Heist - Defeat Heist Bosses Conditionally /3
Complete each of the following Encounters.
Name | Show Full Descriptions |
Defeat Admiral Darnaw without being hit by Ocean's Wave | KillAdmiralDarnawWithoutBeingHitByOceansWave |
Defeat The Unbreakable without being affected by Magnetic Storm | KillUnbreakableMk1WithoutBeingAffectedByMagneticStorm |
Defeat Nashta, The Usurper while affected by Emberstorm and without detonating any Volatile Emberstorms | KillNashtaTheUsurperWithoutDetonatingVolatileEmberstormsAndWhileAffectedByEmberstorm KillNashtaTheUsurperWithoutDetonatingVolatileEmberstorms |
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