Sanctified Relics Item /3
Sanctified Relic
Sanctified Relic
Sanctified Relic
Sanctified Relic Mods /201
1CorruptedMinion Instability damage elemental fire minion default 100
1CorruptedResolute Technique attack critical default 100
1CorruptedBlood Magic resource life mana default 100
1CorruptedPain Attunement damage caster default 100
1CorruptedElemental Equilibrium damage elemental default 100
1CorruptedIron Grip damage attack default 100
1CorruptedPoint Blank damage attack default 100
1CorruptedAcrobatics default 100
1CorruptedGhost Reaver resource life defences default 100
1CorruptedVaal Pact resource life default 100
1CorruptedElemental Overload damage elemental critical default 100
1CorruptedAvatar of Fire damage elemental fire default 100
1CorruptedEldritch Battery defences default 100
1CorruptedAncestral Bond damage default 100
1CorruptedCrimson Dance bleed damage physical attack ailment default 100
1CorruptedPerfect Agony damage critical ailment default 100
1CorruptedRunebinder caster default 100
1CorruptedGlancing Blows default 100
1CorruptedCall to Arms default 100
1CorruptedThe Agnostic resource life mana defences default 100
1CorruptedSupreme Ego resource mana aura default 100
1CorruptedThe Impaler damage physical default 100
1CorruptedHex Master curse default 100
1CorruptedLethe Shade ailment default 100
1CorruptedGhost Dance defences default 100
1CorruptedVersatile Combatant default 100
1CorruptedMagebane default 100
1CorruptedSolipsism ailment default 100
1CorruptedDivine Shield defences default 100
1CorruptedIron Will caster default 100
1CorruptedWicked Ward defences default 100
1CorruptedWind Dancer defences default 100
1CorruptedConduit default 100
1CorruptedArrow Dancing defences default 100
1CorruptedPrecise Technique default 100
1CorruptedIron Reflexes defences default 100
1CorruptedUnwavering Stance defences default 100
1CorruptedImbalanced Guard defences default 100
1CorruptedEternal Youth resource life defences default 100
1CorruptedMind Over Matter resource life mana default 100
1CorruptedZealot's Oath resource life defences default 100
of Bladedancing75Suffix(10–15)% increased Attack Speed attack speed dex_special_relic 1000
default 250
of Precision75Suffix(30–40)% increased Critical Strike Chance for Attacks attack critical dex_special_relic 1000
default 250
Tempered75PrefixAdds (5–7) to (11–12) Physical Damage to Attacks damage physical attack str_special_relic 1000
default 250
Blazing75PrefixAdds (9–12) to (19–22) Fire Damage to Attacks damage elemental fire attack str_special_relic 1000
default 250
Hyperboreal75PrefixAdds (8–11) to (17–19) Cold Damage to Attacks damage elemental cold attack dex_special_relic 1000
default 250
Electrocuting75PrefixAdds (2–4) to (32–35) Lightning Damage to Attacks damage elemental lightning attack dex_special_relic 1000
default 250
Malicious75PrefixAdds (7–9) to (14–17) Chaos Damage to Attacks damage chaos attack dex_special_relic 1000
default 250
of Blazing75Suffix+(15–20)% to Fire Damage over Time Multiplier damage elemental fire str_special_relic 600
default 150
of Chilling75Suffix+(15–20)% to Cold Damage over Time Multiplier damage elemental cold int_special_relic 600
default 150
of Lacerating75Suffix+(15–20)% to Physical Damage over Time Multiplier damage physical str_special_relic 600
default 150
of Entropy75Suffix+(15–20)% to Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier damage chaos int_special_relic 600
default 150
Incendiary75PrefixIgnites you inflict spread to other Enemies within 1.6 metres elemental fire ailment str_special_relic 200
default 50
Wintry75PrefixFreezes you inflict spread to other Enemies within 1.6 metres dex_special_relic 200
default 50
Conducting75PrefixShocks you inflict spread to other Enemies within 1.6 metres elemental lightning ailment int_special_relic 200
default 50
of the Pugilist75Suffix(15–20)% reduced Enemy Stun Threshold str_special_relic 1000
default 250
Leader's75PrefixMinions deal (20–30)% increased Damage damage minion int_special_relic 600
