Dialogue /120
Leo, Wolf of the PitsPrimaryDefenderStartsFightAh, good stuff. I was dying for a bit of biffo.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsPrimaryDefenderStartsFightWelcome to the fun house!
Leo, Wolf of the PitsPrimaryDefenderStartsFightGet outta here, bloody pest!
Leo, Wolf of the PitsPrimaryDefenderStartsFightOi! You're not allowed down here!
Leo, Wolf of the PitsPrimaryDefenderStartsFightHate to pick an unfair fight, but...
Leo, Wolf of the PitsPrimaryDefenderStartsFightLeaving a fighter to die in a cage? Not nice.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsPrimaryDefenderStartsFightNo more deals. Just good, clean violence.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsPrimaryDefenderStartsFightForget the past. New day, new fight.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsPrimaryDefenderStartsFightYou gave my pride a bloody nose. Now the greave's on the other leg.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsPrimaryDefenderStartsFightBack for a grudge match, eh?
Leo, Wolf of the PitsPrimaryDefenderStartsFightStrength in numbers!
Leo, Wolf of the PitsPrimaryDefenderStartsFightDaresso would have been jealous!
Leo, Wolf of the PitsPrimaryDefenderStartsFightMy favourite thing's watching the colour drain from a foe's face.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsPrimaryDefenderStartsFightThis'll chill you to the bone, and beyond.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsPrimaryDefenderStartsFightDodge this.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsSafehouseLeaderIntroStormin' in here like that, completely disrespectful. I need to show you some manners.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsSecondaryDefenderArrivalTag me in, mate!
Leo, Wolf of the PitsSecondaryDefenderArrivalStick together! What a ruckus.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsSecondaryDefenderArrivalWhy's this bloody invader still alive?
Leo, Wolf of the PitsSecondaryDefenderArrivalSeriously? You got the jump and you still need backup?
Leo, Wolf of the PitsSecondaryDefenderArrivalYes! Finally, a brawl!
Leo, Wolf of the PitsSecondaryDefenderArrivalBeen dyin' to slap each other around a bit.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsSecondaryDefenderArrivalNeed a hand sweetie? I've only got the one.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsSecondaryDefenderArrivalNot so easy when it's a fair fight, is it Vorici?
Leo, Wolf of the PitsSecondaryDefenderArrivalI'm here to blow a little wind into your sails, mate!
Leo, Wolf of the PitsSecondaryDefenderArrivalYou weren't going to leave me out of this brawl, were you, Thane?
Leo, Wolf of the PitsSecondaryDefenderArrivalLeave some for me this time ya big bloody bastard.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsSecondaryDefenderArrivalWhat bloody ruckus have you got us into?!
Leo, Wolf of the PitsSecondaryDefenderArrivalMates, you're all screwed.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsSecondaryDefenderArrivalLet's turn this into a free for all.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsSecondaryDefenderArrivalNever take your eyes off the brawler.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsSecondaryDefenderArrivalHook's dying to tear into some sinew and I don't much care whose.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsSecondaryDefenderArrivalSorry huntress, but time's come to put you down.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsSecondaryDefenderArrivalVagan, this beating's for old-time's sake.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsSecondaryDefenderArrivalLook at me! Now I'm a bloody backstabbing ponce. Not very fair, eh, Vorici?
Leo, Wolf of the PitsSecondaryDefenderArrivalBack in the day I'd've given my left arm to take a swing at a Perandus.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsSecondaryDefenderArrivalEveryone loves an underdog, Hillock. And you're never the underdog.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsSecondaryDefenderArrivalThis ain't my first battle royale, mates.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalCage match then, is it?
Leo, Wolf of the PitsReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalGreat, another body I'll have to lug around.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalSo much for this place being secret.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalFree for all brawl!
Leo, Wolf of the PitsReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalOh, how bloody kind.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalI mean, I get why you'd want a new face.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalTaking it to the spleen, maybe.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalSomehow I don't think you're hitting on me.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrivalGo on, then. Just try it.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsSecondaryDefenderArrivalThis defense has become a bloody siege.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsSecondaryDefenderArrivalLooks like you could use another hand. Just the one though.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsSecondaryDefenderArrivalLet's get this handled and get out.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsSecondaryDefenderArrivalGotta swing the odds in our favour.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsSecondaryDefenderArrivalI know you're bloody dangerous, Haku, so let's aim that intensity in the right direction.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsSecondaryDefenderArrivalCare to get swept up in my crusade, old man?
Leo, Wolf of the PitsSecondaryDefenderArrivalI've got my eye on victory, Vagan. Let's do this.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsSecondaryDefenderArrivalIt seems I'm your captain, Guff!
Leo, Wolf of the PitsSecondaryDefenderArrivalJust keep swinging, Hillock.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsSecondaryDefenderArrivalThe champ is here! What, no roaring crowd?
Leo, Wolf of the PitsKillPlayerMatch: Leo.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsKillPlayerI guess it's back to work then.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsKillPlayerNot a nice place to die, is it exile?
Leo, Wolf of the PitsKillPlayerDidn't even get to use my signature one-handed throw!
Leo, Wolf of the PitsEscapeDon't worry, exile, this was a grudge match.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsEscapeThanks for the excitement, exile!
Leo, Wolf of the PitsEscapeMissed it by that much.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsDefeatedHow did I lose a bloody cage match?
Leo, Wolf of the PitsDefeatedUrgh... too much of a ruckus.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsDefeatedGotta be honest. My heart wasn't in this one.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsDefeatedFair. Fair fight. Not bad.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsDefeatedNo more time-outs, please...
Leo, Wolf of the PitsDefeatedEven better with a weapon than with words...
Leo, Wolf of the PitsDefeatedI'm really building a damaged reputation here.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsDefeatedThis one's going to hurt, isn't it?
Leo, Wolf of the PitsDefeatedHah! I knew you'd get me back for killing you.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsDefeatedI shouldn't have jumped in like I did!
Leo, Wolf of the PitsDefeatedSure can pick 'em, can't ya Leo?
Leo, Wolf of the PitsOfferBargainYou should have given them the Redmane treatment. Make a statement! So what do you want from me?
Leo, Wolf of the PitsOfferBargainYou won, so congratulations are in order. But the Syndicate's still going strong. Want to really hit us where it hurts? Then you've gotta let us team up. Take us down as a group! I'll even let you choose my teammate. Up for the challenge?
Leo, Wolf of the PitsOfferBargainDon't snuff my candle just yet. I've got access to information you might find valuable. Just let me get in contact with a mate of mine, get a little drink in 'em. A little palling around and whammo, gossip galore. What do you say?
