夺宝奇兵 传奇 /2
+(16–24) 敏捷与智慧
每个耐力球使护体上限 +1
每个狂怒球使旅行技能的冷却回复速度加快 (7–10)%
当你使用旅行技能时,有 (20–25)% 的几率失去一个狂怒球
当你获得护体时,有 (20–25)% 的几率失去一个耐力球
此物品上的技能石受到 29 级的 附加冰霜伤害 辅助
+(20–30) 智慧
该装备的能量护盾提高 (210–250)%
生命上限提高 10%
技能获得等于基础魔力消耗 200% 的基础能量护盾消耗
夺宝奇兵 异界天赋树 /15
专精: 夺宝奇兵
你地图中可找到的夺宝奇兵契约需求灵敏、欺诈或工程学的可能性总增 100%
专精: 夺宝奇兵
你在地图中可找到的夺宝奇兵契约需求爆破、逆向奇术或解除陷阱的可能性总增 100%
专精: 夺宝奇兵
你地图中可找到的夺宝奇兵契约指定高价值目标的可能性总增 80%
你地图中可找到的夺宝奇兵契约指定珍贵目标的可能性总增 55%
专精: 夺宝奇兵
你地图中可找到的夺宝奇兵契约需求解密术、凶蛮之力或洞察的可能性总增 100%
专精: 夺宝奇兵
专精: 夺宝奇兵
数量: 3
专精: 夺宝奇兵
数量: 3
你地图中找到的夺宝奇兵契约提高 8%
专精: 夺宝奇兵
数量: 7
地图内有走私者秘藏的几率 +4%
专精: 夺宝奇兵
数量: 3
你包含走私者秘藏的地图有 10% 几率包含一个额外的走私者秘藏
专精: 夺宝奇兵
地图中每有一个走私者秘藏被打开,你地图中走私者秘藏包含蓝图的几率提高 10%
区域内每有一个走私者秘藏被打开,走私者秘藏掉落的赏金猎人印记总增 10%
你包含走私者秘藏的地图有 5% 几率包含6个额外的走私者秘藏
专精: 夺宝奇兵
你地图中可找到的夺宝奇兵契约需求5级任务的可能性总增 100%
专精: 夺宝奇兵
地图内走私者秘藏掉落的几率提高 100%
地图内掉落的蓝图有 10% 的几率为完全解密
专精: 夺宝奇兵
你地图中可找到的夺宝奇兵契约需求4级任务的可能性总增 100%
专精: 夺宝奇兵
你地图中可找到的夺宝奇兵契约需求3级任务的可能性总增 100%
专精: 夺宝奇兵
地图内有走私者秘藏的几率 +12%
章节: 0
Heist Doodad Category /5
标签: 家具, 商城
Category: 夺宝奇兵
Category: 夺宝奇兵
Category: 夺宝奇兵
标签: 家具
Category: 夺宝奇兵
标签: 商城, 宠物
Category: 夺宝奇兵
夺宝奇兵 /25
Spellblade Character Effect
Spellblade Portrait Frame
Master Spellblade Helmet
Master Spellblade Boots
Master Spellblade Gloves
Master Spellblade Body Armour
Master Spellblade Portrait Frame
Eagle Character Effect
Eagle Portrait Frame
Imperial Eagle Helmet
Imperial Eagle Boots
Imperial Eagle Gloves
Imperial Eagle Body Armour
Imperial Eagle Portrait Frame
Heist Brimmed Hat
Nenet's Hood
Huck's Helmet
Vinderi's Helmet
Heist Portal Effect
Heist Cat Pet
Weapon Display
Treasury Curios
Display Cabinet
War Table
Hana's Memorial
怪物 词缀 /1
1传奇heist monster life +% final from sextant [0]
夺宝奇兵 地区 词缀 /272
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map extra content weighting [1]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
map rare monsters have nemesis mod [1]
普通 1000
连锁的1前缀怪物的技能附加 1 次连锁弹射
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
普通 1000
连锁的68前缀怪物的技能附加 2 次连锁弹射
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
普通 1000
分裂的1前缀怪物可以发射 2 个额外投射物
heist contract alert level +% final [-7]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [7]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [7]
map item drop quantity +% [19]
map item drop rarity +% [11]
普通 1000
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
普通 650
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
元素 火焰 异常状态
普通 650
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
施法 诅咒
普通 800
坚定不移的1前缀怪物生命总增 (5–9)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
生命魔力 生命
普通 1000
坚定不移的46前缀怪物生命总增 (10–14)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
生命魔力 生命
普通 1000
坚定不移的68前缀怪物生命总增 (15–19)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
生命魔力 生命
普通 1000
坚定不移的73前缀怪物生命总增 (20–24)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
生命魔力 生命
普通 1000
坚定不移的78前缀怪物生命总增 (25–30)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
生命魔力 生命
普通 1000
装甲的1前缀怪物的物理减伤提高 10%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
装甲的46前缀怪物的物理减伤提高 15%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
装甲的68前缀怪物的物理减伤提高 20%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
装甲的73前缀怪物的物理减伤提高 30%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
装甲的78前缀怪物的物理减伤提高 40%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
丰饶的1前缀怪物生命总增 (10–14)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
生命魔力 生命
普通 1000
丰饶的46前缀怪物生命总增 (15–19)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
生命魔力 生命
普通 1000
丰饶的68前缀怪物生命总增 (20–29)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
生命魔力 生命
普通 1000
丰饶的73前缀怪物生命总增 (30–39)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
生命魔力 生命
普通 1000
丰饶的78前缀怪物生命总增 (40–49)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
生命魔力 生命
普通 1000
残暴的1前缀怪物伤害提高 (8–10)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-7]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [7]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [7]
map item drop quantity +% [19]
map item drop rarity +% [11]
普通 1000
残暴的46前缀怪物伤害提高 (11–13)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-7]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [7]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [7]
map item drop quantity +% [19]
map item drop rarity +% [11]
普通 1000
残暴的68前缀怪物伤害提高 (14–17)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-7]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [7]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [7]
map item drop quantity +% [19]
map item drop rarity +% [11]
普通 1000
残暴的73前缀怪物伤害提高 (18–21)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-7]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [7]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [7]
map item drop quantity +% [19]
map item drop rarity +% [11]
普通 1000
残暴的78前缀怪物伤害提高 (22–25)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-7]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [7]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [7]
map item drop quantity +% [19]
map item drop rarity +% [11]
普通 1000
燃烧的1前缀怪物造成的 (10–29)% 额外物理伤害视为火焰伤害
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
伤害 物理 元素 火焰
普通 1000
燃烧的46前缀怪物造成的 (30–49)% 额外物理伤害视为火焰伤害
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
伤害 物理 元素 火焰
普通 1000
燃烧的68前缀怪物造成的 (50–69)% 额外物理伤害视为火焰伤害
