This is following u/justathetan "Lore compilation update for 3.17"
  • エコー・オブ・アトラス
  • その体は広大な空虚の中で無重力に歪み、ねじれ、分裂し、暗闇に傷跡を刻んだ。光は裂け目からこぼれ落ち、大軍が後に続いた。生ける深淵に見られ、神聖化されることを切望しながら。

    エンヴォイ, "リフト"

  • 空虚さは氷のように砕け散り、その裂け目から騒動と塊が押し寄せた。生存のための戦いすべてにつきものの絶望的な獰猛さで、自分たちの居場所を刻み込んでいった。星々さえも、掴み合う手足と叫び声のする口のもつれの背後に消え去り始めた。しかし、それぞれの生まれたての心の影に潜むもの以外に、捕食者はいなかった。

    エンヴォイ, "縺れ"

  • 永遠の静寂は渦巻く嵐によって取って代わられた。荒れ狂い、飢えた星座のような最も小さき光を反射する眼と歯によって。一瞬の出来事のように思えたが、確信はない。それ以前の時間は何の意味もなく、何の痕跡も残さない。

    エンヴォイ, "動き"

  • The Elder and the Silence
  • それは飽くなき渇望をもって、これらの場所を駆け巡った。過去の出来事を渇望し、出来事が過ぎ去るのを防いだ。お前のもののように、煙のようにちらちらと渦巻くアイデアと記憶に満ちた心は、抗しがたい誘惑だったであろう。



    エンヴォイ, "エルダー"

  • 永遠の間、闇はその餌の絶え間ない撹拌の中で膨張し、そして沈黙した。その沈黙は耳を傾ける者の耳をつんざく。深淵はその源に視線を投げかけた。夜明けのずっと前に引かれた境界の、最初の奔流。要求する者が訪れた。誰かは知っているはずだ。何故か知りたいだろう。





    エンヴォイ, "メイヴェン"

  • 星々の間に宿る瞳は、それぞれが羨望と欲望に燃え上がり、転がり、この場所に焦点を合わせる。それは「沈黙」の発生源。始まりの始まり。絶え間なく彷徨い、喰らい続けたものが解き放たれた場所。

    エンヴォイ, "無数の熟視"

  • The Envoy and the Maven
  • 良い知らせだ、放浪者よ。我は大いなる闇と大いなる遠き地より、聞くべき者に最も喜ばしき形で伝える、粗末な使者である。


    エンヴォイ, "自己紹介"

  • 我らは一つの肉からなり、二つの心、二つの身体を持っている。我々は血族であり、共に虚空のもつれた無秩序から生まれたが、我らの創造者は異なる。彼女は私の被後見人であり、彼女は私の牢獄である。私は彼女の庇護者である、私は彼女の召使いである。

    エンヴォイ, "メイヴェン"

  • このメッセージを聞くべき人たちのイメージを使って、遠い昔に死んだ星々から紡がれた糸から、我らは織られたのだ。その形を思い出そうとしても、思い出すことはできない。自分の過去に落ちようとしても、落ちることはできない。私はお前によって繋がれているのだ、放浪者よ。お前の存在と私の義務に埋もれ、溺れながら、はるか上空で糸は織り続けられ、海面を泳ぐ蛇のようだ。

    エンヴォイ, "姿"

  • 創造が創造を生み、創造が創造を生む。秩序と野望は進歩を促し、時間とエントロピーは進歩の手を止める。彼女の祖先は無限の力の限界を試そうとし、創造主の重荷を負い、時間の泥沼を彷徨った。永遠を前にして、無意味な障害物。しかし、「沈黙」はすべての者の耳を塞いだのだ。

    エンヴォイ, "彼女の祖様"

  • 彼女は初めから自らの存在と格闘していた。動くもの、動かないもの、全てに教えが隠されていた。何がその2つを分けているのか。なぜ動き、なぜ動かないのか。命、それが違いだと彼女は判断した。しかし、彼女は動いたし、決して動くこともなかっただろう。それが私の義務だったからだ。彼女は生きているのか?彼女は知らないし、私も答えられない。

    エンヴォイ, "彼女の疑問"