Leo, Wolf of the PitsOfferBargainI'm a man of limited talents, as you can see. Only so much you can do with a hook, and apparently this wasn't one of 'em. You don't need to kick a man while he's down. Just let me figure out a plan B.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsOfferBargainWhat if - and bear with me here - what if instead of gutting me, you just let me go? And I mean really go. Gone. Out of the Syndicate. Interested?
Leo, Wolf of the PitsOfferBargainYou hear a lot of things when you spend enough time at one job. The sort of things someone like you might get some use out of. Only, there's no bloody way I'm telling you anything if you're just going to slice me to bits.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsOfferBargainTo the victor go the spoils. As in, actual treasure. Stuff you can swing and wear! Interested?
Leo, Wolf of the PitsBarginAcceptedDunno about you, but I'm excited for the next round.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsBarginAcceptedI guess it's time to play at spying.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsBarginAcceptedNext time you see me, I'll be a new man. With a new plan.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsBarginAcceptedGood choice, exile. I guess I'm off!
Leo, Wolf of the PitsBarginAcceptedYou're a smart one, exile.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsBarginAcceptedAnd the strong get stronger.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsOfferBetrayalI preferred being the Pitmaster than a pit dog in my proverbial past life. Getting bloodied for money was never much fun. I reckon a few sneaky maneuvers and I could knock a Syndicate chump down a peg, leaving me to take their place. Might piss 'em off, but I think somehow you'll be fine with that.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsOfferBetrayalBack in my arena-master days, I learned the power of prestige. To rise in the eyes of the crowd, others must fall. That's somethin' I've made sure to keep ready myself. Bloody the noses of my comrades-in-arms here and elevate myself. It's a power play.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsOfferBetrayalA bad apple spoils the bunch. Put bluntly, one monkey's arse can damage the whole crowd's enthusiasm. Get what I'm gettin' at? I make it my business to retain the ability to kick someone out of the rosters entirely.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsOfferBetrayalIf it's information you're after, no better to converse with than Leo Redmane. I've befriended all of my comrades-in-arms, and I can tell you all about their roles and fighting strategies... if you'll spare me a certain amount of pain in exchange.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsOfferBetrayalHate to double-cross an old mate, but Vagan's man enough to deal with it. Plus, I owe him one.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsOfferBetrayalLook, I get why you want to kill me. I do. But Perandus! Bloody Perandus! Doesn't that name just make you... Rrrrg! Perandus!
Leo, Wolf of the PitsOfferBetrayalA professional like myself knows that when the fight's over, the fight's over. Hillock... well, the fight's never really over in his head. Put the poor bastard out of his misery.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsOfferBetrayalI love a bit of violence. Who among us doesn't? But there's a time and a place. For Cameria, the time is always and the place is wherever he happens to bloody be. I just can't stand it.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsOfferBetrayalWhen a fight's over, the fighter's job is done. We go home, tend to our wounds, and train for the next round. When Aisling's done fighting, well, that's just the beginning. The things she does to the bodies... I'm intimidating, but she's scary.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsOfferBetrayalAn arena fighter knows, once the fight is over, respect is what counts. Think anyone else in the Syndicate would say the same?
Leo, Wolf of the PitsOfferExecuteAlways hoped I'd get a warrior's death.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsOfferExecuteLook at the situation you've put me in. The only way you'll get me to spill my guts is literally.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsOfferExecuteI'll take this one for the team.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsOfferExecuteMy days in the cage are over. End our conflict, and make a good show of it.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsReplyToBetrayalAcceptedKnew you were weak. Bloody knew it.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsReplyToBetrayalAcceptedNext time it'll be you, old friend.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsReplyToBetrayalAcceptedGo neck yourself, mate.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsReplyToBetrayalAcceptedRighto, Redblade. You're on my list.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsReplyToBetrayalAcceptedYou really are a bastard, aren't you.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsReplyToBetrayalAcceptedMust be nice, having absolutely no conscience whatsoever.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsReplyToBetrayalAcceptedIs it really in your best interests to piss off a bloody arena fighter?
Leo, Wolf of the PitsInterrogatedYou say prison cell, I hear 'holiday.'
Leo, Wolf of the PitsInterrogatedYou know what she does to me in there? Please. Please no.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsInterrogatedWait, what about a deal? What about last time?
Leo, Wolf of the PitsReplyToExecutionDeath is what separates the wolves from the pups.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsReplyToExecutionIf you hadn't done it, I probably would've.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsSafehouseLeaderDefeatedBugger. How about a rematch, eh?
Leo, Wolf of the PitsPrimaryDefenderStartsFightYou must miss the cell, gladiator.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsEscapeGo on then, coward. Run away.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsDefeatedTalk, or else I will make you talk.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsInterrogatedYou fight well in a cage. Let's see how you live in one.
Leo, Wolf of the PitsDefeatedIt's over, Leo. Where's the Lifegiver?
Leo, Wolf of the Pits
Action Speed cannot be modified to below 50% of base value
Cannot be Knocked Back
cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished [0]
cannot be stunned while stunned [1]
Tagsbetrayal_syndicate_member, fast_movement, has_one_hand_sword, has_one_handed_melee, human, humanoid, medium_height, melee, not_int, physical_affinity, plate_armour, red_blood, slashing_weapon
Ailment Threshold
40 40 40 25
Critical Strike Chance
Critical Strike Multiplier
Attack Distance
6 ~ 9
Attack Time
1.545 Second
Damage Spread
Model Size
Evasion Rating
Spell Damage
Attack Time
Minion Life
Minion Damage
Ailment Threshold
Attack, RangedAttack, MirageArcherCanUse, Projectile, MeleeSingleTarget, Multistrikeable, Melee, ProjectilesFromUser
Default Attack
Base Damage: 526–789
Critical Strike Chance: 5%
Attack Time: 1.545 sec
Strike your foes down with a powerful blow.
skill can fire arrows [1]
skill can fire wand projectiles [1]
walk emerge distance [300]
Base Damage: 526–789
Critical Strike Chance: 5%
Attack Damage: 37.5%
Attack Time: 1.545 sec
Cooldown Time: 4 sec
Deals 62.5% less Attack Damage
25% less Attack Speed
active skill area of effect radius +% final [-70]
is area damage [1]
Triggerable, Attack
Base Damage: 526–789
Critical Strike Chance: 5%
Attack Time: 1.545 sec
is area damage [1]
Triggerable, Attack
Base Damage: 526–789
Critical Strike Chance: 5%
Attack Damage: 125%
Attack Time: 1.545 sec
Deals 25% more Attack Damage
is area damage [1]
Triggerable, Attack
Base Damage: 526–789
Critical Strike Chance: 5%
Attack Damage: 175%
Attack Time: 1.545 sec
Deals 75% more Attack Damage
is area damage [1]
Triggerable, Attack
Base Damage: 526–789
Critical Strike Chance: 5%
Attack Damage: 150%
Attack Time: 1.545 sec
Deals 50% more Attack Damage
Deals 30% less Damage
is area damage [1]
Base Damage: 526–789
Critical Strike Chance: 5%
Attack Time: 1.545 sec
Cooldown Time: 5 sec
25% less Attack Speed
skill cannot be knocked back [1]
skill cannot be stunned [1]

