Thirst for Knowledge
The Absence of Patience and Wisdom is level 85
The Searing Exarch's full power is unleashed in The Absence of Patience and Wisdom
The Searing Exarch's full power is unleashed in The Absence of Patience and Wisdom
Eldritch Currency Items dropped by The Searing Exarch have 50% chance to be Duplicated
searing exarch boss map monster damage taken +% final [-70]
Constellations are systematically incinerated in the wake of an ever-expanding archive of minds.
Thirst for Knowledge Attr /6
Name | Show Full Descriptions |
ID | atlas_keystone_searing_exarch |
Icon | Art/2DArt/SkillIcons/passives/SearingExarchKeystone.png |
PassiveSkillsHash | 36777 |
Tags | isKeystone: true isNotable: false isAscendancyStart: false isMultipleChoice: false isMultipleChoiceOption: false isBlighted: false isJewelSocket: false isMastery: false isProxy: false isUsed: false isRoyale: false |
Ruthless mode | Thirst for Knowledge The Absence of Patience and Wisdom is level 85 The Searing Exarch's full power is unleashed in The Absence of Patience and Wisdom searing exarch boss map monster damage taken +% final [-70] |
Reference | Community Wiki |
Thirst for Knowledge
Fortunately for the scholars, he has already learned about sustainability.}
Thirst for Knowledge DivinationCardThirstForKnowledge /11
Name | Show Full Descriptions |
DropLevel | 48 |
BaseType | Thirst for Knowledge |
Class | Divination Cards |
Flags | AlwaysAllocate |
Type | Metadata/Items/DivinationCards/DivinationCardThirstForKnowledge |
Dropped by | Academy Map Courthouse Map |
Reward | Gluttony |
Tags | jewellery_divination, unique_divination, unique_jewellery_divination, divination_card |
Icon | Art/2DItems/Divination/InventoryIcon |
MTX Tab Stacks | 5000 |
Reference | Community Wiki |
Sentinel - Thirst for Knowledge /1
Defeat The Searing Exarch in Absence of Patience and Wisdom while the area is level 85.
Name | Show Full Descriptions |
SentinelUberSearingExarch |
Acquisition /1
Source | Ingredient | Offer |
Thirst for Knowledge | Gluttony |
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Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.