default 150
of Sabotage75Suffix(10–15)% increased Trap Throwing Speed speed dex_special_relic 600
default 150
of Planning75Suffix(10–15)% increased Mine Throwing Speed speed dex_special_relic 600
default 150
Extinguishing75Prefix(30–35)% chance to Extinguish Enemies on Hit str_special_relic 200
default 50
of Warmth75Suffix+(2–3)% to maximum Cold Resistance elemental cold resistance dex_special_relic 600
default 150
Savage75Prefix(6–8)% increased Damage per Frenzy Charge damage dex_special_relic 600
default 150
Ancestral82PrefixNon-Vaal Strike Skills target (1–2) additional nearby Enemy attack str_special_relic 200
default 50
Enraging82PrefixGain 1 Rage on Hit with Attacks str_special_relic 200
default 50
of Intimidation75Suffix(30–35)% chance to Intimidate Enemies for 4 seconds on Hit str_special_relic 600
default 150
of Unnerving75Suffix(30–35)% chance to Unnerve Enemies for 4 seconds on Hit int_special_relic 600
default 150
of Suppression75Suffix+(6–10)% chance to Suppress Spell Damage dex_special_relic 600
default 150
Well-equipped75Prefix(40–60)% increased Evasion Rating from Equipped Helmet and Boots dex_special_relic 600
default 150
of Dehydration82SuffixInflict Fire Exposure on Hit, applying -15% to Fire Resistance str_special_relic 200
default 50
of Hypothermia82SuffixInflict Cold Exposure on Hit, applying -15% to Cold Resistance dex_special_relic 200
default 50
of Potential82SuffixInflict Lightning Exposure on Hit, applying -15% to Lightning Resistance int_special_relic 200
default 50
of Overwhelming82SuffixHits have (15–20)% chance to ignore Enemy Physical Damage Reduction physical str_special_relic 200
default 50
of Withering82SuffixWithered you Inflict expires (20–25)% slower int_special_relic 200
default 50
Combusting75Prefix(20–30)% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage damage physical elemental fire str_special_relic 200
default 50
Glaciating75Prefix(20–30)% of Physical Damage Converted to Cold Damage damage physical elemental cold dex_special_relic 200
default 50
Electrifying75Prefix(20–30)% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage damage physical elemental lightning int_special_relic 200
default 50
Desanctifying75Prefix(20–30)% of Physical Damage Converted to Chaos Damage damage physical chaos int_special_relic 200
default 50
Summer Preacher's75Prefix(0.3–0.5)% of Fire Damage Leeched as Life str_special_relic 600
default 150
Winter Preacher's75Prefix(0.3–0.5)% of Cold Damage Leeched as Life dex_special_relic 600
default 150
Storm Preacher's75Prefix(0.3–0.5)% of Lightning Damage Leeched as Life int_special_relic 600
default 150
Blood Preacher's75Prefix(0.3–0.5)% of Physical Damage Leeched as Life str_special_relic 600
default 150
Heretic's75Prefix(0.3–0.5)% of Chaos Damage Leeched as Life int_special_relic 600
default 150
of Blinding75Suffix(10–20)% increased Blind Effect dex_special_relic 600
default 150
Colossal75PrefixExerted Attacks deal (30–40)% increased Damage damage attack str_special_relic 600
default 150
of Maiming75SuffixAttacks have (30–35)% chance to Maim on Hit attack str_special_relic 600
default 150
of Arcane Hindrance75Suffix(30–35)% chance to Hinder Enemies on Hit with Spells caster int_special_relic 600
default 150
Aiming75Prefix(15–20)% increased Global Accuracy Rating attack dex_special_relic 1000
default 250
of Marking75Suffix(15–20)% increased Effect of your Marks caster curse dex_special_relic 600
default 150
Zealous75Prefix+(55–70) to Accuracy Rating per Frenzy Charge dex_special_relic 600
default 150
of Piercing75SuffixProjectiles Pierce an additional Target dex_special_relic 600
default 150
of Toxicity75Suffix(20–30)% chance to Poison on Hit poison chaos ailment dex_special_relic 600
default 150
of Bleeding75SuffixAttacks have (20–30)% chance to cause Bleeding bleed physical attack ailment str_special_relic 600
default 150
of Impaling75Suffix(20–30)% chance to Impale Enemies on Hit with Attacks physical attack dex_special_relic 600