Object Type

version 2
extends "Metadata/Monsters/LeagueBetrayal/BetrayalTarget"

Object Type Codes

version 2
extends "Metadata/Monsters/LeagueBetrayal/BetrayalTarget"

	//create_state_Helm_0 = "ShowMeshSegments(  );"
	create_state_Boots_0 = "ShowMeshSegments( Leo_feetShape, Leo_knee_guards1Shape, Leo_knee_guards2Shape );"
	create_state_Gloves_0 = "ShowMeshSegments( Leo_R_handShape, Leo_R_wrist_guardShape, Leo_elbow_guardsShape );"
	//create_state_Back_0 = "ShowMeshSegments(  );"
	//create_state_Weapon_0 = "ShowMeshSegments(  );"
	//Azal's Alacrium
	create_state_Boots_2 = "ShowMeshSegments( Leo_knee_guards1Shape, Leo_knee_guards2Shape );"
	//Tau Poh's Toes
	create_state_Boots_2 = "ShowMeshSegments( Leo_knee_guards1Shape, Leo_knee_guards2Shape );"
	//Lorag's Firestarter
	create_state_Boots_2 = "ShowMeshSegments( Leo_knee_guards1Shape, Leo_knee_guards2Shape );"
	//Elgan's Crossing
	create_state_Boots_2 = "ShowMeshSegments( Leo_knee_guards1Shape, Leo_knee_guards2Shape );"
	//Bu's Green Path
	create_state_Boots_2 = "ShowMeshSegments( Leo_knee_guards1Shape, Leo_knee_guards2Shape );"
	//Akanilim's Hide
	create_state_Back_21 =
		AddAttached( Metadata/Monsters/LeagueBetrayal/BetrayalAttachments/AkanilimsHideWingsHeld.ao, aux_back_attachment );
		PlayAnimationAttached( Metadata/Monsters/LeagueBetrayal/BetrayalAttachments/AkanilimsHideWingsHeld.ao, Leo );

	//Shiaphet's Pall
	create_state_Back_22 =
		AddAttached( Metadata/Monsters/LeagueBetrayal/BetrayalAttachments/ShiaphetsPallCapeHeld.ao, aux_back_attachment );
		PlayAnimationAttached( Metadata/Monsters/LeagueBetrayal/BetrayalAttachments/ShiaphetsPallCapeHeld.ao, Leo );

	//Xunti's Parasol
	create_state_Back_23 =
		AddAttached( Metadata/Monsters/LeagueBetrayal/BetrayalAttachments/XuntisParasolCapeHeld.ao, aux_back_attachment );
		PlayAnimationAttached( Metadata/Monsters/LeagueBetrayal/BetrayalAttachments/XuntisParasolCapeHeld.ao, Leo );