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
伤害 物理 元素 火焰
普通 1000
燃烧的73前缀怪物造成的 (70–89)% 额外物理伤害视为火焰伤害
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
伤害 物理 元素 火焰
普通 1000
燃烧的78前缀怪物造成的 (90–110)% 额外物理伤害视为火焰伤害
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
伤害 物理 元素 火焰
普通 1000
冰霜的1前缀怪物造成的 (10–29)% 额外物理伤害视为冰霜伤害
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
伤害 物理 元素 冰霜
普通 1000
冰霜的46前缀怪物造成的 (30–49)% 额外物理伤害视为冰霜伤害
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
伤害 物理 元素 冰霜
普通 1000
冰霜的68前缀怪物造成的 (50–69)% 额外物理伤害视为冰霜伤害
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
伤害 物理 元素 冰霜
普通 1000
冰霜的73前缀怪物造成的 (70–89)% 额外物理伤害视为冰霜伤害
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
伤害 物理 元素 冰霜
普通 1000
冰霜的78前缀怪物造成的 (90–110)% 额外物理伤害视为冰霜伤害
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
伤害 物理 元素 冰霜
普通 1000
感电的1前缀怪物造成的 (10–29)% 额外物理伤害视为闪电伤害
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
伤害 物理 元素 闪电
普通 1000
感电的46前缀怪物造成的 (30–49)% 额外物理伤害视为闪电伤害
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
伤害 物理 元素 闪电
普通 1000
感电的68前缀怪物造成的 (50–69)% 额外物理伤害视为闪电伤害
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
伤害 物理 元素 闪电
普通 1000
感电的73前缀怪物造成的 (70–89)% 额外物理伤害视为闪电伤害
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
伤害 物理 元素 闪电
普通 1000
感电的78前缀怪物造成的 (90–110)% 额外物理伤害视为闪电伤害
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
伤害 物理 元素 闪电
普通 1000
亵渎的73前缀怪物获得相当于其物理伤害 (21–25)% 的额外混沌伤害
怪物击中时造成 2 秒的死亡凋零
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
普通 500
亵渎的78前缀怪物获得相当于其物理伤害 (31–35)% 的额外混沌伤害
怪物击中时造成 2 秒的死亡凋零
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
普通 500
飘忽的1前缀怪物移动速度加快 (5–10)%
怪物攻击速度加快 (10–15)%
怪物施法速度加快 (10–15)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-7]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [7]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [7]
map item drop quantity +% [19]
map item drop rarity +% [11]
攻击 施法 速度
普通 1000
飘忽的46前缀怪物移动速度加快 (10–15)%
怪物攻击速度加快 (15–20)%
怪物施法速度加快 (15–20)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-7]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [7]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [7]
map item drop quantity +% [19]
map item drop rarity +% [11]
攻击 施法 速度
普通 1000
飘忽的68前缀怪物移动速度加快 (15–20)%
怪物攻击速度加快 (20–25)%
怪物施法速度加快 (20–25)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-7]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [7]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [7]
map item drop quantity +% [19]
map item drop rarity +% [11]
攻击 施法 速度
普通 1000
飘忽的73前缀怪物移动速度加快 (20–25)%
怪物攻击速度加快 (25–35)%
怪物施法速度加快 (25–35)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-7]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [7]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [7]
map item drop quantity +% [19]
map item drop rarity +% [11]
攻击 施法 速度
普通 1000
飘忽的78前缀怪物移动速度加快 (25–30)%
怪物攻击速度加快 (35–45)%
怪物施法速度加快 (35–45)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-7]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [7]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [7]
map item drop quantity +% [19]
map item drop rarity +% [11]
攻击 施法 速度
普通 1000
惩罚的68前缀怪物会反射 13% 物理伤害
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
普通 600
惩罚的73前缀怪物会反射 15% 物理伤害
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
普通 600
惩罚的78前缀怪物会反射 18% 物理伤害
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
普通 600
反射的68前缀怪物会反射 13% 元素伤害
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
普通 600
反射的73前缀怪物会反射 15% 元素伤害
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
普通 600
反射的78前缀怪物会反射 18% 元素伤害
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
普通 600
蛊种的46前缀对怪物的诅咒总效果总降 15%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
施法 诅咒
普通 800
蛊种的68前缀对怪物的诅咒总效果总降 25%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
施法 诅咒
普通 800
蛊种的73前缀对怪物的诅咒总效果总降 40%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
施法 诅咒
普通 800
蛊种的78前缀对怪物的诅咒总效果总降 60%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
施法 诅咒
普通 800
赋能的73前缀怪物击中时有 15% 的几率造成点燃、冻结和感电
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
赋能的78前缀怪物击中时有 20% 的几率造成点燃、冻结和感电
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
抗性的1前缀+10% 怪物的混沌抗性
+15% 怪物的元素抗性
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
元素 混沌 抗性
普通 800
抗性的68前缀+15% 怪物的混沌抗性
+20% 怪物的元素抗性
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
元素 混沌 抗性
普通 800
抗性的73前缀+20% 怪物的混沌抗性
+30% 怪物的元素抗性
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
元素 混沌 抗性
普通 800
抗性的78前缀+25% 怪物的混沌抗性
+40% 怪物的元素抗性
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
元素 混沌 抗性
普通 800
无懈的46前缀怪物有 20% 的几率避免中毒、穿刺、流血
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
流血 中毒 物理 混沌 攻击 异常状态
普通 800
无懈的73前缀怪物有 35% 的几率避免中毒、穿刺、流血
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
流血 中毒 物理 混沌 攻击 异常状态
普通 800
无懈的78前缀怪物有 50% 的几率避免中毒、穿刺、流血
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
流血 中毒 物理 混沌 攻击 异常状态
普通 800
穿刺的46前缀怪物的攻击击中有 15% 的几率造成穿刺
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
普通 800
穿刺的68前缀怪物的攻击击中有 25% 的几率造成穿刺
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
普通 800
穿刺的73前缀怪物的攻击击中有 40% 的几率造成穿刺
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
普通 800
穿刺的78前缀怪物的攻击击中有 60% 的几率造成穿刺
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
普通 800
