エクスペディション - Defeat Olroth Conditionally /4
Complete each of the following encounters.
Defeat Olroth, Origin of the Fall while both Runic Gateways are active.KillOlrothWhileBothRunicGatewaysAreActive
Defeat Olroth, Origin of the Fall while both Crystal Stars are active.KillOlrothWhileBothCrystalStarsAreActive
Defeat Olroth, Origin of the Fall without any player being hit by Cage of Light or being affected by Exterminating Flames.KillOlrothWithoutBeingHitByCageOfLightOrAffectedByExterminatingFlames
Defeat Olroth, Origin of the Fall while affected by Enervation.KillOlrothWhileAffectedByEnervation