先驱 - 完成结局之战 /5 ⍟
击败任一位虚空守卫 x40
击败瓦尔女王阿兹里 x100
在终极帝王迷宫中击败伊泽洛 x100
完成异界地图降临之地 x50
击败一名苍白议会的成员 x200
深渊 - 完成结局之战 /6 ⍟
击败塑界者的任意一位虚空守卫 x40
击败瓦尔女王阿兹里 x100
击败终极帝王迷宫中的伊泽洛 x100
击败裂界者的任意一位裂界守卫 x100
击败任意一位深渊巫妖 x50
击败苍白议会 x200
猎魔 - 完成结局之战 /5 ⍟
击败瓦尔女王阿兹里 x100
在终极帝王迷宫中击败伊泽洛 x100
击败塑界者或任意塑界守卫 x150
击败裂界者或任意裂界守卫 x150
击败任意魔物首领 x20
穿越 - 完成结局之战 /6 ⍟
击败至高裂界者 x20
开启终极帝王迷宫最深处的宝箱 x500
击败裂隙领主 x40
完成绝望深渊 x100
在75级或以上区域击败瓦尔妖塔 x70
地心 - 完成结局之战 /5 ⍟
在特定次数下,完成任意 4 个遭遇战。
在你的蓝晶矿坑中达到深渊等级 600。
击败塑界者的任意一位虚空守卫 x80
击败裂界者的任意一位裂界守卫 x120
开启终极帝王迷宫最深处的宝箱 x500
背叛者 - 完成结局之战 /6 ⍟
在特定次数下,完成任意 4 个遭遇战。
在你的蓝晶矿坑中达到深渊等级 600。
开启终极帝王迷宫最深处的宝箱 x500
在75级或以上区域击败瓦尔妖塔 x60
击败任意魔物首领 x40
完成辛迪加安全屋 x100
虚空忆境 - 完成结局之战 /6 ⍟
在特定次数下,完成任意 4 个遭遇战。
在你的蓝晶矿坑中达到深渊等级 600。
开启终极帝王迷宫最深处的宝箱 x500
在异界地图中捕捉魔物 x500
完成辛迪加密室 x40
完成遥远的回忆,内有一场首领战或分裂实验室 x100
军团 - 完成结局之战 /6 ⍟
等级 100
击败至高裂界者 x40
完成深渊 x400
在结局迷宫中净化黑影祭坛 x400
在蓝晶矿坑中完成至少 80 级的地心探索遭遇战 x500
击败永战之域的派系 x200
菌潮 - 完成结局之战 /6 ⍟
等级 100
击败至高裂界者 x40
击败塑界守卫或塑界者 x125
在结局迷宫击败阿格斯 x100
完成菌潮地图 x100
在蓝晶矿脉中花费亚硫酸 x650000
灾变 - 完成结局之战 /6 ⍟
从以下特定数量的遭遇战中完成任意 4 种。
等级 100
击败诸界觉者希鲁斯 x75
开启终极帝王迷宫的终局宝箱 x500
在丹恩的实验室击败灾变体 x175
在你的蓝晶矿坑中达到深渊等级 600。
完成战乱之殇遭遇战 x200
惊悸迷雾 - 完成结局之战 /6 ⍟
从以下特定数量的遭遇战中完成任意 4 种。
等级 100
在蓝晶矿坑中完成至少 80 级的地心探险遭遇战 x500
在结局迷宫中净化黑影祭坛 x400
完成菌潮地图 x50
击败异界征服者 x100
击败梦魇拟像怪物潮 x750
庄园 - 完成结局之战 /6 ⍟
从以下特定数量的遭遇战中完成任意 4 种。
等级 100
在结局迷宫击败阿格斯 x100
在蓝晶矿坑中完成至少 80 级的地心探险遭遇战 x500
击败诸界觉者希鲁斯 x50
击败梦魇拟像怪物潮 x300
击败古灵庄园首领 x50
夺宝奇兵 - 完成结局之战 /6 ⍟
从以下特定数量的遭遇战中完成任意 4 种。
等级 100
开启终极帝王迷宫的终局宝箱 x500
完成辛迪加安全屋 x40
完成裂隙领域 x40黑暗余烬‧索伏
击败永战之域的派系 x50
至少 68 级区域完成【夺宝冒险】或【大型夺宝冒险】 x750
驱灵仪式 - 完成结局之战 /6 ⍟
从以下特定数量的遭遇战中完成任意 4 种。
等级 100
击败终极帝王迷宫中的伊泽洛 x100KillIzaroLevel75
完成大型夺宝冒险 x25
收割古灵庄园之心 x15
给地图使用浸血法器,并成功完成该区域的所有驱灵仪式 x50
击败贤主 x40
致命贪婪 - 完成结局之战 /6 ⍟
从以下特定数量的遭遇战中完成任意 4 种。
等级 100
在结局迷宫击败阿格斯 x100
在蓝晶矿坑中完成至少 80 级的地心探险遭遇战 x500
用驱灵贡品使用恩典或重置恩典。用贡品重置恩典视为没有应用降低消耗的效果。 x2000000
击败主脑 x20
完成贪婪战书的词缀 x600
先祖秘藏 - 完成结局之战 /6 ⍟
从以下特定数量的遭遇战中完成任意 4 种。
等级 100
在结局迷宫中净化黑影祭坛 x400
击败梦魇拟像怪物潮 x300
完成稀有菌潮地图 x75
在75级或以上区域击败瓦尔妖塔 x60
在至少 80 级的区域完成日志发动的先祖秘藏探险 x125
异度天灾 - 完成结局之战 /6 ⍟
从以下特定数量的遭遇战中完成任意 4 种。
等级 100
单刷地心探险 1000 层
在至少 83 级区域击败伊泽洛 x50
完成驱灵仪式 x1000
完成虚空忆境地图 x50SynthesisUniqueMapCortex
在绝望深渊击败传奇首领 x50弱言领主乌拉曼
罪恶枷锁 - 完成结局之战 /6 ⍟
等级 100
击败地图上的裂界屠杀者 x100
完成 4 张有六分仪词缀的地图 x300MapWith4SextantMods
完成地图上的升华试炼 x50
击败地图上的裂界者守卫或塑界守卫 x100
在至少 83 级的区域击败罪恶枷锁怪物 x1000
近卫 - 完成结局之战 /6 ⍟
使用终极帝王迷宫中的神圣之泉 x250
在16阶地图中击败4词缀稀有怪物 x100
击败至高首领 x100
击败拥有至少50点强化的16阶地图首领 x200KillMapBossT16With50Empowerment
卡兰德 - 完成结局之战 /6 ⍟
在结局迷宫击败阿格斯 x100
完成带异界回忆词缀的16阶地图 x75Tier16AnarchyMemoryLineMap
在卡兰德之湖83级区域完成难度至少为3的镜像 x500
击败任意:地心首领、辛迪加主脑、猎魔首领或瓦尔妖塔 x80KillDelveBossLevel81
完成贤主之邀 x50