	//Tekiton's Spine
	create_state_Back_24 =
		AddAttached( Metadata/Monsters/LeagueBetrayal/BetrayalAttachments/TekitonsSpineCapeHeld.ao, aux_back_attachment );
		PlayAnimationAttached( Metadata/Monsters/LeagueBetrayal/BetrayalAttachments/TekitonsSpineCapeHeld.ao, Leo );

	//Gogori's Plague
	create_state_Back_25 =
		AddAttached( Metadata/Monsters/LeagueBetrayal/BetrayalAttachments/GogorisPlagueWingsHeld.ao, aux_back_attachment );
		PlayAnimationAttached( Metadata/Monsters/LeagueBetrayal/BetrayalAttachments/GogorisPlagueWingsHeld.ao, Leo );

	//Harimal's Campaign
	create_state_Back_26 =
		AddAttached( Metadata/Monsters/LeagueBetrayal/BetrayalAttachments/HarimalsCampaignCapeHeld.ao, aux_back_attachment );
		PlayAnimationAttached( Metadata/Monsters/LeagueBetrayal/BetrayalAttachments/HarimalsCampaignCapeHeld.ao, Leo );

	//Tau Poh's Banner
	create_state_Back_27 =
		AddAttached( Metadata/Monsters/LeagueBetrayal/BetrayalAttachments/TauPohsBannerCapeHeld.ao, aux_back_attachment );
		PlayAnimationAttached( Metadata/Monsters/LeagueBetrayal/BetrayalAttachments/TauPohsBannerCapeHeld.ao, Leo );

	//Bu's Bottle
	create_state_Back_28 =
		AddAttached( Metadata/Monsters/LeagueBetrayal/BetrayalAttachments/BusBottleCapeHeld.ao, aux_back_attachment );
		PlayAnimationAttached( Metadata/Monsters/LeagueBetrayal/BetrayalAttachments/BusBottleCapeHeld.ao, Leo );

	//Rithkin's Dance
	create_state_Back_29 =
		AddAttached( Metadata/Monsters/LeagueBetrayal/BetrayalAttachments/RithkinsDanceCapeHeld.ao, aux_back_attachment );
		PlayAnimationAttached( Metadata/Monsters/LeagueBetrayal/BetrayalAttachments/RithkinsDanceCapeHeld.ao, Leo );

	//Cantar's Coffin
	create_state_Back_30 =
		AddAttached( Metadata/Monsters/LeagueBetrayal/BetrayalAttachments/CantarsCoffinCapeHeld.ao, aux_back_attachment );
		PlayAnimationAttached( Metadata/Monsters/LeagueBetrayal/BetrayalAttachments/CantarsCoffinCapeHeld.ao, Leo );
-- src\Data\Spectres.lua
minions["Metadata/Monsters/LeagueBetrayal/BetrayalLeo"] = {
    name = "Leo, Wolf of the Pits",
    life = 6,
    fireResist = 40,
    coldResist = 40,
    lightningResist = 40,
    chaosResist = 25,
    damage = 1.76,
    damageSpread = 0.2,
    attackTime = 1.545,
    attackRange = 9,
    accuracy = 1,
    weaponType1 = "One Hand Sword",
    skillList = {
    modList = {
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["Melee"] = {
    name = "Default Attack",
    hidden = true,
    color = "4",
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    description = "Strike your foes down with a powerful blow.",
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Attack] = true,
        [SkillType.RangedAttack] = true,
        [SkillType.MirageArcherCanUse] = true,
        [SkillType.Projectile] = true,
        [SkillType.MeleeSingleTarget] = true,
        [SkillType.Multistrikeable] = true,
        [SkillType.Melee] = true,
        [SkillType.ProjectilesFromUser] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 1,
    baseFlags = {
        attack = true,
        melee = true,
        projectile = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["BetrayalLeoLevitationSlam"] = {
    name = "BetrayalLeoLevitationSlam",
    hidden = true,
    color = "4",
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Attack] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 2,
    baseFlags = {
        attack = true,
        area = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {-25, -70, baseMultiplier = 0.375, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["EmptyActionAttackLeoCombo"] = {
    name = "EmptyActionAttackLeoCombo",
    hidden = true,
    color = "4",
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Attack] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 2.03,
    baseFlags = {
        attack = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {-25, levelRequirement = 0, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["WalkEmergeBetrayal"] = {
    name = "WalkEmergeBetrayal",
    hidden = true,
    color = "4",
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    skillTypes = {
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 0.72,
    baseFlags = {
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {300, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {},  cost = { }, },
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["BetrayalLeoCombo1"] = {
    name = "BetrayalLeoCombo1",
    hidden = true,
    color = "4",
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
        [SkillType.Attack] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 1,
    baseFlags = {
        attack = true,
        area = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {-30, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {2},  cost = { }, },
        [2] = {-30, levelRequirement = 10, statInterpolation = {2},  cost = { }, },
        [3] = {0, levelRequirement = 60, statInterpolation = {2},  cost = { }, },
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["BetrayalLeoCombo2"] = {
    name = "BetrayalLeoCombo2",
    hidden = true,
    color = "4",
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
        [SkillType.Attack] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 1,
    baseFlags = {
        attack = true,
        area = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {-30, baseMultiplier = 1.25, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {2},  cost = { }, },
        [2] = {-30, baseMultiplier = 1.25, levelRequirement = 10, statInterpolation = {2},  cost = { }, },
        [3] = {0, baseMultiplier = 1.25, levelRequirement = 60, statInterpolation = {2},  cost = { }, },
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["BetrayalLeoCombo3"] = {
    name = "BetrayalLeoCombo3",
    hidden = true,
    color = "4",
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
        [SkillType.Attack] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 1,
    baseFlags = {
        attack = true,
        area = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {-30, baseMultiplier = 1.75, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {2},  cost = { }, },
        [2] = {-30, baseMultiplier = 1.75, levelRequirement = 10, statInterpolation = {2},  cost = { }, },
        [3] = {0, baseMultiplier = 1.75, levelRequirement = 20, statInterpolation = {2},  cost = { }, },
-- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua
skills["BetrayalLeoHook"] = {
    name = "BetrayalLeoHook",
    hidden = true,
    color = "4",
    baseEffectiveness = 0,
    incrementalEffectiveness = 0,
    skillTypes = {
        [SkillType.Triggerable] = true,
        [SkillType.Attack] = true,
    statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions",
    castTime = 1,
    baseFlags = {
        attack = true,
        area = true,
    baseMods = {
    qualityStats = {
    stats = {
    levels = {
        [1] = {0, baseMultiplier = 1.5, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {2},  cost = { }, },
        [2] = {-30, baseMultiplier = 1.5, levelRequirement = 45, statInterpolation = {2},  cost = { }, },
        [3] = {-30, baseMultiplier = 1.5, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {2},  cost = { }, },
Action Speed cannot be modified to below 50% of base value
DomainsMonster (3)
GenerationTypeUnique (3)
Req. level1
  • hellscape boots action speed +% minimum value Min: -50 Max: -50 Global
  • Craft Tagsspeed
    Cannot be Knocked Back
    DomainsMonster (3)
    GenerationTypeUnique (3)
    Req. level1
  • cannot be knocked back Min: 1 Max: 1 Global
  • cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished [0]
    cannot be stunned while stunned [1]
    DomainsMonster (3)
    GenerationTypeUnique (3)
    Req. level1
  • cannot be stunned while stunned Min: 1 Max: 1 Global
  • cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished Min: 0 Max: 0 Global
  • Leo, Wolf of the Pits Text Audio /173
    Good to see a man cut from the same cloth as myself. Leo Redmane's the name, though no doubt the Grand Arena still remembers me.
    A fine day to you. Leo Redmane's the name, though no doubt the streets of Theopolis still remember me.

