The Lower Prison

The Lower Prison
Id: 1_1_7_1
Act: 1
Area Level: 8
Boss Fights: Chatters
The air is rich with despair and apparition.
The Lower Prison Attr /13
NameShow Full Descriptions
Monster Level8
NotesThe air is rich with despair and apparition.
Connected AreaThe Climb, The Upper Prison
Vaal AreaForgotten Oubliette
Tagsprison, indoors_area, act_boss_area, no_tempests, prison_area, summoner_area
Card TagsThe Summoner
The Chains that Bind
The Warden
The Penitent
The Dungeon Master
(Old) Divination CardThe Summoner
The Warden
  • Nessa Brutus: The tale of Brutus was a popular one in the schools of Theopolis, taught in the hopes of deterring students from ambitions not condoned by the Templar.

    Brutus was Warden of Axiom Prison and one of the most feared men in the Eternal Empire. But there the histories end... and the myth begins, with Brutus commissioning a witch to transform him, in a mad attempt at immortality. A moment of hubris that didn't end well... for anyone.

    If it's true then Brutus has my pity. Some of us pay too dearly for our mistakes.

    Yet if you insist on learning from your own mistakes then please, take one of these. You might need it.
  • Tarkleigh Brutus: There's a fine line between man and monster. Brutus, the Warden of Axiom Prison... he crossed that line long ago. A big lad, and as you know from Hillock, big lads are slow. Hit and run, that's the way to cut them down to size. Unless there's thaumaturgy involved. Then forget the 'hitting' bit. Just run.
  • Loading
    LevelNameExperienceDamageAttack TimeLifeArmourEvasionEnergy Shield
    8Brittle Poacher136121.29608423200000
    8Brittle Thief113101.6055610521100000
    8Rotting Damned102182.4678421100000
    8Rotting Damned102182.4678421100000
    8Rotting Damned102182.4678421100000
    8Cell Crawler113131.2628424300000

    The Lower Prison

    The Lower Prison
    Id: 2_6_7_1
    Act: 6
    Area Level: 47
    Echoes of the past bring new life to an old experiment.
    The Lower Prison Attr /11
    NameShow Full Descriptions
    Monster Level47
    NotesEchoes of the past bring new life to an old experiment.
    Connected AreaThe Ridge, Shavronne's Tower
    Vaal AreaForgotten Oubliette
    Tagsprison, indoors_area, act_boss_area, no_tempests, prison_area, summoner_area
    Card TagsThe Summoner
    The Chains that Bind
    The Warden
    The Penitent
    The Dungeon Master
    (Old) Divination CardThe Summoner
    The Warden
    Crafting Bench /3
    +(10–12)% to Fire and Cold Resistances6x Orb of TransmutationOne Hand Melee · Two Hand Melee · One Hand Ranged · Two Hand Ranged · Body Armour · Gloves · Boots · Helmet · Shield · Ring · Amulet · Belt · QuiverLabyrinth Trial in The Lower Prison
    +(10–12)% to Cold and Lightning Resistances6x Orb of TransmutationOne Hand Melee · Two Hand Melee · One Hand Ranged · Two Hand Ranged · Body Armour · Gloves · Boots · Helmet · Shield · Ring · Amulet · Belt · QuiverLabyrinth Trial in The Lower Prison
    +(10–12)% to Fire and Lightning Resistances6x Orb of TransmutationOne Hand Melee · Two Hand Melee · One Hand Ranged · Two Hand Ranged · Body Armour · Gloves · Boots · Helmet · Shield · Ring · Amulet · Belt · QuiverLabyrinth Trial in The Lower Prison
    LevelNameExperienceDamageAttack TimeLifeArmourEvasionEnergy Shield
    47Ash Prophet40,0461910.783972,9985,1632,1501,57500450
    47Brittle Poacher5,8251491.291,5125,1632,365000200
    47Brittle Arsonist5,825751.6051,3236,4542,1501,57520000
    47Flame Guardian5,8251791.6051,7016,4542,15078820000
    47Rotting Damned4,3692242.41,7015,1632,150002000
    47Rotting Damned4,3692242.41,7015,1632,150002000
    47Rotting Damned4,3692242.41,7015,1632,150002000
    47Rattling Condemned10,6791871.7556,9309,0352,150000200

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