The Marooned Mariner
Act 1
Reward: Book of Skill, 1 Passive Skill Points
Search the Ship Graveyard for Captain Fairgraves.
Search the Ship Graveyard for Captain Fairgraves.
  • Find Fairgraves

  • Area: The Ship Graveyard
  • Captain Fairgraves A Swig of Hope: Look at the sheen on that plum. Is it not the most delectable fruit that you've ever seen? No? Perhaps the gloss of hope is for my eyes only.
  • Nessa Merveil: Merveil dwells in the caves beyond the wrecks, at the head of Siren's Cove.

    Leave her be and we can only hope that she continues to return the favour.
  • 2
    Search the Ship Graveyard for Captain Fairgraves.
  • Find Fairgraves

  • Area: The Ship Graveyard
  • Captain Fairgraves A Swig of Hope: Will you look at that: the Decanter Spiritus. As exquisite today as when I found it all those years ago. You may fault the man, but you can't fault his craftsmanship.
  • 3
    Search the Ship Graveyard for Captain Fairgraves.
  • Find Fairgraves

  • Area: The Ship Graveyard
    4Bring the Allflame to Fairgraves
    Captain Fairgraves wants the mythical lantern, the Allflame. Bring it to him in the Ship Graveyard.
  • Bring the Allflame to Fairgraves

  • Area: The Ship Graveyard
  • Bestel Captain Fairgraves: Fairgraves? The explorer? No one's seen nor heard of him since he set sail for Wraeclast over thirty years ago.

    So if you're about to tell me that you've met Captain Fairgraves in the flesh, then you've either met a liar, or something far, far worse.
  • Captain Fairgraves Thank You: My Allflame. My blessed, damned Allflame!

    Oh, you want your moment in the firelight now, do you? Unfortunately, necessity is what it is, and for the Allflame to give life it must first be kindled {with} life. And since suitable kindling is in short supply around these parts, I have little option but to make do with what I have.

    Namely, you.
  • Undertaker Arimor The Allflame: Is that... the Allflame? You've brought it {here?} Fool! Don't you know what the Allflame is capable of? Its long and storied history of tragedy and misery—no, no, I shouldn't blame you. No way for an uncivilised exile to know. Just keep it away from me, and definitely don't let its light fall upon the graves! I'm sure even a wanderer like you has heard about {that} little disaster...
  • Undertaker Arimor The Allflame: Is that... the Allflame? You've brought it {here?} Fool! Don't you know what the Allflame is capable of? Its long and storied history of tragedy and misery—no, no, I shouldn't blame you. No way for an uncivilised exile to know. Just keep it away from me, and definitely don't let its light fall upon the graves! I'm sure even a wanderer like you has heard about {that} little disaster...
  • 5Investigate the Allflame
    Search the Ship Graveyard to find the purpose of the Allflame.
  • Explore the Ship Graveyard

  • Area: The Ship Graveyard
    6Find the Allflame
    Captain Fairgraves wants you to find the mythical lantern, the Allflame. It should be somewhere around the Ship Graveyard.
  • Find the Allflame

  • Area: The Ship Graveyard Cave
    7Find the Allflame
    Captain Fairgraves wants you to find the mythical lantern, the Allflame. It should be somewhere inside the Ship Graveyard Cave.
  • Find the Allflame

  • Area: The Ship Graveyard Cave
    You have delivered the Allflame to Captain Fairgraves. Talk to him for a reward.
  • Talk to Fairgraves

  • Area: The Ship Graveyard
  • Captain Fairgraves Thank You: Oh, you want your moment in the firelight now, do you? Unfortunately, necessity is what it is, and for the Allflame to give life it must first be kindled {with} life. And since suitable kindling is in short supply around these parts, I have little option but to make do with what I have.

    Namely, you.
  • 9Kill Fairgraves
    Captain Fairgraves needs your life force to kindle the Allflame and has attacked you. Kill him in the Ship Graveyard.
  • Kill Fairgraves

  • Area: The Ship Graveyard
    10Talk to Bestel for your reward
    You have killed Captain Fairgraves. Talk to Bestel in town for a reward.
  • Talk to Bestel for your reward

  • Area: Lioneye's Watch
  • Bestel Captain Fairgraves: Fairgraves was a good man, a fine explorer. He opened the door to many a new world, for better or for worse. Usually for worse when it came to the natives.

    There's some peace in the knowledge that he now rests where he should. Let's not speak of Fairgraves again, shall we? He was an inspiration to many. Would be a shame to spoil a good hero.
  • 11
    You have killed Captain Fairgraves. Talk to Bestel in town for a reward.
  • Talk to Bestel for your reward

  • Area: Lioneye's Watch
    Quest Complete - You have slain Fairgraves. Bestel has rewarded you with a Skill Book. Use it to gain {0}.
    13Quest Complete
    Quest Complete - You have slain Fairgraves. Bestel has rewarded you with {0}.

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