Contract: Isla's Prototypes
Quest Item
Client: Isla
Heist Target: Pile of Inexplicable Junk
Area Level: 46
Requires Trap Disarmament (Level 1)
Requires Isla, the Engineer
My inventions, my babies, deserve to be in better hands!
Contract: Isla's Prototypes HeistContractQuestIsla1 /7
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DropLevel 46
BaseType Contract: Isla's Prototypes
Class Quest Items
ReferenceCommunity Wiki
Contract: Isla's Prototypes
1Talk to Isla
  • Talk to Isla in the Rogue Harbour
  • NPC:
  • Isla, the Engineer Isla's Prototypes: {You} want to work with {me}? I didn't realize we were that close. This is fantastic! I'll need a partner to retrieve my early prototypes from the hands of the Templars. I made a series of precursor contraptions before I was exiled that would have led to some of my greatest achievements. If you can imagine it, my inventions could have done it... eventually.

    I didn't realise who I was working for until it was too late. They seized my prototypes and exiled me for the damage I caused in the process of building them. What's a few implosions in the pursuit of progress? Or maybe it was the sea tide of acid... or the glowing rock that made people sick... oh, yes.

    Care to help me steal those prototypes back?
  • 2Initiate the Contract
  • Talk to Adiyah to initiate the Contract
  • 3Enter Adiyah's Portal
  • Enter Adiyah's Portal
  • 4Break into the Facility
  • Break into the Facility
  • 5Steal the Pile of Inexplicable Junk
  • Steal the Pile of Inexplicable Junk
  • 6Steal the Pile of Inexplicable Junk Before Lockdown
  • Steal the Pile of Inexplicable Junk Before Lockdown
  • 7Contract Failed
  • Contract Failed Return to the Rogue Harbour and await a new Contract
  • 8Take the Pile of Inexplicable Junk and Escape
  • Take the Pile of Inexplicable Junk and Escape
  • 9Escape the Facility
  • Escape with the Pile of Inexplicable Junk
  • NPC:
  • Isla, the Engineer Isla's Prototypes: My inventions! My babies! I missed them so much. I would never have found the proper materials to recreate them here on Wraeclast, not with all the horrific creatures roaming about. Thank you, Exile!
  • 10Talk to Isla
  • Talk to Isla
  • 11

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