    So welcome to the ruckus, Shadow. They would never have let you anywhere near an arena in Oriath, snooty bastards. But don't worry, no one's looking for a fair fight here.
    Your brothers and sisters tend to get a raw deal in the arenas of Oriath. Drugged-up fodder for the bloodthirsty masses. Nothing like that going on with Leo Redmane's events, I promise you.

    So welcome to the ruckus, Marauder. Red's the only colour that matters to me.
    I know your type aren't big on rules and regulations, Ranger. The wild doesn't have much use for them. I can respect that.

    So don't worry your pretty, little head about it. I, Leo Redmane, have only one rule in my events: Give it everything you've got. The audience loves a tryer.
    Giving up your box seat for a place on the stage are we, your lordship? A bloody fine thing by Leo Redmane.

    The title isn't the man, if you know what I'm saying. And to be honest, 'winner' is the only title I've ever been interested in.
    Leo Redmane's the name, m'lady, and it would be an honour to have one of such beauty and prowess grace my humble affrays.

    Welcome to the ruckus, darling. I am so looking forward to seeing you in action.
    Got myself banished from Theopolis Arena for dealing with your kind, Witch. But this isn't Theopolis, and Leo Redmane's arena welcomes anyone who can put up a good fight... or a bad one.

    It's not the methods, but the ruckus that matters to me.
    Get out there and shoulder-tap someone for a bit of casual biffo.

    Why are you looking at me like that? This isn't Theopolis. There are no marketeer fixers hustling to match-make you a duel. In Sarn, we pick our own fights.

    So go on, slap someone in the face with a gauntlet. Then come and see me when you've done fighting.
    Find yourself an exile to take on and see if you can best them. We'll catch up when the ruckus is done.
    It's the arena for you! Be honoured. That's not a suggestion, by the way. Be honoured. Sarn Arena is where everything and anything can happen.

    I never cease to be amazed by the spectacle when you throw a mixed bag of exiles into the old 'sand bucket'. An all day breakfast of free-range ruckus on toast.

    So get in there, and see how long you can take the heat. I'll be around to listen to your tales of woe when you're done.
    Into the arena you go. Gird your loins and be ready for... well, pretty much anything! See you on the other side.
    Let's see if you can play nicely with others.

    Not everyone's a lone wolf. It'd be a sad, lonely world if we were. There's many who stick with the pack, who thrive in the camaraderie of battle.

    Get out there, muster a pack and find yourself a battle. See if you can lead your friends to glory.

    We'll speak again after.
    Get yourself a crew and go make some trouble. I'll look forward to hearing the gory details.
    What you need is a goal. Yeah, I know. I sound like a school teacher when I say that. What I mean is, get out there, get yourself a crew together, and try your hand at capturing a flag or two.

    Exiles fighting together for something they believe in. Coveting, protecting... makes a man think there might be some hope for humanity.

    What? A man's got to care about something. We'll talk some more when the affray is done.
    There's a flag out there with your name on it. Don't keep it waiting. I'll look forward to hearing the results.
    Your timing couldn't be better! I've just the ruckus for you. A fresh affray for those who hunger for glory and violence.

