Kingsmarch Shipping
Act: 1
Reward: Gold
Speak to Tujen about setting up a shipping industry.
1Speak to Tujen
Speak to Tujen about setting up a shipping industry.
  • Speak to Tujen about Shipping
  • 2Establish Shipping
    Build the docks in Kingsmarch by interacting with the hammer icon near Tujen.
  • Establish Shipping near Tujen by investing Gold
  • 3Send a Shipment
    Dispatch a Ship to carry cargo from Kingsmarch to another port.
  • Send a Shipment
  • 4Collect Shipment Rewards
    Collect the rewards of a shipment in Kingsmarch.
  • Collect the Rewards of a Shipment in Kingsmarch
  • 5Speak to Johan
    Return to Johan, the King's Hand, and speak to him for a reward.
  • Speak to Johan for a reward
  • 6Quest Complete
    Quest Complete - You have invested in Shipping and begun trading with other ports. Johan has given you a reward.