The Imperial Gardens

The Imperial Gardens
Id: 1_3_15
Act: 3
Area Level: 30
map can have underlevelled blight [1]
Nature outgrows the designs of Man.
The Imperial Gardens Attr /12
NameShow Full Descriptions
NotesNature outgrows the designs of Man.
ConnectedThe Ebony Barracks, The Library, The Sceptre of God
Vaal AreaInner Grounds
The Conqueror Wurm
Tagsgardens, area_with_water, einharspiker, einharkiweth, garden_area, has_road_area, military_area
Modsmap can have underlevelled blight [1]
Card TagsThe Porcupine
Emperor's Luck
Merciless Armament
Rain Tempter
The Carrion Crow
The Warlord
The Road to Power
The Patient
Peaceful Moments
The Easy Stroll
The Fox in the Brambles
A Mother's Parting Gift
source tower connection library connection maze connection connection connection connection waypoint2 connection connection connection sidegarden labyrinth_intro connection 100
maze library entrance3 tower connection connection connection waypoint connection connection2 connection2 connection labyrinth_intro connection connection sidegarden sidegarden 100
maze5 connection connection connection library waypoint3 connection tower connection connection connection sidegarden labyrinth_intro 100
source library entrance3 tower connection connection connection waypoint4 connection2 connection connection3 connection connection connection maze connection connection connection connection connection sidegarden labyrinth_intro 100
connection source connection2 maze connection library connection tower connection connection3 labyrinth_intro connection connection connection waypoint5 connection connection connection3 connection connection connection sidegarden sidegarden 100
maze7 connection2 connection library tower connection connection3 labyrinth_intro connection connection connection waypoint5 connection connection connection3 connection connection connection connection sidegarden4 100
source connection2 library connection tower connection connection2 connection3 labyrinth_intro connection connection waypoint2 connection connection connection3 maze connection connection connection connection connection sidegarden4 100
Crafting Bench /1
+(6–9) to all Attributes3x Orb of ChanceOne Hand Melee · Two Hand Melee · One Hand Ranged · Two Hand Ranged · Body Armour · Gloves · Boots · Helmet · Shield · Ring · Amulet · QuiverLabyrinth Trial in The Imperial Gardens
LevelNameExperienceDamageAttack TimeLifeArmourEvasionEnergy Shield
30The Conqueror Wurm17,9391151.00516,7431,12002500
30Barrow Ape1,178361.0053641,1200000
30Hulking Titan2,7181191.171,2611,6800000
30Glade Mamba2,265471.0954391,1200000
30Avian Retch2,537781.113601,1203600000
30Porcupine Goliath1,812471.055141,4000000
30Pale Blackguard1,6311112.46301,6800000

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