    Think I'm talking it up a bit, do you? Well, that's my job. Don't tell me how to do my job and I won't tell you how to do yours... unless you're making a mess of it. And your job is to get in there and put in some good, clean violence.

    We'll talk after, if you're able.
    I've just the brutality you're looking for. No expense spared on my part. Come tell me all about it when you're done.
    You acquitted yourself fairly well that time. There's always room for improvement, of course.
    You're a keen one, aren't you? Good. Keen blades are good for killing. Keen thoughts are good for living.
    Nicely done, for an amateur. Let me know when you feel like sharpening those skills of yours a bit more.
    And here I thought I might have dumped you in the deep end.
    Pretty fine work. Think you can top it next time?
    You made a real statement, that time. I reckon we should keep you talking.
    You're on a bit of a roll, here!
    Violence really suits you! Brings out the red in your eyes.
    You better be careful, or you're going to get a name for yourself!
    You surely do put on a good show.
    At this rate, we'll make quite the decent gladiator out of you.

    That said, I'm bit concerned about your gear. It's one thing to have talent, but if you don't have the right gear, you'll be a talented corpse.

    Flasks are a must-have, especially the ones that can wash away any ailments an enemy might curse you with. The fastest, strongest fighter can be rendered as slow and soft as a slug. Thaumaturgy's a bugger like that. Choose your flasks wisely and use them sparingly. They've got to last you the whole fight, remember.

    Anyway, have a look at the bits and bobs I've mustered here. Every item hand-picked to make other exile's lives miserable. See if anything takes your fancy.
    Turns out you've found yourself a hideout. And as luck would have it, I find myself in need of somewhere to sleep.

    Maramoa's given me the boot, you see. Oh, you didn't know about us? Not surprised. Pretty tight-lipped about her private life, that girl. Wouldn't mention anything to her either, unless you're looking for a piece of axe.

    So, how about it? I don't take up much space, so there'll be plenty of room for others, and I'll defend your house like its my own. What do you say?
    You're proving to be quite the reliable one. I like predictability in an ally, helps me sleep at night. And as luck would have it, I've just found myself a new resting spot.

    Maramoa's given me the boot, you see. Oh, you didn't know about us? Not surprised. Pretty tight-lipped about her private life, that girl. Wouldn't mention anything to her, either, unless you're looking for a piece of axe.

    So, how about joining me, eh? I could do with the company and, as we all know, there's safety in numbers when it comes to living in Wraeclast.
    So, you've gone and set up a cosy, little nest with one of the other masters, have you? It's your fight, your funeral, as they say.

    Should you change your mind though, I might still have a spot that'd serve the two us just as nicely, if not better. Defendable, comfortable, adaptable and whole lot of other 'ables' that escape me for the moment.

    What do you reckon? Take a look for curiosity's sake?
    You won't regret this.
    Sure, it's no imperial penthouse, but if you've been keeping up with real estate these last couple hundred years, you'll notice that the Wraeclast market's been a bit flat.

    So what do you think? Is it a keeper?
    Well played, my friend. Well played. Of course, there's room for one or two others to join us, if you feel so inclined.

    I'm not fussy when it comes to house-mates, so I'll leave the choosing to you, eh? Just make sure none of them snore.
    Bet you're itching to know how I ended up with a hook, right? Not half as much as my left hand itches in the middle of the night. The mind, eh? It's the damndest of things.

    But here it is. I got complacent. Been fighting in arenas and gutter pits so long I thought I knew it all. It took a waif of a girl with a rusty dirk to take my hand and my pride with one out-of-the-blue slash.

    So here's a bit of blood-earned wisdom for you. Life is a school from which you never graduate. Those who stop learning, start dying.
    Since you seem pretty committed to proving yourself against your fellow exiles, here's a word of caution. Exsanguination.
    You're getting quite a reputation for yourself in fighting circles. So here's another tip from the Redmane School of Not Dying, just to make sure you don't trip over your own pedestal.

    Some say you should focus on your strengths. That's good for the ego, not so good for keeping your throat unslit. Instead, drag your weaknesses kicking and screaming into the light, and give them a damned good looking-over. That'll help you protect your soft bits, but more importantly, it'll train your eye to spot weaknesses in others.

    Why go toe-to-toe with a man who has bigger toes than you, when it's his dodgy hamstring you should be going after?
    I wish we'd met back in Oriath. I could have made a bloody fortune out of you. Ah well, ancient history, that. Let's look to the present, and to keeping you from becoming ancient history yourself.

    I've met some mighty big hitters in my time, and picked up one valuable lesson from them: Don't get hit. A fighter can learn to take punishment. Body conditioning, armour, stamina... it all helps. But there are still attacks out there that'll cut through you like you're yesterday's bog paper.

    Best thing when one of those blows falls? Be somewhere else.
    You probably know me well enough by now to understand that I don't say what I'm about to lightly. So here it is.

    You're a better fighter than I am. Better than Vagan, better even than the great Daresso, in my mind at least. And you know why you're better? You just don't bloody give up!

    That's what it takes for true mastery, inside the arena and out. Sure, we all know how to put the blood, sweat and tears into something. How to just keep swinging that sword until it hits what we want it to hit. That makes us good. But you, you're different. You're so full of the fight that you've forgotten how to live any other way.

    That's why you, my friend, are one of the Greats.
    I know how exiles think and more importantly, how they fight. Oriathan and Karui, brawler and thaumaturge, I've seen every type of combatant. I've recorded their strengths and nutted out their weaknesses.

