パンテオン /12
受ける継続ダメージが10%減少する切断者、マリガロを捕獲しろ 根に覆われた神殿のマップ
近くの敵1体ごとに1%、最大8%の物理ダメージ軽減率追加三日月の先端、セバートを捕獲しろ 月の寺院のマップ
直近プレイヤーが受けたヒット1回ごとに1%、最大5%の物理ダメージ軽減率追加光の災い、エレビックスを捕獲しろ 墓地のマップ
プレイヤーおよびミニオンが受ける反射ダメージが50%減少する煌めく怪物、ヴァーヘッシュを捕獲しろ テラスのマップ
受ける毒の持続時間が50%低下する終わりなき漂流の恐怖を捕獲しろ 砂漠の泉のマップ
直近ライフフラスコを使用していなければ3秒ごとにライフフラスコのチャージを3獲得する意志を盗む者、ゴルリスを捕獲しろ 害虫の谷のマップ
パンテオン ヘルプパネルパンテオン ヘルプパネル
パンテオンは、待ち受ける危険に備えて、自分のキャラクターを選択的に強化することができます。第2部で上級神や下級神のいずれかを倒すことで、その神のパンテオンの力を手に入れることができます。 パンテオンの力は、上級神、下級神それぞれ1つずつ有効になります。それぞれのパンテオンの力は、キャラクターの生存能力の限られた部分を強化するだけなので、近々直面する可能性のある状況を慎重に検討して、最も役立つパンテオンを選択してください。 街または隠れ家でのみでしかパンテオンを切り替えることができませんが、コストはかかりません。

Community Wiki
The Pantheon
The Pantheon is a system of divine powers that players can activate to grant various defensive passive buffs, introduced in the The Fall of Oriath expansion. These powers grant defensive bonuses and become available when players defeat certain gods in Acts 6 through 10.
There are twelve gods that each grant a power; four major gods and eight minor gods. A player can only have one major and one minor power activated at a time. The bonuses can be freely swapped with no extra cost, as long as the player is in a town or hideout.
Upgrading a god's power requires consuming a Divine Vessel and any map, with a boss that can upgrade a pantheon power. Once this is done players will simultaneously get the baseline god buff as well as the secondary buff(s).
Every major and minor god can be upgraded. All Major gods have 3 upgrades and Minor gods have 1 upgrade. This means, in total, you can get up to 4 simultaneous buffs from a Major god, and 2 simultaneous buffs from a Minor god.
In order to upgrade a major or minor god power, players need to:
- First look at the chart below to determine which map needs to be used (for example Pier Map for the first upgrade to Soul of Lunaris)
- Then acquire the map and add it into your Map Device at your hideout (It can be purchased from other players using the Trade Site)
- Also add a Divine Vessel into the map device (it can be bought from other players)
- Run the map and kill the boss (if it is difficult, you can have a friend in the same party kill the boss, but you must be present in the map for the capturing to work)
- Check your map device, you should have acquired the Captured Soul of a god (item that looks like a blue bottle)
- Take the Captured Soul item to Sin (he can be found in Oriath or in Lioneye's Watch)
- View your Pantheon and roll over the God you are trying to upgrade; the upgraded God Power should now be active
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