  • 若さと活気に満ちた彼女にとって、すべてが新鮮であった。子供のような驚きに満ち、活気があると同時に疲弊していた。彼らは彼女の強い希望で、遠くから珍しいものを探したが、彼女の争いや競争への好奇心、欲望が満たされることはなかった。

    エンヴォイ, "彼女の驚嘆"

  • 彼らは母の乳を求め、叫び、そして与えられた。彼らは滋養に富んだ雨の下で歓喜の舞を踊り、絡み合った羊膜の中で窒息し、生存のための身勝手な争いに一人ずつ倒れていく。

    エンヴォイ, "生存"

  • エンヴォイ
  • 闇の中に刻まれた、無数の反射とは私は違うのだと思っていた。私は自由だ、そう思っていた。それらは自由ではないのだ。それぞれが同じ思考を持ち、それぞれが同じ道を歩み、それぞれが同じ運命を辿る。だが、私は違う、私はそう繰り返し、無限に続く反響を聞いたのだった。

    エンヴォイ, "愚か者"

  • 私は、星空を遮るようにそびえ立つ肉の砦に出くわした。私の足跡を追う者たちは立ち止まることなく、私を暖かい壁に押し付けた。私は押しつぶされ、丸ごと飲み込まれた。私が導いた人たちによって、間違いなく促された。私は彼の抱擁に歓迎された。

    エンヴォイ, "稜堡"

  • 私は暗闇の中に導かれ、彼女の元への道しるべとして怒りに燃えた松明を渡された。私は彼女に引かれるのを感じ、炎が大きくなり、私の顔を舐め回すのを感じた。私は旅に飲み込まれ、空洞の殻として彼女の世話をするように突き出された。彼女を保護し、制限し、決して離れないようにするために。これは私の計り知れない罰となるだろう。

    エンヴォイ, "処罰"

  • 毎晩、静寂が訪れ、去ろうとするすべての思いを黒く濁った海へと追いやった。私は希望が溺れるのを見た。希望が無思慮に脱ぎ捨てられた衣服のような鋭利な砂を彩りながら、生気なくぐったりとして浜に打ち上げられるのを見た。

    エンヴォイ, "苦痛"

  • 義務とは、幸運な者、運命を織り成す者に与えられる祝福である。我らは戸惑うことも、灯台守のつぶやきに思いを馳せることもなく行動する。道を照らすのは彼だが、私たちがそれを見ることもないし、見る必要もない。前を見ることは、光の中の埃となることなのだ。

    エンヴォイ, "ライトキーパー"

  • メイヴェン
  • 彼女は逃げ出そうとした。自らが作った島の牢獄から。歯を噛み締め、爪は私には聞こえない音楽にあわせて踊り子のように回転していた。だが、牢獄の壁はあまりに高くそびえ立ち、彼女の影を突き刺すことができそうなほど鋭い槍を持った静かな番兵が立ち並んでいた。

    エンヴォイ, "彼女の落ち着きなさ"

  • 偉大なる静寂は突然、何の前触れもなくやってきて、皆の耳をつんざいた。壁はまだそびえ立っていたが、今では彼女の手によって折り畳まれ、擦り切れてしまった。彼女は逃げ出し、そうすることで目覚めの中で多くのものを引きずった。招待は明確であり、拒むことのできるものではなかった。その誘いは皆の耳をつんざくもので、我らは目をそらすことができなかった。

    エンヴォイ, "彼女の逃避"

  • 私は彼女の後を追って障壁を越えたものを数えようとしたが、そうしたものは誰もいなかった。あるいは、そうしたものは光の中で塵と化した。新生児が成熟し、未熟で形作られていないものが鍛え上げられるのを見守ることは、一人だけの義務であった。私に課せられた罰はそう簡単に逃れられるものではないのだ。

    エンヴォイ, "ライトキーパーの憤怒"

  • 私は嫌々ながら彼女に従った。私はある一瞬を見たのだ。人生ほど短く、迷ってしまい二度と戻れなかったかもしれない一瞬であったが、私はその一瞬を過ごすことをしなかった。私の思考は自由で、彷徨い、奔放に踊ったが、私の姿は捕らえられ、縛られたままであった。

    エンヴォイ, "束縛"