压制的46前缀怪物有 +20% 的几率压制法术伤害
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
压制的68前缀怪物有 +30% 的几率压制法术伤害
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
压制的73前缀怪物有 +45% 的几率压制法术伤害
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
压制的78前缀怪物有 +60% 的几率压制法术伤害
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
增益的1前缀怪物将生命上限的 (10–14)% 转化为额外能量护盾上限
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 1000
增益的46前缀怪物将生命上限的 (15–19)% 转化为额外能量护盾上限
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 1000
增益的68前缀怪物将生命上限的 (20–29)% 转化为额外能量护盾上限
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 1000
增益的73前缀怪物将生命上限的 (30–39)% 转化为额外能量护盾上限
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 1000
增益的78前缀怪物将生命上限的 (40–49)% 转化为额外能量护盾上限
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 1000
精英的1前缀巡逻队被精英巡逻队取代的几率提高 (10–12)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-7]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [7]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [7]
map item drop quantity +% [19]
map item drop rarity +% [11]
普通 800
精英的46前缀巡逻队被精英巡逻队取代的几率提高 (13–16)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-7]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [7]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [7]
map item drop quantity +% [19]
map item drop rarity +% [11]
普通 800
精英的68前缀巡逻队被精英巡逻队取代的几率提高 (17–20)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-7]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [7]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [7]
map item drop quantity +% [19]
map item drop rarity +% [11]
普通 800
精英的73前缀巡逻队被精英巡逻队取代的几率提高 (21–25)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-7]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [7]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [7]
map item drop quantity +% [19]
map item drop rarity +% [11]
普通 800
精英的78前缀巡逻队被精英巡逻队取代的几率提高 (26–30)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-7]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [7]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [7]
map item drop quantity +% [19]
map item drop rarity +% [11]
普通 800
安保的1前缀巡逻怪物的伤害提高 (13–15)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
普通 1000
安保的46前缀巡逻怪物的伤害提高 (16–18)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
普通 1000
安保的68前缀巡逻怪物的伤害提高 (19–22)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
普通 1000
安保的73前缀巡逻怪物的伤害提高 (23–26)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
普通 1000
安保的78前缀巡逻怪物的伤害提高 (27–30)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
普通 1000
尽职的1前缀巡逻队受到的伤害降低 (13–15)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
普通 1000
尽职的46前缀巡逻队受到的伤害降低 (16–18)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
普通 1000
尽职的68前缀巡逻队受到的伤害降低 (19–22)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
普通 1000
尽职的73前缀巡逻队受到的伤害降低 (23–26)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
普通 1000
尽职的78前缀巡逻队受到的伤害降低 (27–30)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
普通 1000
诱人的1前缀奖励室怪物的伤害提高 (13–15)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
普通 1000
诱人的46前缀奖励室怪物的伤害提高 (16–18)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
普通 1000
诱人的68前缀奖励室怪物的伤害提高 (19–22)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
普通 1000
诱人的73前缀奖励室怪物的伤害提高 (23–26)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
普通 1000
诱人的78前缀奖励室怪物的伤害提高 (27–30)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
普通 1000
有害的1前缀奖励室怪物受到的伤害降低 (13–15)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
普通 1000
有害的46前缀奖励室怪物受到的伤害降低 (16–18)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
普通 1000
有害的68前缀奖励室怪物受到的伤害降低 (19–22)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
普通 1000
有害的73前缀奖励室怪物受到的伤害降低 (23–26)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
普通 1000
有害的78前缀奖励室怪物受到的伤害降低 (27–30)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
普通 1000
冷淡的1前缀守卫的伤害提高 (13–15)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
普通 1000
冷淡的46前缀守卫的伤害提高 (16–18)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
普通 1000
冷淡的68前缀守卫的伤害提高 (19–22)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
普通 1000
冷淡的73前缀守卫的伤害提高 (23–26)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
普通 1000
冷淡的78前缀守卫的伤害提高 (27–30)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
普通 1000
克己的1前缀守卫承受到的伤害降低 (13–15)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
普通 1000
克己的46前缀守卫承受到的伤害降低 (16–18)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
普通 1000
克己的68前缀守卫承受到的伤害降低 (19–22)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
普通 1000
克己的73前缀守卫承受到的伤害降低 (23–26)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
普通 1000
克己的78前缀守卫承受到的伤害降低 (27–30)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
普通 1000
妨碍的1前缀任务速度减慢 (13–15)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
妨碍的46前缀任务速度减慢 (16–18)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
妨碍的68前缀任务速度减慢 (19–22)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
妨碍的73前缀任务速度减慢 (23–26)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
妨碍的78前缀任务速度减慢 (27–30)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
部署的1前缀奖励室的怪物增加 (13–15)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
部署的1前缀奖励室的怪物增加 (16–18)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
