Swiftbrand Support
Level: (1–20)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 130%
Requires Level (31–70), (52–111) Int
Supports skills which create brands.
Supported Skills have 65% less Attached Duration
Supported Skills have 65% less Detached Duration
Supported Skills have (30–44)% more Activation frequency

Additional Effects From Quality:
Supported Skills have (0–5)% more Activation frequency
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
Quest /2
Level Effect /40
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 130%
LevelRequires LevelIntBase DamageSupported Skills have 30% more Activation frequencyExperience
13152100%, 100%30285,815
23457100%, 100%30252,595
33660100%, 100%31314,394
43863100%, 100%32388,734
54066100%, 100%33477,437
64269100%, 100%33583,786
74472100%, 100%34710,359
84675100%, 100%351,355,511
94878100%, 100%361,138,877
105081100%, 100%361,368,233
115284100%, 100%371,638,338
125487100%, 100%381,956,648
135690100%, 100%393,655,184
145893100%, 100%393,017,327
156096100%, 100%407,720,126
166299100%, 100%4115,058,455
1764102100%, 100%4225,964,218
1866105100%, 100%4262,460,771
1968108100%, 100%43211,508,743
2070111100%, 100%44
2172100%, 100%45
2274100%, 100%45
2376100%, 100%46
2478100%, 100%47
2580100%, 100%48
2682100%, 100%48
2784100%, 100%49
2886100%, 100%50
2988100%, 100%51
3090100%, 100%51
3191100%, 100%52
3292100%, 100%52
3393100%, 100%52
3494100%, 100%53
3595100%, 100%53
3696100%, 100%54
3797100%, 100%54
3898100%, 100%54
3999100%, 100%55
40100100%, 100%55
Attribute /8

Swiftbrand Support

CostiLvl 1: Normal: 1xOrb of Chance
DropLevel 31
BaseType Swiftbrand Support
Class Support Gems
Referencepoe.ninja, Community Wiki
Swiftbrand Support
Level: (1–20)
Cost & Reservation Multiplier: 130%
Requires Level (31–70), (52–111) Int
Supports skills which create brands.
Supported Skills have 65% less Attached Duration
Supported Skills have 65% less Detached Duration
Supported Skills have (30–44)% more Activation frequency

Additional Effects From Quality:
Supported Skills have (0–5)% more Activation frequency
This is a Support Gem. It does not grant a bonus to your character, but to skills in sockets connected to it. Place into an item socket connected to a socket containing the Skill Gem you wish to augment. Right click to remove from a socket.
Supported Gem /10
  • Allow Type: Brand
  • Storm Brand
    Creates a magical brand which can attach to a nearby enemy. It periodically activates while attached, firing beams which deal damage to nearby enemies and those around them. The brand will detach if the enemy dies.
    Storm Brand of Indecision
    Creates a magical brand which can attach to a nearby enemy. It periodically activates while attached, firing a beam which deals damage to the branded enemy and those around it. The brand will detach if the enemy dies.
    Armageddon Brand
    Creates a magical brand which can attach to a nearby enemy. It periodically activates while attached, causing a fiery meteor to fall from the sky. The brand will detach if the enemy dies.
    Armageddon Brand of Volatility
    Creates a magical brand which can attach to a nearby enemy. It activates once, causing a fiery meteor to fall from the sky, then is destroyed.
    Armageddon Brand of Recall
    Creates a magical brand which can attach to a nearby enemy. It periodically activates while attached, causing a fiery meteor to fall from the sky. The brand will detach if the enemy dies.
    Arcanist Brand
    Creates a magical brand which can attach to a nearby enemy. It periodically activates while attached, triggering linked spells. The brand will detach if the enemy dies.
    Penance Brand
    Creates a magical brand which can attach to a nearby enemy. It periodically activates while attached, adding energy to the branded enemy. When the branded enemy reaches 20 energy, a large explosion occurs and the brand is removed. All energy is removed from the enemy when the brand is detached.
    Penance Brand of Dissipation
    Creates a magical brand which can attach to a nearby enemy. It periodically activates while attached, adding energy to the branded enemy and causing a pulse that deals damage to the branded enemy and other nearby enemies. The pulse gains area of effect and damage for each energy on the branded enemy, up to 20. All energy is removed from the enemy when the brand is detached.
    Penance Brand of Conduction
    Creates a magical brand which can attach to a nearby enemy. It periodically activates while attached, adding energy to the branded enemy and nearby enemies who do not have energy. When the brand is detached, all enemies with energy are dealt damage.
    Wintertide Brand
    Creates a magical brand which can attach to a nearby enemy, dealing cold damage over time and chilling them. It periodically activates while attached, gaining stages that raise the damage. When removed, a short-duration debuff dealing the same damage over time and chill is applied to each nearby enemy. The brand keeps its charges while detached.

    Community Wiki


    Swiftbrand Support

    Swiftbrand Support is a brand Support skill gem that increases the supported brand spell's activation frequency but lowers its duration.

    Version history

  • Swiftbrand Support now has a Cost and Reservation Multiplier of 130% (previously 150%).
  • 3.15.0
  • Now has a 150% Cost and Reservation Multiplier (previously 110%).
  • Supported Skills now have 30-44% more Activation frequency (previously 45-64%).
  • Supported Skills now have 65% less Detached Duration (previously 40%).
  • 3.11.0
  • Swiftbrand Support has been added to the game.

  • Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.