    What do I do with all this know-how? I carve and hammer it into weapons and other bits and bobs. I could teach you a thing or two about that, if you're willing.

    After all, if you're going to take down exiles, you'll need the right gear. Can't eat steak with a spoon, you know.
    Speaking of which, stop in from time to time for a chat. I've always got a few events on the go. Exiles do love to bash each other... as if Wraeclast wasn't enough of a challenge for them!

    But now and then, I like to streamline things. Make sure the ruckus has a bit of form and grace to it. Time your visit right, and I'll be able to point you in the direction of a right, top-notch ruckus.
    Why should exile fight exile, you ask? This is our new home, so we need to get to know each other. And I reckon you can't truly know someone until you've fought them.
    You know, I've a few friends we should think about inviting over. Not your usual rank and file exile, all survivalism and vengeance.

    They're what I'd call your 'exile's exile', far more interested in beating the corruption out of each other than in taking on the twisted hordes out there.

    A sensible coping strategy, if you ask me. And a damned fine philosophy for producing gladiators!

    Anyway, you just say the word. I'm sure they'll be thrilled to meet you.
    Another day, another ruckus. You feeling fighting fit?
    Good on you. Now, how can we best make use of your violent cravings?
    Another day, another ruckus.
    Vorici's a backstabbing ponce with delusions of grandeur.

    I had a gutsful of his type back in Oriath. Now they're turning up in Wraeclast. There goes the neighbourhood.
    I don't mind admitting that Catarina scares me bloody rigid.

    Can't say I understand her obsession with the deceased, but it's not for me to tell anyone how to run their life, or death for that matter.
    Tora's a pussy cat. Scratch her belly and she's all purrs. Pull her tail and she'll have your eyes out before you can blink.
    Zana? I respect a woman who knows exactly where things are. Bloody helpful when you lose your keys.
    Vagan and I go way back. Even faced each other in the arena a few times in our younger days. He's not a bad bloke.

    It's just that I wish he'd been understanding enough to set up shop in some other part of Wraeclast.

    It's not the competition, I mind. It's the evening chinwags that get to me. A man likes to get a word in, now and then.
    Never been one to believe in God myself, but damned if I'm going to tell Elreon that. Just in case I'm wrong, you see.

    A good fighter always knows where the exits are.
    Haku's a bit on the intense side for my liking. It worries me when a man can't see the funny side of life. Makes him real dangerous.
    Eternals would travel from far and wide to see the spectacles of Sarn Arena. The gemling diva Kalisa gave her final performance in there for Emperor Chitus himself.

    Legend has it, on that same day, the first gemling legionnaire cut through four Ezomyte warriors in less time than it would've taken Kalisa to sing a single bar.

    It's seen more artists of war and of culture than any other place in the whole of Wraeclast.

    Whatever becomes of this land, I'm going to make damned sure of one thing. Sarn Arena will continue to celebrate the spirit of glory. God knows, we all need a bit of glory in a place like this.
    Fair Marylene was one of the true greats of the arena in Sarn. Her skill with a longsword was second to none. Pinpoint accuracy and fast as a viper.

    As the story goes, she started out as a gutter kid, brought up by her maidservant mother. No one knew for sure who her dad was, but some pegged Kre Faarblood as the most likely candidate. Apparently sowed more than his fair share of wild oats in his day.

    You know why she was called 'Fair' Marylene? She was a looker, by all accounts, but that wasn't how she earned the nickname. It was down to her fighting style. The girl was a dancer, so sure on her feet that she was bloody near untouchable.

