Expedition - Defeat Vorana Conditionally /4
Complete each of the following encounters.
NameShow Full Descriptions
Defeat Vorana, Last to Fall while affected by The Black Reaping.KillVoranaWhileAffectedByTheBlackReaping
Defeat Vorana, Last to Fall without any player causing any Orbiting Stars to collapse.KillVoranaWithoutCausingAnyOrbitingStarsToCollapse
Defeat Vorana, Last to Fall after causing at least 25 Orbiting Stars to collapse.KillVoranaAfterCausingAtLeast25OrbitingStarsToCollapse
Defeat Vorana, Last to Fall without any player being hit by any collapsing Orbiting Stars or their projectiles.KillVoranaWithoutBeingHitByCollapsingOrbitingStarsOrTheirProjectiles

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