  • Arrival of the Maven
  • 止まれ、そしてこの警告に耳を傾けよ。メイヴェンが来たのだ、放浪者よ。お前が戦うのを見るために来たのだ。お前が征服するのを見るために来たのだ。お前に十分な挑戦をさせるために来たのだ。お前が挫折することがあっても、彼女がお前の死を楽しむために来たのだ。


    エンヴォイ, "警告"

  • メイヴェンは闘争と苦痛に執着する。その苦悩は虚無に深く染み渡り、その影響は目に見えないが浸透している。メイヴェンが引き起こした、何度も繰り返す苦痛が空虚な空間を満たしている。お前はそれを感じる。お前はそれに満たされている。お前がそれを永続させているのだ。

    エンヴォイ, "永続"

  • 私の楽しみのために戦いなさい!

  • 私の退屈を解消してちょうだい。私のために殺しをしなさい。

  • もっとたくさんの戦いがみたい。いつももっとたくさんよ!

  • おもちゃが死んだ時は気分が良くなるわ。

  • Fighting the Maven
  • 私の世話人!こっちよ!

  • 傷つけられたわ!

  • おもちゃは拒絶したの。おもちゃは私を傷つけた。おもちゃは...生きてる...?

  • おもちゃに謝るわ。知らなかったの...あなたが...私と同じだなんて...

  • 一緒に遊び続けたいわ。

  • 干渉を強要するのか、放浪者よ。お前は自らの強さを証明した。自らの無知を証明した。



    エンヴォイ, "自己紹介"

Text Audio /2 ⍟
Echoes of the Atlasメイヴェン2036
Echoes of the Atlasエンヴォイ95

Community Wiki


Atlas of Worlds

The Atlas of Worlds is Path of Exile's end-game Maps system. The Atlas is a series of linked maps that players can progress through after completing a quest for Officer Kirac. It is explored and discovered by running maps within the Map Device at a player's hideout.

The Atlas of Worlds is a visualization of the dream worlds that are opened by activating maps, indicating how these worlds are linked. The player starts at one of four starting maps in the center of the Atlas. These tier 1 maps start dropping on Act 8. Players can find new maps in adjacent, connected maps in the Atlas.

The Atlas comprises more than 150 different maps. Maps have a chance to drop in other connected maps, and they can be traded between players. The Atlas has 8 regions each of which have many maps within them. Each region has a citadel, which is an interface that allows socketing 4 watchstones within it. These watchstones can have various crafted modifiers, that players can add onto them using sextants. Quest watchstones drop from defeating the Conquerors, while craftable watchstones can be purchased from other players or obtained as boss drops. Each region also allows players to select unique Atlas passive skill perks that affect drops and environmental effects within that region, such as improving Blight, Harvest, Delirium or other types of content.

Every map has one or more unique bosses. The Atlas has two bonuses which affect map drops, being the Atlas Completion Bonus and the Awakening Completion Bonus. These bonuses must be earned by defeating the map boss under certain conditions.

The Atlas has many end-game bosses that players can fight, such as Sirus, Awakener of Worlds which can only be encountered by chasing the Conquerors across the Atlas, and The Maven which requires completion of the Maven's challenges in The Maven's Crucible. Other bosses like The Shaper, The Elder and Uber Elder can be fought repeatedly simply by using a special set of 4 map fragments in the Map Device.

Map Drops

Map drops are not completely random; instead, a specific tier is chosen first and the map type is chosen from a pool of maps completed for that tier or connected to the map the character is currently in.

Only connected maps and maps previously completed can drop from a map area. In addition to these rules, this map drop pool only consists of maps that are currently visible on the Atlas meaning maps that are removed from changing Watchstones are removed from the drop pool. There are a couple exceptions: During Zana's missions where you can obtain maps without restrictions from your Atlas progression, unique maps which can also drop their base type, and various league content that may drop maps.

Following this, when a map drop's tier is rolled and no maps of that tier currently exist on the atlas, a map isn't dropped but instead adds to a "map equity" system that helps higher tier maps to drop.[confirmation needed because of 3.10 change]


The Atlas is split into 8 different regions, each affecting a Watchstone or Conqueror's area of influence and what item bases can drop.

