Sentinel - Defeat Empowered Map Bosses /8
Defeat 5 of the following 8 Map Bosses in Rare 8-mod Tier 16 Maps while they are Empowered by Unique Sentinels.
NameShow Full Descriptions
Defeat Suncaller Asha in Park Map while they are Empowered by The Angel of VengeanceKillSuncallerAshaIn8ModT16MapWhileEmpoweredByUniqueSentinel
Defeat Maligaro the Mutilator in Overgrown Shrine Map while they are Empowered by The EpiphanyKillMaligaroTheMutilatorIn8ModT16MapWhileEmpoweredByUniqueSentinel
Defeat Amalgam of Nightmares in Carcass Map while they are Empowered by The Twisted TrinityKillAmalgamOfNightmaresIn8ModT16MapWhileEmpoweredByUniqueSentinel
Defeat Stone of the Currents in Wharf Map while they are Empowered by The Unbridled Tempest KillStoneOfTheCurrentsIn8ModT16MapWhileEmpoweredByUniqueSentinel
Defeat Shavronne the Sickening in Cells Map while they are Empowered by The NarcissistKillShavronneTheSickeningIn8ModT16MapWhileEmpoweredByUniqueSentinel
Defeat Portentia, the Foul in Waste Pool Map while they are Empowered by The DepravedKillDoedreTheDefilerIn8ModT16MapWhileEmpoweredByUniqueSentinel
Defeat Fire and Fury in Lava Chamber Map while they are Empowered by The Raging InfernoKillFireAndFuryIn8ModT16MapWhileEmpoweredByUniqueSentinel
Defeat The Restless Shade in Grave Trough Map while they are Empowered by InsomniaKillTheRestlessShadeIn8ModT16MapWhileEmpoweredByUniqueSentinel

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