Expedition - Defeat Olroth Conditionally /4
Complete each of the following encounters.
Name | Show Full Descriptions |
Defeat Olroth, Origin of the Fall while both Runic Gateways are active. | KillOlrothWhileBothRunicGatewaysAreActive |
Defeat Olroth, Origin of the Fall while both Crystal Stars are active. | KillOlrothWhileBothCrystalStarsAreActive |
Defeat Olroth, Origin of the Fall without any player being hit by Cage of Light or being affected by Exterminating Flames. | KillOlrothWithoutBeingHitByCageOfLightOrAffectedByExterminatingFlames KillOlrothWithoutBeingHitByCageOfLight KillOlrothWithoutBeingAffectedByExterminatingFlames |
Defeat Olroth, Origin of the Fall while affected by Enervation. | KillOlrothWhileAffectedByEnervation |
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