Contract: The Wedding Dress
Quest Item
Portal: Repository
Client: Tullina
Heist Target: Merveil's Wedding Dress
Area Level: 55
Requires Agility (Level 1)
Requires Tullina, the Catburglar
"Let's just hope she wasn't wearing it when she wandered into the sea!"
Contract: The Wedding Dress HeistContractQuestTullina1 /7
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DropLevel 55
BaseType Contract: The Wedding Dress
Class Quest Items
ReferenceCommunity Wiki
Contract: The Wedding Dress
1Talk to Tullina
  • Talk to Tullina in the Rogue Harbour
  • NPC:
  • Tullina, the Catburglar The Wedding Dress: Look, as a rule I don't ask for help. I don't need someone getting involved in my business and messing everything up. Unfortunately, I must now break that rule. I need... I-... Ugh. Why is this so hard? Ineedyourhelp. There. I said it.

    Before I was exiled, I was romantically involved with a man from a very good family. We kept it secret while he tested the waters with his mother and father -- it's not exactly ideal for the nobility to be fraternising with the 'uncouth', as they say. Less than a week before I was heaved overboard and my exile began in earnest, he proposed.

    I know it's crazy, and I know it's almost certainly impossible, but I want so desperately to marry that man. Just taking his name would wash clean my past, and I know I could find happiness.

    So I need a dress. When Merveil and Daresso wed, they held a most elaborate ceremony. Merveil was said to be the most beautiful visage ever to walk down the Basilica aisle. It took six people to carry the train on her dress. I want that dress. I need that dress. My beloved deserves to see me in that dress. So you're going to help me get it, got it?
  • 2Initiate the Contract
  • Talk to Adiyah to initiate the Contract
  • 3Enter Adiyah's Portal
  • Enter Adiyah's Portal
  • 4Break into the Facility
  • Break into the Facility
  • 5Steal Merveil's Wedding Dress
  • Steal Merveil's Wedding Dress
  • 6Steal Merveil's Wedding Dress Before Lockdown
  • Steal Merveil's Wedding Dress before Lockdown
  • 7Contract Failed
  • Contract Failed Return to the Rogue Harbour and await a new Contract
  • 8Take Merveil's Wedding Dress and Escape
  • Take Merveil's Wedding Dress and Escape
  • 9Escape the Facility
  • Escape with Merveil's Wedding Dress
  • NPC:
  • Tullina, the Catburglar The Wedding Dress: The Lady Merveil's dress is even more beautiful than I'd imagined. It's held up well over the years, and fits nearly perfectly.

    I appreciate your help on this matter. I'll add you to our invitees. No plus-ones.
  • 10Talk to Tullina
  • Talk to Tullina
  • 11

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