default 150
of the Archmage75Suffix(10–15)% increased Cast Speed caster speed int_special_relic 1000
default 250
of the Evocationist75Suffix(30–40)% increased Spell Critical Strike Chance caster critical int_special_relic 1000
default 250
Cremating75PrefixAdds (14–18) to (29–33) Fire Damage to Spells damage elemental fire caster int_special_relic 1000
default 250
Entombing75PrefixAdds (13–16) to (25–30) Cold Damage to Spells damage elemental cold caster int_special_relic 1000
default 250
Electrocuting75PrefixAdds (2–5) to (50–53) Lightning Damage to Spells damage elemental lightning caster int_special_relic 1000
default 250
Crushing75PrefixAdds (11–15) to (23–26) Physical Damage to Spells damage physical caster int_special_relic 1000
default 250
Putrefying75PrefixAdds (10–14) to (21–25) Chaos Damage to Spells damage chaos caster int_special_relic 1000
default 250
Fireborn75Prefix(15–20)% of Fire Damage taken Recouped as Life str_special_relic 600
default 150
Iceborn75Prefix(15–20)% of Cold Damage taken Recouped as Life dex_special_relic 600
default 150
Stormborn75Prefix(15–20)% of Lightning Damage taken Recouped as Life int_special_relic 600
default 150
Bladeborn75Prefix(15–20)% of Physical Damage taken Recouped as Life str_special_relic 600
default 150
Efficient75Prefix(20–25)% reduced Mana Cost of Attacks int_special_relic 600
default 150
of Grounding75Suffix+(2–3)% to maximum Lightning Resistance elemental lightning resistance int_special_relic 600
default 150
Ambitious75Prefix(6–8)% increased Damage per Power Charge damage int_special_relic 600
default 150
Protector's75PrefixMinions have (20–30)% increased maximum Life resource life minion int_special_relic 600
default 150
of Charging75SuffixMinions have (15–25)% increased Movement Speed speed minion int_special_relic 600
default 150
of Expansion75Suffix(15–20)% increased Area of Effect int_special_relic 1000
default 250
Praying75Prefix(20–30)% increased Energy Shield Recharge Rate defences int_special_relic 1000
default 250
Acolyte's75Prefix(40–60)% increased Maximum Energy Shield from Equipped Gloves and Boots int_special_relic 600
default 150
Searing75PrefixDamage Penetrates (5–8)% Fire Resistance damage elemental fire str_special_relic 600
default 150
Biting75PrefixDamage Penetrates (5–8)% Cold Resistance damage elemental cold dex_special_relic 600
default 150
Coursing75PrefixDamage Penetrates (5–8)% Lightning Resistance damage elemental lightning int_special_relic 600
default 150
of Prolonged Suffering75Suffix(20–30)% increased Duration of Ailments on Enemies ailment dex_special_relic 600
default 150
of Punishment75Suffix(20–30)% increased Effect of Non-Damaging Ailments ailment dex_special_relic 600
default 150
of Efficiency82Suffix(8–12)% increased Mana Reservation Efficiency of Skills resource mana int_special_relic 200
default 50
of Ignition75Suffix(20–30)% chance to Ignite elemental fire ailment str_special_relic 600
default 150
of Freezing75Suffix(20–30)% chance to Freeze elemental cold ailment dex_special_relic 600
default 150
of Shocking75Suffix(20–30)% chance to Shock elemental lightning ailment int_special_relic 600
default 150
of Dousing75Suffix(40–50)% reduced Ignite Duration on you elemental fire ailment str_special_relic 600
default 150
of Melting75Suffix(40–50)% reduced Freeze Duration on you elemental cold ailment dex_special_relic 600
default 150
of Insulation75Suffix(40–50)% reduced Effect of Shock on you elemental lightning ailment int_special_relic 600
default 150
of Focus75Suffix(30–40)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate resource mana int_special_relic 1000
default 250
Festering75PrefixEnemies you've Hit Recently have (70–80)% reduced Life Regeneration rate int_special_relic 600
default 150
of Concentration75Suffix(6–8)% increased Mana Regeneration Rate per Power Charge resource mana int_special_relic 600
default 150
Crusading75Prefix30% increased Attack Damage damage attack str_special_relic 1000