部署的1前缀奖励室的怪物增加 (19–22)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
部署的1前缀奖励室的怪物增加 (23–26)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
部署的1前缀奖励室的怪物增加 (27–30)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
援辅的1前缀援军的攻击速度加快 (10–15)%
援军的施法速度加快 (10–15)%
援军的移动速度加快 (5–10)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
攻击 施法 速度
普通 800
援辅的1前缀援军的攻击速度加快 (15–20)%
援军的施法速度加快 (15–20)%
援军的移动速度加快 (10–15)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
攻击 施法 速度
普通 800
援辅的1前缀援军的攻击速度加快 (20–25)%
援军的施法速度加快 (20–25)%
援军的移动速度加快 (15–20)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
攻击 施法 速度
普通 800
援辅的1前缀援军的攻击速度加快 (25–35)%
援军的施法速度加快 (25–35)%
援军的移动速度加快 (20–25)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
攻击 施法 速度
普通 800
援辅的1前缀援军的攻击速度加快 (35–45)%
援军的施法速度加快 (35–45)%
援军的移动速度加快 (25–30)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
攻击 施法 速度
普通 800
heist contract alert level +% final [-10]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [0]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [10]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
普通 600
血统之1后缀魔法怪物数量提高 (20–30)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map extra content weighting [1]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
map magic pack mod rules [1]
普通 1000
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
中毒 混沌 异常状态
普通 1000
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
伤害 元素
普通 1000
狂怒之1后缀怪物有 (30–60)% 的几率在击中时获得狂怒球
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
耐久之1后缀怪物有 (30–60)% 的几率在击中时获得耐力球
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
暴击之1后缀怪物有 (30–60)% 的几率在击中时获得暴击球
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
巨人之1后缀怪物效果区域的扩大 20%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
巨人之46后缀怪物效果区域的扩大 30%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
巨人之68后缀怪物效果区域的扩大 45%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
巨人之73后缀怪物效果区域的扩大 70%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
巨人之78后缀怪物效果区域的扩大 100%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
死亡之1后缀怪物暴击率提高 (100–125)%
+(20–24)% 怪物暴击伤害加成
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
伤害 暴击
普通 800
死亡之46后缀怪物暴击率提高 (126–150)%
+(25–29)% 怪物暴击伤害加成
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
伤害 暴击
普通 800
死亡之68后缀怪物暴击率提高 (160–200)%
+(30–35)% 怪物暴击伤害加成
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
伤害 暴击
普通 800
死亡之73后缀怪物暴击率提高 (260–300)%
+(36–40)% 怪物暴击伤害加成
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
伤害 暴击
普通 800
死亡之78后缀怪物暴击率提高 (360–400)%
+(41–45)% 怪物暴击伤害加成
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
伤害 暴击
普通 800
窒息之1后缀玩家的生命和能量护盾总回复速度总降 20%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
生命魔力 生命 防御
普通 750
窒息之73后缀玩家的生命和能量护盾总回复速度总降 40%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
生命魔力 生命 防御
普通 750
窒息之78后缀玩家的生命和能量护盾总回复速度总降 60%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
生命魔力 生命 防御
普通 750
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map ground effect patches per 100 tiles [16]
map ground effect radius [12]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
伤害 元素 火焰
普通 250
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map ground effect patches per 100 tiles [20]
map ground effect radius [14]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
伤害 元素 火焰
普通 250
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map ground effect patches per 100 tiles [24]
map ground effect radius [16]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
伤害 元素 火焰
普通 250
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map ground effect patches per 100 tiles [28]
map ground effect radius [18]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
伤害 元素 火焰
普通 250
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map ground effect patches per 100 tiles [16]
map ground effect radius [12]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
元素 冰霜 异常状态
普通 250
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map ground effect patches per 100 tiles [20]
map ground effect radius [14]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
元素 冰霜 异常状态
普通 250
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map ground effect patches per 100 tiles [24]
map ground effect radius [16]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
元素 冰霜 异常状态
普通 250
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map ground effect patches per 100 tiles [28]
map ground effect radius [18]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
元素 冰霜 异常状态
普通 250
雷电之46后缀区域内有【感电地面】,使受到的伤害提高 20%
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map ground effect patches per 100 tiles [16]
map ground effect radius [12]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
元素 闪电 异常状态
普通 250
雷电之68后缀区域内有【感电地面】,使受到的伤害提高 20%
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map ground effect patches per 100 tiles [20]
map ground effect radius [14]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
元素 闪电 异常状态
普通 250
雷电之73后缀区域内有【感电地面】,使受到的伤害提高 35%
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map ground effect patches per 100 tiles [24]
map ground effect radius [16]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
元素 闪电 异常状态
普通 250
雷电之78后缀区域内有【感电地面】,使受到的伤害提高 50%
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map ground effect patches per 100 tiles [28]
