Become the Darkness
Act -1
The Breaker of Oaths has tasked you with finding and disrupting the King in the Mists while he is in the process of creating a Ritual altar.
1Find and disrupt an active Ritual
The Breaker of Oaths has tasked you with finding and disrupting the King in the Mists while he is in the process of creating a Ritual altar.
  • Find and disrupt the King in the Mists while he is in the process of creating a Ritual altar
  • NPC:
  • The Breaker of Oaths War for the Wildwood: You are ready, my apprentice. We must make our greatest move yet. Find the King in the Mists himself, and engage him directly. You must defeat his physical form in combat, however you see fit. It will not slay him utterly, but it will banish him for a time... and that will give me an opportunity to begin tapping into the flow of devotion from his altars. Go, complete this final task, and then I will make you a full Warlock.
  • The Breaker of Oaths Culling the Cultists: Your first task shall be a simple culling. The King in the Mists has created a religion to ensnare travelers through the Wildwood. These unwitting travelers have become his fanatical followers, and their faith fuels his plans. Diminish that fuel by eliminating his cultists. Return to me when the bloody work is done, and we shall see about your schooling.
  • The Breaker of Oaths Become the Darkness: It is time to expand our campaign against the King in the Mists. Key to his plans are countless ritualistic altars that he has built throughout the forest. These altars are nails hammered through three layers of meaning: your world, the Wildwood, and the void of the Nameless. It is time we bent one of those nails.

    I task you with finding the King in the Mists during one of his rituals. Cause as much havoc as you can. A ritual disrupted may cause far more damage than meets the eye... return to me after you enact mayhem, and I will teach you further.
  • The Breaker of Oaths Formal Greeting: You have impressed me beyond measure, and, perhaps, surpassed me in some ways. I think I can trust you with my True Name. I am called Dromion Ley, and it has been a pleasure teaching you.
  • The Breaker of Oaths War for the Wildwood Complete: The nectar of victory is utterly sweet, and so is the drink of devotion I am now sapping from his altars. Together, we have taken the first steps toward harnessing the Wildwood's curse for our own ends. There are no more lessons, just a sip of raw faith... yes, drink it down, savour the taste... that is the lifeblood of living souls, Sacred humors made manifest, given willingly by fools... delicious, yes? Now, you have truly become a Warlock of the Mists.
  • The Breaker of Oaths Culling the Cultists Complete: Ah, I see you have attuned yourself with Wild energies by trafficking in death, exactly as I intended. You are ready to learn more.
  • The Breaker of Oaths Become the Darkness Complete: Just as I predicted: when you disrupted that ritual, the energies involved burned back onto existing altars, severing his connection to several of them, and leaving them free for a new master. Yes, yes... this is a fruitful tactic... it is time I taught you darker secrets...
  • The Breaker of Oaths Return Later: You are not ready for the darker secrets of our craft. Go, learn what you can, and return to me when you are ready. Only then will I teach you further.
  • The Breaker of Oaths Return Later: You are not ready for the darker secrets of our craft. Go, learn what you can, and return to me when you are ready. Only then will I teach you further.
  • 2Return to the Breaker of Oaths
    You have interrupted the creation of a Ritual. Return to the Breaker of Oaths for further training.
  • Return to the Breaker of Oaths
  • NPC:
  • The Breaker of Oaths War for the Wildwood: You are ready, my apprentice. We must make our greatest move yet. Find the King in the Mists himself, and engage him directly. You must defeat his physical form in combat, however you see fit. It will not slay him utterly, but it will banish him for a time... and that will give me an opportunity to begin tapping into the flow of devotion from his altars. Go, complete this final task, and then I will make you a full Warlock.
  • The Breaker of Oaths Become the Darkness Complete: Just as I predicted: when you disrupted that ritual, the energies involved burned back onto existing altars, severing his connection to several of them, and leaving them free for a new master. Yes, yes... this is a fruitful tactic... it is time I taught you darker secrets...
  • The Breaker of Oaths Return Later: You are not ready for the darker secrets of our craft. Go, learn what you can, and return to me when you are ready. Only then will I teach you further.
  • 3Quest Complete
    Quest Complete - You have disrupted the creation of a Ritual altar, and the Breaker of Oaths has trained you further in his Wildwood Specialisation.

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