The Key to Freedom
Act 5
You have been asked to help the rebellion and kill Justicar Casticus. He should be located somewhere in the Control Blocks.
1Kill Justicar Casticus
You have been asked to help the rebellion and kill Justicar Casticus. He should be located somewhere in the Control Blocks.
  • Travel to the Control Blocks Kill Justicar Casticus

  • Area: The Control Blocks
  • Vilenta Justicar Casticus: I can't really fault Justicar Casticus. A man committed, heart and soul, to upholding the law. Of course, law isn't the same thing as justice, and men like Casticus lack the imagination necessary to make that distinction.
  • 2
    You have been asked to help the rebellion and kill Justicar Casticus. He should be located somewhere in the Control Blocks.
  • Kill Justicar Casticus

  • Area: The Control Blocks
    3Kill Justicar Casticus
    You have found Justicar Casticus. Kill him to help the slave rebellion.
  • Kill Justicar Casticus

  • Area: The Control Blocks
    You have killed Justicar Casticus. Talk to Lani for your reward.
  • Talk to Lani for your reward

  • Area: Overseer's Tower
  • Lani Justicar Casticus: Thank you. By killing Casticus, you've given us a fighting chance.

    And about his eyes... I'm sorry you had to do that, yet although Utula's solution might seem brutal, I've seen Karui men blinded with a hot poker simply for looking a fraction too long at an Oriathan lady. Yes, this is war... and just a little revenge too.

    Take something, a token of our thanks.
  • Utula Justicar Casticus: Hah! So you made Justicar Casticus 'see the light', did you? Couldn't have happened to a nicer fulla. Yet now I've an even more charming chap for you to make the acquaintance of. He's over at the Chamber of Innocence, beyond the Templar Courts, and I bet he's just dying to meet you.

    It's High Templar Avarius I'm talking about, although he's so filled to the eyeballs with Innocence that it's hard to tell where the man ends and the god begins these days. That's good news for us. Kill the man and you kill the god.

    And what are the Templar without their god? Lambs in a slaughterhouse.
  • 5
    Quest Complete - You have killed Justicar Casticus. Talk to Lani for your reward.
  • Talk to Lani for your reward

  • Area: Overseer's Tower
    6Quest Complete
    Quest Complete - You have killed Justicar Casticus. Lani has rewarded you.

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