Contract: Stolen Lockpicks
Quest Item
Client: Karst
Heist Target: Karst's Lockpicks
Area Level: 48
Requires Lockpicking (Level 1)
Requires Karst, the Lockpick
"They were me granddaddy's.
Could break into any house as quick and silent as a Cardinal's fart."
Contract: Stolen Lockpicks HeistContractQuestKarst1 /7
Show Full Descriptions
DropLevel 48
BaseType Contract: Stolen Lockpicks
Class Quest Items
ReferenceCommunity Wiki
Contract: Stolen Lockpicks
1Talk to Karst
  • Talk to Karst in the Rogue Harbour
  • NPC:
  • Karst, the Lockpick Stolen Lockpicks: Got my contract, do ya? Ran with some low-life criminal scum in the back alleys of Oriath in my younger days. Real good blokes. Loyal to the last, or so I thought. Right before I was exiled, they beat me half to death and took off with my finest lock picks. If I'd had 'em when the Law came for me, I probably wouldn't be here, so in a sense, I 'spose I should be thankful, eh?

    Well I'm not. I want those picks back, and I spent a lot of markers to find out where they went. Now I know, and you're gonna help me get 'em.
  • 2Initiate the Contract
  • Talk to Adiyah to initiate the Contract
  • 3Enter Adiyah's Portal
  • Enter Adiyah's Portal
  • 4Break into the Facility
  • Break into the Facility
  • 5Steal the Lockpicks
  • Steal back Karst's Lockpicks
  • 6Steal the Lockpicks Before Lockdown
  • Steal back Karst's Lockpicks before Lockdown
  • 7Contract Failed
  • Contract Failed Return to the Rogue Harbour and await a new Contract
  • 8Take the Lockpicks and Escape
  • Take Karst's Lockpicks and Escape
  • 9Escape the Facility
  • Escape with Karst's Lockpicks
  • NPC:
  • Karst, the Lockpick Stolen Lockpicks: Strange. I thought having these picks back would make me feel whole again, but...

    Well, it's not your problem, rookie. Not yet.
  • 10Talk to Karst
  • Talk to Karst
  • 11

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