No Love for Old Ghosts
Act 10
Reward: Book of Regrets, 2 Passive Respec Points
Weylam has asked you to search the Ossuary for the Elixir of Allure that once belonged to Queen Atziri.
1Find the Elixir of Allure
Weylam has asked you to search the Ossuary for the Elixir of Allure that once belonged to Queen Atziri.
  • Find the Elixir of Allure in the Ossuary

  • Area: The Ossuary
    2Find the Elixir of Allure
    Weylam has asked you to search the Ossuary for the Elixir of Allure that once belonged to Queen Atziri.
  • Find the Elixir of Allure

  • Area: The Ossuary
    3Deliver the Elixir of Allure to Weylam
    You have found Atziri's Elixir of Allure. Deliver it to Weylam at the docks for a reward.
  • Deliver the Elixir of Allure to Weylam

  • Area: Oriath Docks
  • Weylam Roth Elixir of Allure: Yer found it! Bless yer boots exile! Me lady problems will be over at last! Let's give her a go then...

    Hmm, hmmmm... I feel nothing... Blast it all to the ocean depths! Ruined! All them years sitting 'round in that damned Ossuary, the love magic's fizzled right outta the damn thing.

    Ah well... can't blame a man fer trying. Anyway, here's a little something for yer effort...
  • 4
    You have delivered Atziri's Elixir of Allure to Weylam. Talk to him for a reward.
  • Talk to Weylam for your reward

  • Area: Oriath Docks
  • Weylam Roth Elixir of Allure: Yer found it! Bless yer boots exile! Me lady problems will be over at last! Let's give her a go then...

    Hmm, hmmmm... I feel nothing... Blast it all to the ocean depths! Ruined! All them years sitting 'round in that damned Ossuary, the love magic's fizzled right outta the damn thing.

    Ah well... can't blame a man fer trying. Anyway, here's a little something for yer effort...
  • 5
    You have delivered Atziri's Elixir of Allure to Weylam. He has rewarded you with a Book of Skill. Use it to gain {0}.
    6Quest Complete
    You have delivered Atziri's Elixir of Allure to Weylam. He has rewarded you with {0}.

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