default 250
Preaching75Prefix30% increased Spell Damage damage caster int_special_relic 1000
default 250
Inspiring75Prefix(10–15)% increased Effect of Arcane Surge on you int_special_relic 600
default 150
Quickening75Prefix(8–12)% increased Movement Speed speed dex_special_relic 1000
default 250
of the Pyre75Suffix+(20–30)% to Fire Resistance elemental fire resistance str_special_relic 1000
default 250
of Vestments75Suffix+(20–30)% to Cold Resistance elemental cold resistance dex_special_relic 1000
default 250
of the Storm75Suffix+(20–30)% to Lightning Resistance elemental lightning resistance int_special_relic 1000
default 250
of Purity75Suffix+(10–20)% to Chaos Resistance chaos resistance int_special_relic 1000
default 250
Determined75Prefix(6–8)% increased Damage per Endurance Charge damage str_special_relic 600
default 150
of the Forge75Suffix+(2–3)% to maximum Fire Resistance elemental fire resistance str_special_relic 600
default 150
of the Descry75Suffix(10–20)% increased Totem Placement speed speed int_special_relic 600
default 150
of Accusation75Suffix(10–20)% increased Brand Attachment range caster int_special_relic 600
default 150
of the Blameless75Suffix(40–50)% chance to Avoid being Ignited elemental fire ailment str_special_relic 600
default 150
of the Guiltless75Suffix(40–50)% chance to Avoid being Frozen elemental cold ailment dex_special_relic 600
default 150
of the Faultless75Suffix(40–50)% chance to Avoid being Shocked elemental lightning ailment int_special_relic 600
default 150
of Righteousness75Suffix(25–35)% chance to Avoid being Stunned dex_special_relic 600
default 150
Assailant's75Prefix(10–15)% increased Effect of Onslaught on you dex_special_relic 600
default 150
Rejuvenating75Prefix(8–12)% increased Life Regeneration rate resource life str_special_relic 600
default 150
Armoured75Prefix(40–60)% increased Armour from Equipped Helmet and Gloves str_special_relic 600
default 150
Witch-burning75PrefixIgnites you inflict deal Damage (7–10)% faster damage elemental fire ailment str_special_relic 200
default 50
Heretical75PrefixPoisons you inflict deal Damage (7–10)% faster poison damage chaos ailment dex_special_relic 200
default 50
Bloodletting75PrefixBleeding you inflict deals Damage (7–10)% faster bleed damage physical attack ailment str_special_relic 200
default 50
Infernal75PrefixGain (5–8)% of Physical Damage as Extra Fire Damage damage physical elemental fire str_special_relic 600
default 150
Benumbing75PrefixGain (5–8)% of Physical Damage as Extra Cold Damage damage physical elemental cold dex_special_relic 600
default 150
Excoriating75PrefixGain (5–8)% of Physical Damage as Extra Lightning Damage damage physical elemental lightning int_special_relic 600
default 150
Putrescent75PrefixGain (5–8)% of Physical Damage as Extra Chaos Damage damage physical chaos int_special_relic 600
default 150
Steadfast75PrefixRegenerate 0.3% of Life per second per Endurance Charge resource life str_special_relic 600
default 150
of Guarding75Suffix(25–35)% increased Stun Threshold str_special_relic 1000
default 250
of Marching75Suffix(20–30)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate of Travel Skills dex_special_relic 600
default 150
of Rallying75Suffix(20–30)% increased Warcry Speed speed str_special_relic 600
default 150
of the Untouchable75Suffix(20–30)% chance to Avoid Elemental Ailments elemental fire cold lightning ailment dex_special_relic 600
default 150
of Staunching75Suffix(40–50)% chance to Avoid Bleeding bleed physical attack ailment str_special_relic 600
default 150
of Constitution75Suffix(40–50)% chance to Avoid being Poisoned poison chaos ailment dex_special_relic 600
default 150
of Alacrity82Suffix(8–12)% increased Cooldown Recovery Rate dex_special_relic 200
default 50
Intangible82Prefix(10–15)% increased Elusive Effect dex_special_relic 200
default 50
of the Word75Suffix+(20–30)% to Critical Strike Multiplier for Spell Damage int_special_relic 1000
default 250
