Community Wiki



Dynamic is a term used to describe skills, buffs, and debuffs that dynamically react to all modifiers and items.


Dynamic things from items and gems and passives will disappear when unequipped. Anything dynamic in your Weapon slot will disappear if you weapon swap.

Dynamic things can change their damage, attack and cast speed over time.

hings that are dynamic do not snapshot.

Things that are dynamic

Dynamic skills and support skills

  • Archmage Support - The lightning damage and mana cost cap react dynamically to the cost of your spells.

    • Example - Indigon can make the total mana cost of a skill becomes higher than your total unreserved mana. This causes archmage to not add lightning damage anymore.
  • Righteous Fire - Most damage over time is not dynamic after it has already been cast, but righteous fire is. Removing the gem after casting will remove its damage completely. Removing the support gems that add damage will lower its damage.

  • Frost Shield - Frost shield will disappear when the gem is not equipped.

  • Void Sphere - Void Sphere will disappear when the gem is not equipped.

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