Group: 688 | (6–8)% chance to Shock (13–15)% increased Effect of Lightning Ailments |
of Redemption | 80 | (12–15)% Global chance to Blind Enemies on hit Group: 2652 | (20–30)% increased Damage with Hits and Ailments against Blinded Enemies (12–15)% Global chance to Blind Enemies on hit |
Hunter's | 68 | (10–12)% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies Group: 2739 | (13–15)% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies |
Hunter's | 80 | (13–15)% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies Group: 2739 | (13–15)% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies (13–15)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments |
of Shaping | 68 | (14–17)% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments Group: 1315 | (18–21)% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments |
of Shaping | 75 | (18–21)% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments Group: 1315 | (31–35)% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments |
of Shaping | 81 | (31–35)% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments Group: 1315 | (36–45)% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments |
of Redemption | 68 | (30–34)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments Group: 3014 | (35–40)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments |
of Redemption | 73 | (35–40)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments Group: 3014 | (41–60)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments |
Ailments The Help PanelAilments The Help Panel
Monsters throughout Wraeclast won't just hurt you -- they can also inflict ailments. Fortunately, you can too.
Ailments usually come from a specific kind of damage. Fire damage can 'Ignite', which deals further fire damage over time. Cold damage can 'Chill', slowing you down, or 'Freeze', causing you to stop moving entirely. Lightning damage can 'Shock', causing you to take a lot of extra damage from any source. Some enemies can also 'Poison' you or inflict 'Bleeding', both of which deal damage over time. If you move while you're bleeding, the bleeding will deal extra damage.

Dealing with Ailments:
Items, passive skills, support and skill gems, curses, and other things can each influence how likely it is that you'll suffer or inflict any of these ailments, as well as how effective these ailments are.

Flasks are capable of removing each ailment if they have the right mods. Figuring out which ailments might be dangerous to you and getting flasks that will remove them can make a big difference to your journey.
Community Wiki
An ailment is a detrimental effect associated with one or more damage types.
Ignite, chill, freeze, shock, scorch, brittle, and sap are collectively referred to as elemental ailments.
Chill, freeze, shock, scorch, brittle, and sap are collectively referred to as non-damaging ailments.
Bleeding, poison, and ignite are damaging ailments.
Ailment Thresholds Changes 3.15
Now that player damage has been reduced, we've reviewed our Ailment Threshold calculations to compensate for the lower damage of fully-supported skills. It's now much easier to apply stronger non-damaging ailments on enemies with less damage, especially on skills less heavily-supported.
We've also lowered the Ailment Threshold of particularly tough endgame encounters so that Chill or Shock investment is worthwhile on these encounters. Their threshold is now only slightly higher than regular map bosses.
As a much requested quality of life change, players can now see the effect of non-damaging Elemental Ailments on enemies and themselves, so you can finally determine how powerful your Shocks are on enemies and thus know what benefit they are giving you. This also applies to ailments applied to you, and the buff granted to you by the Cruelty support.
1. Ailment Guides
Monsters throughout Wraeclast won’t just hurt you — they can also inflict ailments. Fortunately, you can too.
Ailments usually come from a specific kind of damage. Fire damage can ‘Ignite’, which deals further fire damage over time. Cold damage can ‘Chill’, slowing you down, or ‘Freeze’, causing you to stop moving entirely. Lightning damage can ‘Shock’, causing you to take a lot of extra damage from any source. Some enemies can also ‘Poison’ you or inflict ‘Bleeding’, both of which deal damage over time. If you move while you’re bleeding, the bleeding will deal extra damage.
What are the ailment thresholds formulas for Brittle, Scorch and Sap? How do I know the magnitude of the ailment applied?
- Scorch is the same as shock and chill; the magnitude is given by the formula: 1/2 * (Damage % of ailment threshold)^0.4
- Brittle is the same as above, but the multiplier fraction at the start is 1/4 instead of 1/2.
- Sap is the same but with 1/3.
Do elemental ailments work if you one hit a mob? I tried out Cremator Cluster Node and realized many enemies didn't get destroyed even though I only had fire damage and high critical chance.
The Ignite is effectively simultaneous with the death - it will die and be ignited, but to be destroyed by Cremator it would need to be ignited before the hit that killed it.