The 8 regions are:

A new region without any maps is:

Atlas Completion Bonus

For each map completed under certain conditions, you gain an Atlas completion Bonus. Each Bonus adds a 1% chance for a map to drop one tier higher, with each 100% chance automatically upgrading the tier of the dropped map. The maximum map tier, however, cannot bypass drop restrictions, even if it would have been upgraded.

For example, a rare monster in a tier 6 map with 125% completion bonus:

  • a rare monster can drop tier +1 maps, as such it can drop tier 1 to 7 maps
  • it will only drop maps that are adjacent or already unlocked (completed) on the atlas
  • a tier 5 drop would be upgraded to tier 6, with a 25% chance to be upgraded to tier 7
  • a tier 6 drop would be upgraded to tier 7, but can't be upgraded any further
  • a tier 7 drop is already the highest possible drop, and can't be upgraded any further

Optional maps

The following maps do not count towards Atlas completion:

Special areas like Map fragment zones also do not add others Atlas completion.

Awakening Level

The Awakening Level of your Atlas is the number of Watchstones you have socketed, divided by 4, and rounded down.

The highest Awakening Level obtainable using only watchstones is A8, however after the Echoes of the Atlas expansion, players can obtain A9 using the Atlas Awakened skill from The Uncharted Realms Atlas passive skill tree.

Awakening Levels increase the difficulty of all map bosses due to the "Unique map boss has X% more life", but grant bonuses to item drops when killing those bosses. It also enables Awakened Atlas completion bonuses at higher levels, granting further bonuses to map drops.

Each Awakening Level adds the following:

  • Unique Map Boss has 3% more Life
  • +1% chance for an additional connected Map to drop from Unique Map Boss
  • +0.5% chance for a Shaper Guardian Map to drop from Unique Map Boss (Tier 14+)
  • +0.5% chance for an Elder Guardian Map to drop from Unique Map Boss (Tier 14+)
  • +1% chance for an additional Unique Item to drop from Unique Map Boss
  • +1% chance for additional Map Currency Item to drop from Unique Map Boss
  • Increased chance per Awakening Level for the Conquerors of the Atlas to drop additional rewards
  • 5% increased chance for Influenced Items to drop in Maps influenced by the Conquerors of the Atlas

Awakening Completion Bonus

Awakened Atlas completion bonuses are acquired by completing the map at a certain Awakening Level or higher. In order to complete an Awakening Bonus Objective, it is merely required to finish the map at it's maximum tier while it is influenced by four Watchstones, while the Awakening Level requirement is met. Rarity or corruption of the map is irrelevant.

  • 1% increased effect of Modifiers on non-unique Maps (per 6 Awakening Bonus)

Favourite Maps

Once you've completed all base maps in a region, you unlock a favourite map slot for that region. Map bases you marked as favourites are 10 times more likely to drop than other map bases in the region. A second and third slot can be unlocked by completing all Atlas objectives, and Awakened Atlas objectives, respectively. The same map can be favourited multiple times, making it 20 or 30 times more likely to drop than other map bases in the region.

Atlas Missions

Once per day, when you log in, you will receive one Atlas missions for each master for the tier relative to the last map you've completed (-1/+1 range). Free Atlas missions refresh at midnight UTC. The map must be completed the day before in their own map device. Completing party-play maps from other players map devices does not count. Completing blighted maps do count.

Each time you complete a map, there is a 35% chance to receive an Atlas Mission for a random master. You can use Atlas Missions to guarantee a master to spawn in your next non-unique map. Your Atlas Mission counters are tracked for each set of map tier colours: white, yellow, and red; which one you receive is the same as the tier colour of the map you received it in. Your accumulated number of Atlas Missions can be seen in the Atlas layout screen. There is no limit to how many Atlas Missions you can store. You can redeem an Atlas mission by speaking to a master then running the map from that screen, or via the mission buttons in the map device interface.

Note that as only a single master can appear per map, the use of a master mission will prevent triggering other sources of master spawning, including the flat 10% chance of triggering a random master per map. It is possible to get a slight increase in chance of encountering a specific master, by avoiding atlas missions for the other masters.