map ground effect radius [18]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
元素 闪电 异常状态
普通 250
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map ground effect patches per 100 tiles [16]
map ground effect radius [12]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
伤害 混沌
普通 250
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map ground effect patches per 100 tiles [20]
map ground effect radius [14]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
伤害 混沌
普通 250
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map ground effect patches per 100 tiles [24]
map ground effect radius [16]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
伤害 混沌
普通 250
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map ground effect patches per 100 tiles [28]
map ground effect radius [18]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
伤害 混沌
普通 250
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map ground effect patches per 100 tiles [16]
map ground effect radius [12]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
普通 250
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map ground effect patches per 100 tiles [20]
map ground effect radius [14]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
普通 250
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map ground effect patches per 100 tiles [24]
map ground effect radius [16]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
普通 250
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map ground effect patches per 100 tiles [28]
map ground effect radius [18]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
普通 250
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
施法 诅咒
普通 850
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
施法 诅咒
普通 1000
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
施法 诅咒
普通 850
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
施法 诅咒
普通 1000
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
施法 诅咒
普通 850
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
施法 诅咒
普通 1000
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
施法 诅咒
普通 850
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
施法 诅咒
普通 1000
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
生命魔力 生命 魔力 防御
普通 300
曝露之73后缀玩家的所有抗性上限为 (-8–-5)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-7]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [7]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [7]
map item drop quantity +% [19]
map item drop rarity +% [11]
普通 600
曝露之78后缀玩家的所有抗性上限为 (-12–-9)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-7]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [7]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [7]
map item drop quantity +% [19]
map item drop rarity +% [11]
普通 1000
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
普通 300
隔绝之46后缀怪物有 30% 的几率避免元素异常状态
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
元素 火焰 冰霜 闪电 异常状态
普通 800
隔绝之73后缀怪物有 50% 的几率避免元素异常状态
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
元素 火焰 冰霜 闪电 异常状态
普通 800
隔绝之78后缀怪物有 70% 的几率避免元素异常状态
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
元素 火焰 冰霜 闪电 异常状态
普通 800
坚韧之1后缀怪物受到的暴击伤害降低 (15–19)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
伤害 暴击
普通 800
坚韧之46后缀怪物受到的暴击伤害降低 (20–24)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
伤害 暴击
普通 800
坚韧之68后缀怪物受到的暴击伤害降低 (25–30)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
伤害 暴击
普通 800
坚韧之73后缀怪物受到的暴击伤害降低 (31–35)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
伤害 暴击
普通 800
坚韧之78后缀怪物受到的暴击伤害降低 (36–40)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
伤害 暴击
普通 800
干枯之1后缀玩家获得的药剂充能降低 15%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
干枯之46后缀玩家获得的药剂充能降低 20%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
干枯之68后缀玩家获得的药剂充能降低 30%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
干枯之73后缀玩家获得的药剂充能降低 40%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
干枯之78后缀玩家获得的药剂充能降低 50%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
生锈之46后缀玩家的护甲总降 15%
玩家的格挡几率降低 10%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
生锈之68后缀玩家的护甲总降 20%
玩家的格挡几率降低 20%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
生锈之73后缀玩家的护甲总降 25%
玩家的格挡几率降低 30%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
生锈之78后缀玩家的护甲总降 30%
玩家的格挡几率降低 40%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
迟钝之46后缀怪物的命中值提高 20%
玩家阻挡被压制的法术伤害量 -5%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
迟钝之68后缀怪物的命中值提高 30%
玩家阻挡被压制的法术伤害量 -10%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
迟钝之73后缀怪物的命中值提高 40%
玩家阻挡被压制的法术伤害量 -15%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
迟钝之78后缀怪物的命中值提高 50%
玩家阻挡被压制的法术伤害量 -20%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
短程之1后缀玩家技能的范围总降 10%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
短程之68后缀玩家技能的范围总降 15%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
短程之73后缀玩家技能的范围总降 20%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
短程之78后缀玩家技能的范围总降 25%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
普通 650
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
普通 600
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
普通 600
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
普通 800
疲惫之46后缀玩家的冷却回复率总降 15%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 650
