Soul Splitting
Grants Level 20 Summon Dark Effigy Skill
(Creates a Dark Effigy tethered to you. Damage you take from enemy hits is taken from the Effigy's life before you, and damage the Effigy takes from enemy hits is taken from your life before it, at doubled value. The Effigy is destroyed if you get too far away from it)
Soul Splitting Attr /5
Summon Dark Effigy
Level: 20
Cost: (50–0)% Life
Cooldown Time: 10.00 sec
Cast Time: 0.60 sec
Requires Level 70
Creates a Dark Effigy tethered to you. It's level matches your own. You and the Effigy take damage for each other. The Effigy is destroyed if you get too far away from it.
200% of Damage from Enemy Hits against the Dark Effigy is taken from your Life instead
Damage from Enemy Hits against you is taken from the Dark Effigy's Life instead
display minion monster type [26]
display voodoo pole life [1]
minion actor level is user level up to maximum [85]
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TagsisKeystone: false isNotable: true isAscendancyStart: false isMultipleChoice: false isMultipleChoiceOption: false isBlighted: false isJewelSocket: false isMastery: false isProxy: false isUsed: true isRoyale: false
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