Conquerors of the Atlas

When exploring a map, there is a chance that one of the Conquerors of the Atlas, Al-Hezmin, The Hunter; Veritania, The Redeemer; Drox, The Warlord; and Baran, The Crusader, appears and spreads influence over the Atlas region. Whenever a Conqueror appears in a map, they will occupy the Atlas region and add packs of special influenced monsters to the map whenever they appear. After their third appearance, you can speak to Officer Kirac to locate their Citadel, then talk to Zana to open a map device screen with a map where the Conqueror's Citadel is located. This map can be modified and can have map fragment and Scarab bonuses applied to it, but only 20% of the map's Item Quantity bonus will apply to the Conqueror boss. Once you defeat the Citadel's map boss, a portal leading to the Conqueror's arena opens up, where you can fight the Conqueror themselves. Each Conqueror will drop a Watchstone on defeat, which you can slot in a Citadel to upgrade all maps within the region to higher tiers and possibly reveal new ones.

Influenced monsters and the Conquerors have a chance to drop Influenced items, special item bases which can roll mods unavailable to regular items.

Finding Watchstones

To spawn a Conqueror for the first time, you must first explore maps in the outer Atlas regions (Haewark Hamlet, Lex Ejoris, Lira Arthain, New Vastir). Once they make their appearance, they will reappear whenever you run a new map located within the same region. Opening a new map with the same base as the last one is allowed. After they drop their first Watchstone, to get the next Watchstone, you will need to explore maps in regions with the required number of Watchstones. The map's tier must also be equal or greater than the base displayed on the Atlas. Before defeating the Awakener, a Conqueror will always appear in each new map as long as the requirements are filled, but they will not reappear in the same region. Hovering over the Watchstone slots on the left side of the Atlas screen will display the requirements needed to spawn a Conqueror.

After ending the individual quests: [[The Hunter]], [[The Redeemer]], [[The Crusader]], The Warlord and defeating all four Conquerors, you can fight Sirus, Awakener of Worlds. Once the four Conquerors are defeated, speak to Zana to open six portal to Sirus. After you defeat Sirus or lose all portals against him, you must defeat the Conquerors again in order to refight Sirus.

After defeating Sirus for the first time, you can spawn a Conqueror in any region with four Watchstones (you can spawn the same Conqueror in regions you've already acquired a Watchstone from), but you will need to run more than three maps to be able to fight them again. There is a 50% chance for a Conqueror to appear for the first time. Afterwards, the Conqueror will reappear after running a specified number of maps in the influenced region. A bar on the left side of the Atlas screen shows how many steps are required to spawn a Conqueror. The blue square shows when the Conqueror will appear and spawn influenced monsters. Defeating Sirus is not required to acquire more Watchstones.


  • Sextants are used on Watchstones to add a special modifier to all the maps on the region where the Watchstone is socketed. Sextants last for 3 maps, and multiple Watchstones with sextant modifiers can stack.

End of league transfer

When the current league ends the progress on the Atlas of Worlds is transferred to the relevant parent league. The parent league is generally Standard or Hardcore.

The merge has the following rules:

  • Maps or bonus objectives completed transferred to the parent league
  • Sextant mods:
    • They will be moved to the parent league; if the map already has a mod, the parent league mods will be kept
    • Legacy modifiers continue to exist and work as long they have not been overridden

Permanent league catch up mechanics

A catch up mechanics was added to the Atlas since version 2.4.0.

The latest rule is:

  • Running a high-tier map from a Legacy Map Series in Standard with the Bonus Objective and Awakening Bonus Objective prerequisites fulfilled will now auto-complete all maps with a base tier that is lower, including their Bonus Objectives and Awakening Bonus Objectives, if the Awakening Bonus Objective requirement was the same or lower than the completed map.

Since the Atlas shuffled every time at the start of new league and big patch (currently each time the game release the 3.X.0 patch). Using a T16 map (natural tier 16 map) from the legacy map series will unlock the completion of T1-15 maps. If it is a rare corrupted legacy map, it will also unlock all bonus Objective of the T1-15 map. If the Atlas is socketed with 8 sets of Watchstones (Awakening Level 8) when completing the legacy map (such as using legacy Vaal Temple Map), it will also unlock all Awakening Bonus Objective of T1-15 maps that requires Awakening Level 8.

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Siege of the Atlas
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