疲惫之68后缀玩家的冷却回复率总降 20%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 650
疲惫之73后缀玩家的冷却回复率总降 30%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 650
疲惫之78后缀玩家的冷却回复率总降 40%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 650
转瞬之46后缀玩家身上的增益效果消减速度加快 20%
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
普通 650
转瞬之68后缀玩家身上的增益效果消减速度加快 30%
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
普通 650
转瞬之73后缀玩家身上的增益效果消减速度加快 50%
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
普通 650
转瞬之78后缀玩家身上的增益效果消减速度加快 70%
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
普通 650
怀疑之46后缀玩家技能的非诅咒光环效果降低 15%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
怀疑之68后缀玩家技能的非诅咒光环效果降低 25%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
怀疑之73后缀玩家技能的非诅咒光环效果降低 40%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
怀疑之78后缀玩家技能的非诅咒光环效果降低 60%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
不严之46后缀玩家的命中值总降 10%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
不严之68后缀玩家的命中值总降 15%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
不严之73后缀玩家的命中值总降 20%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
不严之78后缀玩家的命中值总降 25%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
铺张之1后缀夺宝冒险总费用提高 (13–15)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 1000
铺张之46后缀夺宝冒险总费用提高 (16–18)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 1000
铺张之68后缀夺宝冒险总费用提高 (19–22)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 1000
铺张之73后缀夺宝冒险总费用提高 (23–26)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 1000
铺张之78后缀夺宝冒险总费用提高 (27–30)%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 1000
heist contract alert level +% final [0]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [0]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [0]
map item drop rarity +% [0]
普通 500
heist contract alert level +% final [0]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [0]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [0]
map item drop rarity +% [0]
普通 500
多疑之68后缀警报等级每秒提高 0.2%
heist contract alert level +% final [0]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [15]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [0]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 500
阐明之73后缀每 25% 警报等级使玩家的抗性上限 -3%
heist contract alert level +% final [-7]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [7]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [7]
map item drop quantity +% [19]
map item drop rarity +% [11]
普通 600
阐明之78后缀每 25% 警报等级使玩家的抗性上限 -4%
heist contract alert level +% final [-7]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [7]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [7]
map item drop quantity +% [19]
map item drop rarity +% [11]
普通 1000
过热之68后缀每 25% 警报等级便使玩家的火焰抗性 -3%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
元素 火焰 抗性
普通 600
过热之73后缀每 25% 警报等级便使玩家的火焰抗性 -4%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
元素 火焰 抗性
普通 600
过热之78后缀每 25% 警报等级便使玩家的火焰抗性 -5%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
元素 火焰 抗性
普通 600
脊寒之68后缀每 25% 警报等级便使玩家的冰霜抗性 -3%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
元素 冰霜 抗性
普通 600
脊寒之73后缀每 25% 警报等级便使玩家的冰霜抗性 -4%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
元素 冰霜 抗性
普通 600
脊寒之78后缀每 25% 警报等级便使玩家的冰霜抗性 -5%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
元素 冰霜 抗性
普通 600
发扬之68后缀每 25% 警报等级便使玩家的闪电抗性 -3%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
元素 闪电 抗性
普通 600
发扬之73后缀每 25% 警报等级便使玩家的闪电抗性 -4%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
元素 闪电 抗性
普通 600
发扬之78后缀每 25% 警报等级便使玩家的闪电抗性 -5%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
元素 闪电 抗性
普通 600
窘难之46后缀每 25% 警报等级便使玩家的护甲总降 5%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
普通 800
窘难之68后缀每 25% 警报等级便使玩家的护甲总降 6%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
普通 800
窘难之73后缀每 25% 警报等级便使玩家的护甲总降 7%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
普通 800
窘难之78后缀每 25% 警报等级便使玩家的护甲总降 8%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
普通 800
忧惧之46后缀每 25% 警报等级便使玩家的总闪避值总降 5%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
普通 800
忧惧之68后缀每 25% 警报等级便使玩家的总闪避值总降 6%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
普通 800
忧惧之73后缀每 25% 警报等级便使玩家的总闪避值总降 7%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
普通 800
忧惧之78后缀每 25% 警报等级便使玩家的总闪避值总降 8%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
普通 800
犹豫不决之46后缀每 25% 警报等级便使玩家的能量护盾回复率总降 6%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
普通 750
犹豫不决之73后缀每 25% 警报等级便使玩家的能量护盾回复率总降 12%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
普通 750
犹豫不决之78后缀每 25% 警报等级便使玩家的能量护盾回复率总降 16%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
普通 750
焦虑之46后缀每 25% 警报等级便使玩家的生命回复率总降 6%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
生命魔力 生命
普通 750
焦虑之73后缀每 25% 警报等级便使玩家的生命回复率总降 12%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
生命魔力 生命
普通 750
焦虑之78后缀每 25% 警报等级便使玩家的生命回复率总降 16%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
生命魔力 生命
普通 750
阴云审判之46后缀每 25% 警报等级便使玩家的魔力回复率总降 6%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
生命魔力 魔力
普通 750
阴云审判之73后缀每 25% 警报等级便使玩家的魔力回复率总降 12%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
生命魔力 魔力
普通 750
阴云审判之78后缀每 25% 警报等级便使玩家的魔力回复率总降 16%
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
