The Sewers

The Sewers
Id: 1_3_10_1
Act: 3
Area Level: 26
map can have underlevelled blight [1]
What horrors lurk in the bowels of the city?
The Sewers Attr /13
NameShow Full Descriptions
Monster Level26
NotesWhat horrors lurk in the bowels of the city?
Connected AreaThe Slums, The Marketplace, The Ebony Barracks
Vaal AreaWalled-off Ducts
HideoutUndercity Hideout
Tagssewers, indoors_area, area_with_water, einharcavespiders, sewer_area, vile_areas
Modsmap can have underlevelled blight [1]
Card TagsThe Feast
The Throne
Vile Power
(Old) Divination CardThe Feast
Crafting Bench /5
(40–59)% increased Physical Damage4x Orb of AlterationOne Hand Melee · Two Hand Melee · One Hand Ranged · Two Hand RangedThe Sewers
(9–12)% increased Global Physical Damage3x Orb of ChanceShield · AmuletThe Sewers
Adds (9–12) to (18–21) Physical Damage4x Orb of TransmutationTwo Hand Melee · Two Hand RangedThe Sewers
Adds (6–8) to (13–15) Physical Damage4x Orb of TransmutationOne Hand Melee · One Hand RangedThe Sewers
Adds (3–5) to (6–8) Physical Damage to Attacks4x Orb of TransmutationRing · Amulet · Quiver · GlovesThe Sewers
LevelNameExperienceDamageAttack TimeLifeArmourEvasionEnergy Shield
26Fetid Maw1,325361.45534175696500000
26Undying Alchemist1,325361.53417561,608020000
26Stinking Undying1,325451.2453417561,04500000
26Stinking Undying1,325451.2453417561,04500000
26Undying Grappler1,325451.2453417561,04500000
26Soulless Watcher1,325551.0053417561,1262050000

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