2. List of Ailments
Ailment | Associated with | Effect | Bleeding![]() |
Physical | Bleed can only be inflicted by Physical damage from Attacks. Bleeding enemies take 70% of the physical damage of the hit that inflicted Bleed as physical damage over time. Moving enemies take an additional 140% damage. The base duration is 5 seconds. | Poison![]() |
Physical and Chaos | Poison causes the affected target to take 30% of the combined Physical and chaos damage of the hit that applied Poison as chaos damage over time. Poison can stack multiple times on a single target. Additional stacks do not refresh the duration, but stack independently from each other. The base duration is 2 seconds. | Ignite![]() |
Fire | Ignite causes the affected target to burn] for 125% of the fire damage of the hit that applied Ignite as fire damage over time. The base duration is 4 seconds. | Chill![]() |
Cold | Cold damage always inflicts chill. Chill slows all actions of the affected target up to 30%, based on the cold damage of the hit. The base duration is 2 seconds. | Freeze![]() |
Cold | Freeze prevents the affected target from taking actions, based on the cold damage of the hit. The base minimum duration is 0.3 seconds and the base maximum duration is 3 seconds. | Shock![]() |
Lightning | Shock causes the affected target to take up to 50% increased damage from all sources, based on the lightning damage of the hit. The base duration is 2 seconds. | Scorch![]() |
Fire | Scorched Enemies have their Elemental Resistances lowered by up to 30%, based on the fire damage of the hit. The base duration is 4 seconds. | Brittle![]() |
Cold | Brittle causes hits against enemies to have up to +15% Base Critical Strike Chance against them, based on the cold damage of the hit. The base duration is 4 seconds. | Sap![]() |
Lightning | Sapped enemies deal up to 20% less Damage, based on the lightning damage of the hit. The base duration is 4 Seconds. |
Ailments are in many ways similar to debuffs. The most notable difference is that ailments are associated with damage types, whereas debuffs are associated with skill effects. Modifiers to skill effect duration affect the duration of debuffs applied by skills, but not the duration of ailments.
There is no limit on the number of different ailments a target can have at any given time.
Application by damage
Ailments can be applied by hits of damage.
Each ailment is associated with one or more damage types. A damaging hit has the potential to inflict any ailments associated with the types of damage dealt. For example, a hit of physical and fire damage has the potential to inflict bleed, poison and ignite. Bleed has an additional restriction: It can only be applied by attacks.
The damage type associations for ailments may be changed by certain effects. As an example, The Three Dragons changes which damage types have the potential to inflict elemental ailments.
A hit of damage also carries a property for each ailment that gives the hit a chance to inflict that ailment. By default, the chance to inflict most ailments is 0%. Any damaging hit has a 100% chance to inflict chill. Critical strikes have a 100% chance to inflict ignite, freeze and shock. Some skill and support gems include modifiers that grant additional chance to inflict certain ailments. Additional chance to inflict ailments can also be gained from passive skills and equipment.
Targets may also have immunity or a chance to avoid certain ailments.
To summarize, an ailment is applied to the target if:
- The hit of damage consists of damage types that have the potential to inflict the ailment
- The chance to inflict the ailment is successful
- The target fails to avoid the ailment
- The target is not immune to the ailment
- Any other conditions are met
Application by other means
Ailments can be applied in ways other than direct hits of damage.
- Elemental proliferation causes elemental ailments to spread to other targets within a radius.
- Certain ground effects apply ailments.
- Slaying a poisoned enemy with Bino's Kitchen Knife equipped spreads poison to other targets within a radius.
- Arctic Armour chills enemies when hit.
- A strongbox with the "Incandescent" prefix ignites the character that activates it.
Damage with ailments
Ignite, bleed and poison are damaging ailments. A damaging ailment deals damage over time based on the base damage of the skill that inflicts the ailment. Only the damage types that have the potential to inflict a damaging ailment are used as a basis for calculating the damage over time for that ailment. From a previous example, a hit of physical and fire damage has the potential to inflict bleed, poison and ignite. In this example, only the fire portion of the base damage is considered for ignite.
Damage with hits and damage with ailments are calculated separately and have different modifiers. Modifiers to damage with ailments do not contribute to the damage of attacks or spells. Similarly, modifiers to attack damage and spell damage do not contribute to damage with ailments. Modifiers to damage with weapons, melee damage, projectile damage and area damage do not apply to ailments under any circumstances. Modifiers to damage with ailments, damage over time modifiers, and generic damage modifiers all apply to damaging ailments. Modifiers to damage with specific ailments apply only to those ailments. Damage type modifiers apply to ailments that deal those types of damage. Additionally, burning damage modifiers apply to ignite, since 'burning damage' simply means fire damage over time. Resistances apply to damage of the corresponding types dealt by ailments.
The damage multiplier for ailments from critical strikes exists independently from the critical strike multiplier used for hits. A character's base damage multiplier for ailments from critical strikes is 150%. The Perfect Agony keystone applies a percentage of modifiers to critical strike multiplier to the damage multiplier for ailments from critical strikes.
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