Contract: Findings for Fidium
Quest Item
Portal: Mansion
Client: Faustus
Heist Target: Plant Darnaw's Papers
Area Level: 75
Requires Agility (Level 2)
"Fidium's fealty to fairness
makes him the perfect pawn in my plan.
Our plan. Perfect pawn in OUR plan."
Contract: Findings for Fidium HeistContractQuestFaustus2 /7
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DropLevel 75
BaseType Contract: Findings for Fidium
Class Quest Items
ReferenceCommunity Wiki
Contract: Findings for Fidium
1Talk to Faustus
  • Talk to Faustus in the Rogue Harbour
  • NPC:
  • Faustus, the Fence Findings for Fidium: Exile! How ever have you been since however long we uh--... Listen. That little job you pulled for me went nowhere. I showed Darnaw the papers, and he had the gall, the GALL, to shrug! At me! He said 'What are you going to do, arrest me?'. I said 'I might!' And now I'm blackballed! No orders coming through from him, and no communications coming from any of the other surviving vessels.

    So, bit of a setback. Not the end of the world... Well, pending all this divine stuff going on. Plan B is underway.

    I've a bit of a rivalry with another captain. Fidium. Clean as a whistle, Captain Fidium. Barnacles wouldn't stick to his hull. He's long had it out for me. Suspects me of underhanded dealings, the clever sod. I want you to break into his home and plant Darnaw's incriminating papers there. Put them where he's likely to find them. Probably a desk, or the latrine. Ehhhh... Desk. Let's go with the desk idea. He'll find the papers, confront Darnaw, and, WHAM! Sink two ships with one larger, stronger, handsomer ship.
  • 2
  • Take Admiral Darnaw's Papers from Faustus
  • 3Initiate the Contract
  • Talk to Adiyah to initiate the Contract
  • 4Enter Adiyah's Portal
  • Enter Adiyah's Portal
  • 5Break into the Facility
  • Break into the Facility
  • 6Plant Admiral Darnaw's Papers
  • Place Admiral Darnaw's Papers on Captain Fidium's desk
  • 7Plant Admiral Darnaw's Papers Before Lockdown
  • Place Admiral Darnaw's Papers on Captain Fidium's desk before Lockdown
  • 8Contract Failed
  • Contract Failed Return to the Rogue Harbour and await a new Contract
  • 9Take the Fleet Orders and Escape
  • Take the Fleet Orders and Escape
  • NPC:
  • Faustus, the Financier Admiralty: With Darnaw dead, I've promoted myself to Admiral. Of course, the Oriathan Navy no longer officially exists... damn that Kirac!... so I'll have to make my own. The {Faustian Flotilla!} Admiral Faustus commands boldly from the helm! Oh, yes, it's quite magnificent, I know.
  • Faustus, the Financier Admiralty: With Darnaw dead, I've promoted myself to Admiral. Of course, the Oriathan Navy no longer officially exists... damn that Kirac!... so I'll have to make my own. The {Faustian Flotilla!} Admiral Faustus commands boldly from the helm! Oh, yes, it's quite magnificent, I know.
  • 10Escape the Facility
  • Escape with the Fleet Orders
  • NPC:
  • Faustus, the Fence Findings for Fidium: How did you do, Exile? Did you leave them by the latrine? Oh--wait, we settled on the desk, didn't we. Ah. Shame.

    Hmm? What did you find there? Aaah... Ah HA! Fidium, you fool! These, my dear, useful friend, are Fleet Orders, direct from Darnaw himself. We now know the entire fleet's future movements, including Darnaw's.

    Yes... Yes... A plan is forming. Leave it with me, Exile. There's work to be done.
  • Faustus, the Fence Findings for Fidium: How did you do, Exile? Did you leave them by the latrine? Oh--wait, we settled on the desk, didn't we. Ah. Shame.

    Hmm? What did you find there? Aaah... Ah HA! Fidium, you fool! These, my dear, useful friend, are Fleet Orders, direct from Darnaw himself. We now know the entire fleet's future movements, including Darnaw's.

    Yes... Yes... A plan is forming. Leave it with me, Exile. There's work to be done.
  • 11Talk to Faustus
  • Talk to Faustus
  • 12

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