Contract: Karst's Revenge
Quest Item
Portal: Mansion
Client: Karst
Heist Target: "The Kiss Goodnight"
Area Level: 55
Requires Lockpicking (Level 1)
Requires Karst, the Lockpick
"Traitorous scum took the life I could've had.
I ain't usually the forgiving type,
but I feel in this case that I owe him a little gift."
Contract: Karst's Revenge HeistContractQuestKarst2 /7
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DropLevel 55
BaseType Contract: Karst's Revenge
Class Quest Items
ReferenceCommunity Wiki
Contract: Karst's Revenge
1Talk to Karst
  • Talk to Karst in the Rogue Harbour
  • NPC:
  • Karst, the Lockpick Karst's Revenge: Been good having my old picks back. Real good. Just not good enough. It's like there's a lock inside me, and not even my beautiful antique picks can open it. But I been thinkin' about it long and hard, and I reckon I know what might.


    One of me old crew recently got out of the game. Livin' a life of luxury now while everyone around him is suffering and strugglin' just to survive. That should've been my life, but he took it from me when he took my picks. I want to send him, and the rest of my old crew, a message. So, rather than take something, we're going to leave something. Something that'll put the fear of Sin into the lot of 'em.
  • 2
  • Take the Poison from Karst
  • 3Initiate the Contract
  • Talk to Adiyah to initiate the Contract
  • 4Enter Adiyah's Portal
  • Enter Adiyah's Portal
  • 5Break into the Facility
  • Break into the Facility
  • 6Poison the Treasure
  • Plant the Poison
  • 7Poison the Treasure before Lockdown
  • Plant the Poison before Lockdown
  • 8Contract Failed
  • Contract Failed Return to the Rogue Harbour and await a new Contract
  • 9Escape the Facility
  • Escape the Facility Talk to Karst
  • 10Talk to Karst
  • Talk to Karst
  • 11

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