of Destruction75Suffix+(20–30)% to Critical Strike Multiplier for Attack Damage str_special_relic 1000
default 250
Pyroclastic75Prefix(20–30)% increased Fire Damage damage elemental fire str_special_relic 1000
default 250
Crystalline75Prefix(20–30)% increased Cold Damage damage elemental cold dex_special_relic 1000
default 250
Ionising75Prefix(20–30)% increased Lightning Damage damage elemental lightning int_special_relic 1000
default 250
Unholy75Prefix(20–30)% increased Chaos Damage damage chaos int_special_relic 1000
default 250
Tyrant's75Prefix(20–30)% increased Global Physical Damage damage physical str_special_relic 1000
default 250
of Rational Faith75Suffix(4–6)% of Damage is taken from Mana before Life resource life mana int_special_relic 200
default 50
Hallowed82Prefix(25–35)% increased Effect of Buffs granted by your Golems int_special_relic 200
default 50
Empowering82Prefix(10–15)% increased effect of Non-Curse Auras from your Skills aura str_special_relic 200
default 50
Excommunicating82Prefix(5–10)% increased Effect of your Curses caster curse int_special_relic 200
default 50
Sacrificial82Prefix(15–25)% increased effect of Offerings int_special_relic 200
default 50
Inspiring82Prefix(20–30)% increased Warcry Buff Effect str_special_relic 200
default 50
Sacramental82PrefixFlasks applied to you have (5–10)% increased Effect dex_special_relic 200
default 50
Resolute75Prefix(15–20)% of Damage taken Recouped as Life resource life int_special_relic 600
default 150
Refilling82PrefixFlasks gain a Charge every 3 seconds dex_special_relic 200
default 50
of Sainthood82Suffix+(2–3)% to maximum Chaos Resistance chaos resistance int_special_relic 200
default 50
of Parrying75Suffix(5–8)% Chance to Block Attack Damage str_special_relic 600
default 150
of Negation75Suffix(5–8)% Chance to Block Spell Damage int_special_relic 600
default 150
Iron-willed75Prefix(20–30)% increased Armour defences str_special_relic 1000
default 250
Evasive75Prefix(20–30)% increased Evasion Rating defences dex_special_relic 1000
default 250
Faithful75Prefix(10–15)% increased maximum Energy Shield defences int_special_relic 1000
default 250
Chosen75Prefix(50–65)% reduced Reflected Damage taken str_special_relic 600
default 150
Anointed75PrefixMinions take (50–65)% reduced Reflected Damage int_special_relic 600
default 150
of Fortification82SuffixMelee Hits have (10–15)% chance to Fortify attack str_special_relic 200
default 50
of the Rainbow75Suffix+(10–15)% to all Elemental Resistances elemental resistance dex_special_relic 1000
default 250
Healing75Prefix(8–12)% increased Life Recovery rate resource life str_special_relic 1000
default 250
Refreshing75Prefix(8–12)% increased Mana Recovery rate resource mana int_special_relic 1000
default 250
Reassuring75Prefix(8–12)% increased Energy Shield Recovery rate defences int_special_relic 1000
default 250
of the Expert75Suffix(10–15)% increased Skill Effect Duration dex_special_relic 600
default 150
Forceful84PrefixAdds 2 to 3 Fire Damage to Attacks per 10 Strength elemental fire attack str_special_relic 200
default 50
Skillful84PrefixAdds 2 to 3 Cold Damage to Attacks per 10 Dexterity elemental cold attack dex_special_relic 200
default 50
Genius84PrefixAdds 1 to 4 Lightning Damage to Attacks per 10 Intelligence elemental lightning attack int_special_relic 200
default 50
Rapturous84PrefixYour Fire Damage can Shock elemental fire lightning ailment str_special_relic 200
default 50
Apocalyptic84PrefixYour Cold Damage can Ignite elemental fire cold ailment dex_special_relic 200
default 50
Cataclysmic84PrefixYour Lightning Damage can Freeze elemental cold lightning ailment int_special_relic 200
default 50
of Newfound Courage84Suffix+1 to Maximum Endurance Charges str_special_relic 200
default 50
of Deepening Fervour84Suffix+1 to Maximum Frenzy Charges dex_special_relic 200
default 50
of Untapped Power84Suffix+1 to Maximum Power Charges int_special_relic 200
default 50

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