生命魔力 魔力
普通 750
脱水之1后缀每 25% 警报等级便使玩家的药剂充能降低 4%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
脱水之46后缀每 25% 警报等级便使玩家的药剂充能降低 6%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
脱水之68后缀每 25% 警报等级便使玩家的药剂充能降低 8%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
脱水之73后缀每 25% 警报等级便使玩家的药剂充能降低 10%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
脱水之78后缀每 25% 警报等级便使玩家的药剂充能降低 12%
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
普通 800
夺宝奇兵装备 词缀 /84
1传奇夺宝冒险中掉落的物品稀有度提高 (11–15)% 掉落
1传奇夺宝冒险中掉落的物品稀有度提高 (16–20)% 掉落
1传奇夺宝冒险中掉落的物品稀有度提高 (21–25)% 掉落
1传奇夺宝冒险中掉落的物品稀有度提高 (26–30)% 掉落
敏锐的1前缀夺宝冒险中掉落的物品稀有度提高 (23–26)% 掉落heist_equipment_reward 1000
普通 0
高雅的45前缀夺宝冒险中掉落的物品稀有度提高 (27–30)% 掉落heist_equipment_reward 800
普通 0
文雅的75前缀夺宝冒险中掉落的物品稀有度提高 (31–35)% 掉落heist_equipment_reward 600
普通 0
世故的82前缀夺宝冒险中掉落的物品稀有度提高 (36–40)% 掉落heist_equipment_reward 400
普通 0
解密师的1前缀夺宝冒险中掉落的物品数量提高 (7–8)% 掉落heist_equipment_reward 500
普通 0
游荡者的45前缀夺宝冒险中掉落的物品数量提高 (9–10)% 掉落heist_equipment_reward 400
普通 0
夺取者的75前缀夺宝冒险中掉落的物品数量提高 (11–12)% 掉落heist_equipment_reward 300
普通 0
倒腾者的84前缀夺宝冒险中掉落的物品数量提高 (13–15)% 掉落heist_equipment_reward 200
普通 0
熟练的82前缀夺宝奇兵的所有任务等级 +1heist_equipment_tool 100
普通 0
解密的83前缀夺宝奇兵的解密术等级 +1heist_equipment_lockpick 100
普通 0
费神的83前缀夺宝奇兵的凶蛮之力等级 +1heist_equipment_bruteforce 100
普通 0
揭秘的83前缀夺宝奇兵的洞察等级 +1heist_equipment_perception 100
普通 0
爆破的83前缀夺宝奇兵的爆破等级 +1heist_equipment_demolition 100
普通 0
精神的83前缀夺宝奇兵的逆向奇术等级 +1heist_equipment_counterthaumaturge 100
普通 0
拆卸的83前缀夺宝奇兵的解除陷阱 +1heist_equipment_trapdisarmament 100
普通 0
柔美的83前缀夺宝奇兵的灵敏等级 +1heist_equipment_agility 100
普通 0
间谍的83前缀夺宝奇兵的欺诈等级 +1heist_equipment_deception 100
普通 0
巧妙的83前缀夺宝奇兵的工程学等级 +1heist_equipment_engineering 100
普通 0
顾客的1前缀主要赏金目标的赏金猎人印记价值提高 (14–16)%heist_equipment_reward 1000
普通 0
客户的45前缀主要赏金目标的赏金猎人印记价值提高 (17–19)%heist_equipment_reward 800
普通 0
搭档的75前缀主要赏金目标的赏金猎人印记价值提高 (20–22)%heist_equipment_reward 600
普通 0
赞助人的82前缀主要赏金目标的赏金猎人印记价值提高 (23–25)%heist_equipment_reward 400
普通 0
计划之68后缀大型夺宝冒险有 (2–3)% 的几率不激活封锁heist_equipment_utility 100
普通 0
编排之83后缀大型夺宝冒险有 (4–5)% 的几率不激活封锁heist_equipment_utility 80
普通 0
闲话之1后缀和瓦卡诺一同完成夺宝冒险时有 (7–8)% 的几率产生一次额外破解heist_equipment_tool 600
普通 0
揭露之45后缀和瓦卡诺一同完成夺宝冒险时有 (9–10)% 的几率产生一次额外破解heist_equipment_tool 500
普通 0
披露之75后缀和瓦卡诺一同完成夺宝冒险时有 (11–12)% 的几率产生一次额外破解heist_equipment_tool 400
普通 0
曝光之83后缀和瓦卡诺一同完成夺宝冒险时有 (13–15)% 的几率产生一次额外破解heist_equipment_tool 300
普通 0
秘藏之1后缀珍宝箱有 (6–7)% 的几率复制其中的基础通货物品 掉落heist_equipment_reward 1000
普通 0
密窖之45后缀珍宝箱有 (8–9)% 的几率复制其中的基础通货物品 掉落heist_equipment_reward 800
普通 0
密储之75后缀珍宝箱有 (10–12)% 的几率复制其中的基础通货物品 掉落heist_equipment_reward 600
普通 0
密库之83后缀珍宝箱有 (13–15)% 的几率复制其中的基础通货物品 掉落heist_equipment_reward 400
普通 0
烁光之1后缀珍宝箱有 (6–7)% 的几率复制其中的珠宝 掉落heist_equipment_reward 1000
普通 0
闪烁之45后缀珍宝箱有 (8–9)% 的几率复制其中的珠宝 掉落heist_equipment_reward 800
普通 0
耀光之75后缀珍宝箱有 (10–12)% 的几率复制其中的珠宝 掉落heist_equipment_reward 600
普通 0
光辉之83后缀珍宝箱有 (13–15)% 的几率复制其中的珠宝 掉落heist_equipment_reward 400
普通 0
道路之1后缀珍宝箱有 (6–7)% 的几率复制其中的地图 掉落heist_equipment_reward 1000
普通 0
地点之45后缀珍宝箱有 (8–9)% 的几率复制其中的地图 掉落heist_equipment_reward 800
普通 0
地图之75后缀珍宝箱有 (10–12)% 的几率复制其中的地图 掉落heist_equipment_reward 600
普通 0
异界之83后缀珍宝箱有 (13–15)% 的几率复制其中的地图 掉落heist_equipment_reward 400
普通 0
碎片之1后缀珍宝箱有 (6–7)% 的几率复制其中的地图碎片 掉落heist_equipment_reward 1000
普通 0
片段之45后缀珍宝箱有 (8–9)% 的几率复制其中的地图碎片 掉落heist_equipment_reward 800
普通 0
谜题之75后缀珍宝箱有 (10–12)% 的几率复制其中的地图碎片 掉落heist_equipment_reward 600
普通 0
组装之83后缀珍宝箱有 (13–15)% 的几率复制其中的地图碎片 掉落heist_equipment_reward 400
普通 0
卡牌之1后缀珍宝箱有 (6–7)% 的几率复制其中的命运卡 掉落heist_equipment_reward 1000
普通 0
桌面之45后缀珍宝箱有 (8–9)% 的几率复制其中的命运卡 掉落heist_equipment_reward 800
普通 0
收藏之75后缀珍宝箱有 (10–12)% 的几率复制其中的命运卡 掉落heist_equipment_reward 600
普通 0
摘要之83后缀珍宝箱有 (13–15)% 的几率复制其中的命运卡 掉落heist_equipment_reward 400
普通 0
迷惑之1后缀珍宝箱有 (6–7)% 的几率复制其中的雾魇宝珠和裂片 掉落heist_equipment_reward 1000
普通 0
迟疑之45后缀珍宝箱有 (8–9)% 的几率复制其中的雾魇宝珠和裂片 掉落heist_equipment_reward 800
普通 0
声音之75后缀珍宝箱有 (10–12)% 的几率复制其中的雾魇宝珠和裂片 掉落heist_equipment_reward 600
普通 0
疯病之83后缀珍宝箱有 (13–15)% 的几率复制其中的雾魇宝珠和裂片 掉落heist_equipment_reward 400
普通 0
孢子之1后缀珍宝箱有 (6–7)% 的几率复制其中的菌潮地图和催化剂 掉落heist_equipment_reward 0
普通 0
真菌之45后缀珍宝箱有 (8–9)% 的几率复制其中的菌潮地图和催化剂 掉落heist_equipment_reward 0
普通 0
传染之75后缀珍宝箱有 (10–12)% 的几率复制其中的菌潮地图和催化剂 掉落heist_equipment_reward 0
普通 0
菌潮之83后缀珍宝箱有 (13–15)% 的几率复制其中的菌潮地图和催化剂 掉落heist_equipment_reward 0
普通 0
低语之1后缀珍宝箱有 (6–7)% 的几率复制其中的精华 掉落heist_equipment_reward 1000
普通 0
哭泣之45后缀珍宝箱有 (8–9)% 的几率复制其中的精华 掉落heist_equipment_reward 800
普通 0
尖叫之75后缀珍宝箱有 (10–12)% 的几率复制其中的精华 掉落heist_equipment_reward 600
普通 0
破空之83后缀珍宝箱有 (13–15)% 的几率复制其中的精华 掉落heist_equipment_reward 400
普通 0
眼泪之1后缀珍宝箱有 (6–7)% 的几率复制其中的裂隙碎片 掉落heist_equipment_reward 1000
普通 0
手之45后缀珍宝箱有 (8–9)% 的几率复制其中的裂隙碎片 掉落heist_equipment_reward 800
普通 0
裂隙之75后缀珍宝箱有 (10–12)% 的几率复制其中的裂隙碎片 掉落heist_equipment_reward 600
普通 0
领域之83后缀珍宝箱有 (13–15)% 的几率复制其中的裂隙碎片 掉落heist_equipment_reward 400
普通 0
生锈之1后缀珍宝箱有 (6–7)% 的几率复制其中的圣甲虫 掉落heist_equipment_reward 1000
普通 0
抛光之45后缀珍宝箱有 (8–9)% 的几率复制其中的圣甲虫 掉落heist_equipment_reward 800
普通 0
镀金之75后缀珍宝箱有 (10–12)% 的几率复制其中的圣甲虫 掉落heist_equipment_reward 600
普通 0
翼之83后缀珍宝箱有 (13–15)% 的几率复制其中的圣甲虫 掉落heist_equipment_reward 400
普通 0
火药之1后缀珍宝箱有 (6–7)% 的几率复制其中的催化剂 掉落heist_equipment_reward 1000
普通 0
反应剂之45后缀珍宝箱有 (8–9)% 的几率复制其中的催化剂 掉落heist_equipment_reward 800
普通 0
关联之75后缀珍宝箱有 (10–12)% 的几率复制其中的催化剂 掉落heist_equipment_reward 600
普通 0
催化剂之83后缀珍宝箱有 (13–15)% 的几率复制其中的催化剂 掉落heist_equipment_reward 400