Community Wiki


Rating Difficulty: Hard

Complete any four of these encounters the specified number of times:

  • Level 100
    Nowadays there are many ways to gain a lot of experience easily such as Infused Beachheads, Pure Breachstones, the Domain of Timeless Conflict, and so on... And now we even have more ways to increase the experience bonus gains from other league mechanics using atlas passive trees. But still, leveling to 100 is a huge grind... Ya Path of Exile leveling is still 10 times better than in normal MMOs but... one accidental death at high levels (which can happen quite a bit with this game), is very hurtful if that 10% might’ve taken a couple hours to grind. If your build is not very end game-focused or you are dying too often… I highly recommend you skip this.

  • Solo Delve Depth 1,000
    Oh no they brought back the hideous challenge of delving ... Reaching depth level 1000 is much harder than t16 maps because monster life and damage starts to scale up massively. Don't worry though it won't be dangerous as long as you don't delve into deadly modifiers such as elemental penetration, more than two damage mods, and a chance to steal charges if your build relies on charges like a Righteous Fire Build. Best way to survive deep delves is to bring a couple of resist flasks depending on the delve modifiers, and a poison remove flask in case of the "poison on hit" mod. Also you can party up with end game build players to help get past hard modifier delves.

  • Defeat 50 Izaro in an area of level 83
    Level 83 Izaro means you need to farm the boss in it’s enriched version of labyrinth, which only obtainable from harvest “Allows you to upgrade an Offering to the Goddess when Harvested” crafting type. The labyrinth layout changes daily so you can visit PoeLab for the daily labyrinth layout. With their 3rd party tool named Lab Compass, farming labyrinth runs becomes even more convenient! There’s 3 versions of enriched labyrinth; Tribute, Gift, & Dedication, with each having their own special rewards:

Eternal Labyrinth of Fortune(Tribute) Improves the silver chests/end chamber chests to drop better items.

Eternal Labyrinth of Opportunity(Gift) Grants 6 additional uses of the divine font.

Eternal Labyrinth of Potential(Dedication) Allows you to enchant belts.

  • Complete 1,000 Rituals
    This challenge might roughly require doing 300+maps which might be too much for some people, but for people like to do ritual content then there should be no problem to do this grind. Ritual tribute can be further improved by making use of Haewark Hamlet atlas passives, ritual altar related modifiers on craftable watchstones, and also Blood-filled Vessels which guarantee maps to spawn rituals with more tributes to spend with higher difficulty ritual encounters depending on what monster you’ve captured in the vessel.

  • Complete 50 Synthesis Maps
    Synthesis maps are quite easy to complete, and can be quite profitable if you are lucky with mods and drops. There are 5 types of synthesis maps:

  • Defeat 50 Unique Bosses of Abyssal Depths
    This part of the challenge would probably be the easiest, plus it says any unique boss in abyssal depths which also include the bad spawn too like the “Totem Boss” beside the actual boss spawn(Amanamu/Ulaman). This challenge can be ease by using some of the abyss scarabs and New Vastir atlas passives.

Doing 4 out of 6 choices, I might skip the solo delve 1,000 because of the difficulty is way harder than old delve because of the 3.16 new changes they changed the way of difficulty scaling in delve even faster … even old delve challenge depth was only 600 but this time the bump up to 1,000 … the next skip might be 1,000 ritual, is not hard is just … is a BIG number, but if you like farming ritual mechanic then this should be fine. If you’re okay with 1,000 rituals then the next skip might be 50 Izaro? I know many of you guys hate farming labyrinth so wanna skip this choice at all cost For me is fine is still better than old numbers 100 so I’m okay with it And ya I will do level 100 instead of skipping like I use to because there’s many ways now to level 100 easy and safely with some price of course, best way to level 100 in my opinion is doing the 5-way legion party run. 50 synthesis maps is also fine to do, is a small number, and the price of these maps is pretty decent too. And lastly 50 abyssal bosses is also fine, ya is kinda RNG a bit is actually easy, even the Totem boss is counted toward this challenge too, so as long u found an abyssal depth is counted toward this challenge, plus only need 50 so should be fine.

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