    Could be something you want to try. Not the dancing bit, not literally, but working on your movement. Some fighters learn to take the hits, others learn to avoid them. Never seen a fighter successfully do both.
    It's through studying the greats that you learn how to be great yourself. Fighters who live in isolation tend to die there.
    This isn't widely known, but Hector Titucius was an Ezomyte by birth.
    Ah, good stuff. I was dying for a bit of biffo.
    Welcome to the fun house!
    Get outta here, bloody pest!
    Oi! You're not allowed down here!
    Hate to pick an unfair fight, but...
    Leaving a fighter to die in a cage? Not nice.
    No more deals. Just good, clean violence.
    Forget the past. New day, new fight.
    You gave my pride a bloody nose. Now the greave's on the other leg.
    Back for a grudge match, eh?
    Strength in numbers!
    Daresso would have been jealous!
    My favourite thing's watching the colour drain from a foe's face.
    This'll chill you to the bone, and beyond.
    Dodge this.
    Stormin' in here like that, completely disrespectful. I need to show you some manners.
    Tag me in, mate!
    Stick together! What a ruckus.
    Why's this bloody invader still alive?
    Seriously? You got the jump and you still need backup?
    Yes! Finally, a brawl!
    Been dyin' to slap each other around a bit.
    Need a hand sweetie? I've only got the one.
    Not so easy when it's a fair fight, is it Vorici?
    I'm here to blow a little wind into your sails, mate!
    You weren't going to leave me out of this brawl, were you, Thane?
    Leave some for me this time ya big bloody bastard.
    What bloody ruckus have you got us into?!
    Mates, you're all screwed.
    Let's turn this into a free for all.
    Never take your eyes off the brawler.
    Hook's dying to tear into some sinew and I don't much care whose.
    Sorry huntress, but time's come to put you down.
    Vagan, this beating's for old-time's sake.
    Look at me! Now I'm a bloody backstabbing ponce. Not very fair, eh, Vorici?
    Back in the day I'd've given my left arm to take a swing at a Perandus.
    Everyone loves an underdog, Hillock. And you're never the underdog.
    This ain't my first battle royale, mates.
    Cage match then, is it?
    Great, another body I'll have to lug around.
    So much for this place being secret.
    Free for all brawl!
    Oh, how bloody kind.
    I mean, I get why you'd want a new face.
    Taking it to the spleen, maybe.
    Somehow I don't think you're hitting on me.
    Go on, then. Just try it.
    This defense has become a bloody siege.
    Looks like you could use another hand. Just the one though.
    Let's get this handled and get out.
    Gotta swing the odds in our favour.
    I know you're bloody dangerous, Haku, so let's aim that intensity in the right direction.
    Care to get swept up in my crusade, old man?
    I've got my eye on victory, Vagan. Let's do this.
    It seems I'm your captain, Guff!
    Just keep swinging, Hillock.
    The champ is here! What, no roaring crowd?
    Match: Leo.
    I guess it's back to work then.
    Not a nice place to die, is it exile?
    Didn't even get to use my signature one-handed throw!
    Don't worry, exile, this was a grudge match.
    Thanks for the excitement, exile!
    Missed it by that much.
    How did I lose a bloody cage match?
    Urgh... too much of a ruckus.
    Gotta be honest. My heart wasn't in this one.
    Fair. Fair fight. Not bad.
    No more time-outs, please...
    Even better with a weapon than with words...
    I'm really building a damaged reputation here.
    This one's going to hurt, isn't it?
    Hah! I knew you'd get me back for killing you.
    I shouldn't have jumped in like I did!
    Sure can pick 'em, can't ya Leo?
    You should have given them the Redmane treatment. Make a statement! So what do you want from me?
    You won, so congratulations are in order. But the Syndicate's still going strong. Want to really hit us where it hurts? Then you've gotta let us team up. Take us down as a group! I'll even let you choose my teammate. Up for the challenge?
    Don't snuff my candle just yet. I've got access to information you might find valuable. Just let me get in contact with a mate of mine, get a little drink in 'em. A little palling around and whammo, gossip galore. What do you say?
    I'm a man of limited talents, as you can see. Only so much you can do with a hook, and apparently this wasn't one of 'em. You don't need to kick a man while he's down. Just let me figure out a plan B.
    What if - and bear with me here - what if instead of gutting me, you just let me go? And I mean really go. Gone. Out of the Syndicate. Interested?
    You hear a lot of things when you spend enough time at one job. The sort of things someone like you might get some use out of. Only, there's no bloody way I'm telling you anything if you're just going to slice me to bits.
    To the victor go the spoils. As in, actual treasure. Stuff you can swing and wear! Interested?
    Dunno about you, but I'm excited for the next round.
    I guess it's time to play at spying.
    Next time you see me, I'll be a new man. With a new plan.
    Good choice, exile. I guess I'm off!
    You're a smart one, exile.
    And the strong get stronger.
    I preferred being the Pitmaster than a pit dog in my proverbial past life. Getting bloodied for money was never much fun. I reckon a few sneaky maneuvers and I could knock a Syndicate chump down a peg, leaving me to take their place. Might piss 'em off, but I think somehow you'll be fine with that.
    Back in my arena-master days, I learned the power of prestige. To rise in the eyes of the crowd, others must fall. That's somethin' I've made sure to keep ready myself. Bloody the noses of my comrades-in-arms here and elevate myself. It's a power play.
    A bad apple spoils the bunch. Put bluntly, one monkey's arse can damage the whole crowd's enthusiasm. Get what I'm gettin' at? I make it my business to retain the ability to kick someone out of the rosters entirely.
    If it's information you're after, no better to converse with than Leo Redmane. I've befriended all of my comrades-in-arms, and I can tell you all about their roles and fighting strategies... if you'll spare me a certain amount of pain in exchange.
    Hate to double-cross an old mate, but Vagan's man enough to deal with it. Plus, I owe him one.
    Look, I get why you want to kill me. I do. But Perandus! Bloody Perandus! Doesn't that name just make you... Rrrrg! Perandus!
    A professional like myself knows that when the fight's over, the fight's over. Hillock... well, the fight's never really over in his head. Put the poor bastard out of his misery.
    I love a bit of violence. Who among us doesn't? But there's a time and a place. For Cameria, the time is always and the place is wherever he happens to bloody be. I just can't stand it.
    When a fight's over, the fighter's job is done. We go home, tend to our wounds, and train for the next round. When Aisling's done fighting, well, that's just the beginning. The things she does to the bodies... I'm intimidating, but she's scary.
    An arena fighter knows, once the fight is over, respect is what counts. Think anyone else in the Syndicate would say the same?
    Always hoped I'd get a warrior's death.
    Look at the situation you've put me in. The only way you'll get me to spill my guts is literally.
    I'll take this one for the team.
    My days in the cage are over. End our conflict, and make a good show of it.
    Knew you were weak. Bloody knew it.
    Next time it'll be you, old friend.
    Go neck yourself, mate.
    Righto, Redblade. You're on my list.
    You really are a bastard, aren't you.
    Must be nice, having absolutely no conscience whatsoever.
    Is it really in your best interests to piss off a bloody arena fighter?
    You say prison cell, I hear 'holiday.'
    You know what she does to me in there? Please. Please no.
    Wait, what about a deal? What about last time?
    You should have given them the Redmane treatment. Make a statement.
    Death is what separates the wolves from the pups.
    If you hadn't done it, I probably would've.
    Bugger. How about a rematch, eh?

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