Ancestor - Revered Revenge Retold /5
Defeat any three of the following Unique Map Bosses in the specified ways in Tier 16 Maps with at least 80% Item Quantity.
NameShow Full Descriptions
Armala, the Widow in Sunken City map without being hit by Laser BarrageDefeatArmalaWithoutLaserBarrageHit
Kitava, the Destroyer in Lava Lake map without being hit by Fire BreathDefeatMapKitavaWithoutBreathHit
Amalgam of Nightmares in Carcass map without being hit by Storm CallDefeatAmalgamWithoutStormcallHit
Ara, Sister of Light or Khor, Sister of Shadows in Cold River map without being hit by Sky Beam or GlaivesDefeatSolarisLunarisWithoutHits
Nassar, Lion of the Seas in Reef map without being hit by Storm CallDefeatNassarWithoutStormcallHit

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