Contract: The Nameless Play
Quest Item
Client: Gianna
Heist Target: "The Nameless Play"
Area Level: 68
Requires Deception (Level 2)
Requires Gianna, the Master of Disguise
"I heard the script will send any who attempt to perform it mad,
but other than that, it is very good."
Contract: The Nameless Play HeistContractQuestGianna1 /7
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DropLevel 68
BaseType Contract: The Nameless Play
Class Quest Items
ReferenceCommunity Wiki
Contract: The Nameless Play
1Talk to Gianna
  • Talk to Gianna in the Rogue Harbour
  • NPC:
  • Gianna, the Master of Disguise The Nameless Play: Just my luck! Of course you are put on my contract. Do you even know anything about the theatre? The cursed play? The one no performer should ever name, lest they end up consumed by the phantom that haunts it?

    It's said that the play's author wrote it while high as an eagle on ergot. He didn't know, of course, and died upon penning the final word.

    The play, whose name I shall not utter, is about a beautiful young lady who finds herself swept into a world beneath the sands of the Vastiri, where the dead have built a city of bones. She marries a statue, becomes the queen of this city, and then her skin peels off and a hundred little versions of her spill out. Completely nutty.

    It's locked up with the rest of the works deemed distasteful by the Templar, and I simply must have it.
  • 2Initiate the Contract
  • Talk to Adiyah to initiate the Contract
  • 3Enter Adiyah's Portal
  • Enter Adiyah's Portal
  • 4Break into the Facility
  • Break into the Facility
  • 5Steal the Nameless Play Script
  • Steal the Nameless Play Script
  • 6Steal the Nameless Play Script Before Lockdown
  • Steal the Nameless Play Script before Lockdown
  • 7Contract Failed
  • Contract Failed Return to the Rogue Harbour and await a new Contract
  • 8Take the Nameless Play Script and Escape
  • Take the Nameless Play Script and Escape
  • 9Escape the Facility
  • Escape with the Nameless Play Script
  • NPC:
  • Gianna, the Master of Disguise The Nameless Play: {Marilla turns to her beloved's unmoving face and speaks the blessed words:

    Marilla: Two into one, one into many, to churn the world beneath the crashing dunes.

    Marilla's body shatters like porcelain, each fragment becoming Marilla. Each new Marilla shatters again, and again, each fragment becomes whole. The stage is flooded by Marilla. All is Marilla. The statue rises and exits stage right.


    Wow. I mean... wow. That was something! Right? That... that was something, right?

    I think I might just stick to the unbanned works for a little while, actually. Thanks, though.
  • 10Talk to Gianna
  • Talk to Gianna
  • 11

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