Through Sacred Ground
Act 2
Reward: Book of Skill, 1 Passive Skill Points, 2 Passive Respec Points
Yeena has asked you to locate the Hand of the 'good man' in the Crypt to the south of the Crossroads which lie to the east of the Forest Encampment.
1Find the Golden Hand
Yeena has asked you to locate the Hand of the 'good man' in the Crypt to the south of the Crossroads which lie to the east of the Forest Encampment.
  • Find the Golden Hand

  • Area: The Crypt
  • Eramir Fellshrine Ruins: The Fellshrine is a shadow of what was once good in Wraeclast.

    That sigil etched into its stones? It's a Descry, from when the Templar truly stood for something. To the ancestors of Oriath, the Descry was a flickering torch in the night. A source of inspiration and comfort.

    Sad thing about torches... they go out.
  • Eramir Fellshrine Ruins: The Fellshrine is a shadow of what was once good in Wraeclast.

    That sigil etched into its stones? It's a Descry, from when the Templar truly stood for something. To the ancestors of Oriath, the Descry was a flickering torch in the night. A source of inspiration and comfort.

    Sad thing about torches... they go out.
  • 2Bring the Golden Hand to Yeena
    You have found the golden hand relic that Yeena dreamt of. Bring it to her in the Forest Encampment.
  • Talk to Yeena for your reward

  • Area: The Forest Encampment
  • Yeena The Fellshrine Hand: You are Dream Tender, my new name for you. Badness is everywhere around us. You bring us something good.

    Now, I promised to share. Let us awaken this spirit, bring even more good into this life.
  • 3
    You have brought the golden hand relic that Yeena dreamt of to her. Talk with her for a reward.
  • Talk to Yeena for your reward

  • Area: The Forest Encampment
  • Divinia Archbishop Geofri: I still remember where I was when I read about the fate of Archbishop Geofri. I wouldn't wish it upon anyone.
  • Divinia Archbishop Geofri: I still remember where I was when I read about the fate of Archbishop Geofri. I wouldn't wish it upon anyone.
  • Yeena The Fellshrine Hand: You are Dream Tender, my new name for you. Badness is everywhere around us. You bring us something good.

    Now, I promised to share. Let us awaken this spirit, bring even more good into this life.
  • 4
    Quest Complete - You have returned the golden hand relic to Yeena. She has rewarded you with a Skill Book. Use it to gain {0}.
    5Quest Complete
    Quest Complete - You have returned the golden hand relic to Yeena. She has rewarded you with {0}.

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