Harvest - Complete Harvest Encounters III /15
Complete each of the following Encounters.
NameShow Full Descriptions
Wild Ursaling SeedDropBearT1Red
Wild Hellion SeedHellionT1Red
Wild Thornwolf SeedWolfT1Red
Wild Ape SeedMonkeyT1Red
Wild Hatchling SeedInsectT1Red
Vivid Arachnid SeedMeleeSpiderT1Green
Vivid Weta SeedWetaT1Green
Vivid Leech SeedParasiteT1Green
Vivid Scorpion SeedScorpionT1Green
Vivid Thornweaver SeedThornSpiderT1Green
Primal Rhoa SeedRhoaT1Blue
Primal Dustspitter SeedSandspitterT1Blue
Primal Feasting Horror SeedRegurgitatorT1Blue
Primal Maw SeedFrogT1Blue
Primal Cleaveling SeedAntT1Blue

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