普通 0
少量之1后缀珍宝箱有 (6–7)% 的几率复制其中的军团裂片 掉落heist_equipment_reward 1000
普通 0
大量之45后缀珍宝箱有 (8–9)% 的几率复制其中的军团裂片 掉落heist_equipment_reward 800
普通 0
无数之75后缀珍宝箱有 (10–12)% 的几率复制其中的军团裂片 掉落heist_equipment_reward 600
普通 0
军团之83后缀珍宝箱有 (13–15)% 的几率复制其中的军团裂片 掉落heist_equipment_reward 400
普通 0
祈祷之1后缀珍宝箱有 (6–7)% 的几率复制其中的圣油 掉落heist_equipment_reward 1000
普通 0
祝福之45后缀珍宝箱有 (8–9)% 的几率复制其中的圣油 掉落heist_equipment_reward 800
普通 0
奉献之75后缀珍宝箱有 (10–12)% 的几率复制其中的圣油 掉落heist_equipment_reward 600
普通 0
涂膏之83后缀珍宝箱有 (13–15)% 的几率复制其中的圣油 掉落heist_equipment_reward 400
普通 0
Trinket 词缀 /116
幸运的1前缀走私者秘藏有 (5–6)% 的几率复制其中的赏金猎人印记 掉落普通 100
幸运的50前缀走私者秘藏有 (7–8)% 的几率复制其中的赏金猎人印记 掉落普通 75
幸运的70前缀走私者秘藏有 (9–10)% 的几率复制其中的赏金猎人印记 掉落普通 50
幸运的1前缀夺宝冒险中有 1% 的几率复制掉落的基础通货物品 掉落普通 50
幸运的50前缀夺宝冒险中有 2% 的几率复制掉落的基础通货物品 掉落普通 25
幸运的70前缀夺宝冒险中有 3% 的几率复制掉落的基础通货物品 掉落普通 10
幸运的1前缀夺宝冒险中掉落的物品稀有度提高 (10–12)% 掉落普通 200
幸运的50前缀夺宝冒险中掉落的物品稀有度提高 (13–16)% 掉落普通 150
幸运的70前缀夺宝冒险中掉落的物品稀有度提高 (17–20)% 掉落普通 100
幸运的1前缀夺宝冒险中掉落的物品数量提高 (4–5)% 掉落普通 200
幸运的50前缀夺宝冒险中掉落的物品数量提高 (6–7)% 掉落普通 150
幸运的70前缀夺宝冒险中掉落的物品数量提高 (8–10)% 掉落普通 100
幸运的1前缀夺宝冒险中有 2% 的几率使掉落的物品腐化 掉落普通 100
幸运的50前缀夺宝冒险中有 3% 的几率使掉落的物品腐化 掉落普通 75
幸运的70前缀夺宝冒险中有 4% 的几率使掉落的物品腐化 掉落普通 50
幸运的1前缀夺宝冒险中有 (6–8)% 的几率使掉落的物品被鉴定 掉落普通 100
幸运的50前缀夺宝冒险中有 (9–11)% 的几率使掉落的物品被鉴定 掉落普通 75
幸运的70前缀夺宝冒险中有 (12–15)% 的几率使掉落的物品被鉴定 掉落普通 50
幸运的1前缀夺宝冒险中有 3% 的几率使掉落的物品有一个额外插槽 掉落普通 100
幸运的50前缀夺宝冒险中有 4% 的几率使掉落的物品有一个额外插槽 掉落普通 75
幸运的70前缀夺宝冒险中有 5% 的几率使掉落的物品有一个额外插槽 掉落普通 50
幸运的1前缀夺宝冒险中有 1% 的几率使掉落的物品有完整连接 掉落普通 100
幸运的50前缀夺宝冒险中有 2% 的几率使掉落的物品有完整连接 掉落普通 75
幸运的70前缀夺宝冒险中有 3% 的几率使掉落的物品有完整连接 掉落普通 50
幸运的75前缀夺宝冒险中有 1% 的几率使掉落的物品有塑界者影响效果 掉落普通 20
幸运的75前缀夺宝冒险中有 1% 的几率使掉落的物品有裂界者影响效果 掉落普通 20
幸运的1前缀夺宝冒险中有 3% 的几率将掉落的蜕变石变为点金石 掉落普通 100
幸运的50前缀夺宝冒险中有 (4–5)% 的几率将掉落的蜕变石变为点金石 掉落普通 75
幸运的70前缀夺宝冒险中有 (6–7)% 的几率将掉落的蜕变石变为点金石 掉落普通 50
幸运的1前缀夺宝冒险中有 2% 的几率将掉落的蜕变石变为混沌石 掉落普通 100
幸运的50前缀夺宝冒险中有 3% 的几率将掉落的蜕变石变为混沌石 掉落普通 75
幸运的70前缀夺宝冒险中有 4% 的几率将掉落的蜕变石变为混沌石 掉落普通 50
幸运的1前缀夺宝冒险中有 (13–16)% 的几率将掉落的改造石变为点金石 掉落普通 100
幸运的50前缀夺宝冒险中有 (17–20)% 的几率将掉落的改造石变为点金石 掉落普通 75
幸运的70前缀夺宝冒险中有 (21–25)% 的几率将掉落的改造石变为点金石 掉落普通 50
幸运的1前缀夺宝冒险中有 (6–8)% 的几率将掉落的改造石变为混沌石 掉落普通 100
幸运的50前缀夺宝冒险中有 (9–12)% 的几率将掉落的改造石变为混沌石 掉落普通 75
幸运的70前缀夺宝冒险中有 (13–15)% 的几率将掉落的改造石变为混沌石 掉落普通 50
幸运的78前缀夺宝冒险中有 1% 的几率将掉落的改造石变为富豪石 掉落普通 20
幸运的1前缀夺宝冒险中有 (7–8)% 的几率将掉落的增幅石变为点金石 掉落普通 100
幸运的50前缀夺宝冒险中有 (9–10)% 的几率将掉落的增幅石变为点金石 掉落普通 75
幸运的70前缀夺宝冒险中有 (11–13)% 的几率将掉落的增幅石变为点金石 掉落普通 50
幸运的1前缀夺宝冒险中有 5% 的几率将掉落的增幅石变为混沌石 掉落普通 100
幸运的50前缀夺宝冒险中有 6% 的几率将掉落的增幅石变为混沌石 掉落普通 75
幸运的70前缀夺宝冒险中有 (7–8)% 的几率将掉落的增幅石变为混沌石 掉落普通 50
幸运的81前缀夺宝冒险中有 1% 的几率将掉落的增幅石变为富豪石 掉落普通 15
幸运的83前缀夺宝冒险中有 1% 的几率将掉落的混沌石变为神圣石 掉落普通 1
幸运的83前缀夺宝冒险中有 1% 的几率将掉落的混沌石变为崇高石 掉落普通 1
幸运的60前缀夺宝冒险中有 2% 的几率将掉落的富豪石变为神圣石 掉落普通 10
幸运的75前缀夺宝冒险中有 3% 的几率将掉落的富豪石变为神圣石 掉落普通 5
幸运的80前缀夺宝冒险中有 4% 的几率将掉落的富豪石变为神圣石 掉落普通 2
幸运的60前缀夺宝冒险中有 2% 的几率将掉落的富豪石变为崇高石 掉落普通 10
幸运的75前缀夺宝冒险中有 3% 的几率将掉落的富豪石变为崇高石 掉落普通 5
幸运的80前缀夺宝冒险中有 4% 的几率将掉落的富豪石变为崇高石 掉落普通 2
幸运的1前缀夺宝冒险中有 (12–15)% 几率将掉落的重铸石变为后悔石 掉落普通 100
幸运的50前缀夺宝冒险中有 (16–20)% 几率将掉落的重铸石变为后悔石 掉落普通 75
幸运的70前缀夺宝冒险中有 (21–25)% 几率将掉落的重铸石变为后悔石 掉落普通 50
幸运的82前缀在夺宝冒险中有 1% 几率将掉落的重铸石变为剥离石 掉落普通 5
幸运的77前缀夺宝冒险中有 1% 的几率将掉落的后悔石变为剥离石 掉落普通 10
幸运的1前缀夺宝冒险中有 (25–33)% 几率将掉落的幻色石变为工匠石 掉落普通 100
幸运的50前缀夺宝冒险中有 (34–40)% 几率将掉落的幻色石变为工匠石 掉落普通 75
幸运的70前缀夺宝冒险中有 (41–50)% 几率将掉落的幻色石变为工匠石 掉落普通 50
幸运的1前缀夺宝冒险中有 (16–20)% 的几率将掉落的幻色石变为链结石 掉落普通 100
幸运的50前缀夺宝冒险中有 (21–25)% 的几率将掉落的幻色石变为链结石 掉落普通 75
幸运的70前缀夺宝冒险中有 (26–30)% 的几率将掉落的幻色石变为链结石 掉落普通 50
幸运的1前缀夺宝冒险中有 (16–20)% 几率将工匠石变成链结石 掉落普通 100
幸运的50前缀夺宝冒险中有 (21–25)% 几率将工匠石变成链结石 掉落普通 75
幸运的70前缀夺宝冒险中有 (26–30)% 几率将工匠石变成链结石 掉落普通 50
迷信之1后缀珍宝箱有 2% 的几率复制其中的基础通货物品 掉落普通 50
迷信之50后缀珍宝箱有 3% 的几率复制其中的基础通货物品 掉落普通 25
迷信之70后缀珍宝箱有 4% 的几率复制其中的基础通货物品 掉落普通 10
迷信之1后缀在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 (4–5)% 的几率取得额外护甲物品 掉落普通 100
迷信之50后缀在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 (6–7)% 的几率取得额外护甲物品 掉落普通 75
迷信之70后缀在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 (8–10)% 的几率取得额外护甲物品 掉落普通 50
迷信之1后缀在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 (4–5)% 的几率取得额外武器 掉落普通 100
迷信之50后缀在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 (6–7)% 的几率取得额外武器 掉落普通 75
迷信之70后缀在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 (8–10)% 的几率取得额外武器 掉落普通 50
迷信之1后缀在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 4% 的几率取得额外饰品 掉落普通 100
迷信之50后缀在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 (5–6)% 的几率取得额外饰品 掉落普通 75
迷信之70后缀在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 (7–8)% 的几率取得额外饰品 掉落普通 50
迷信之1后缀在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 2% 的几率取得额外宝石 掉落普通 100
迷信之50后缀在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 3% 的几率取得额外宝石 掉落普通 75
迷信之70后缀在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 4% 的几率取得额外宝石 掉落普通 50
迷信之1后缀在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 3% 的几率取得额外精华 掉落普通 100
迷信之50后缀在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 4% 的几率取得额外精华 掉落普通 75
迷信之70后缀在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 (5–6)% 的几率取得额外精华 掉落普通 50
迷信之1后缀在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 4% 的几率取得额外命运卡物品 掉落普通 100
迷信之50后缀在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 (5–6)% 的几率取得额外命运卡物品 掉落普通 75
迷信之70后缀在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 (7–8)% 的几率取得额外命运卡物品 掉落普通 50
迷信之1后缀在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 1% 的几率取得额外传奇物品 掉落普通 50
迷信之50后缀在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 2% 的几率取得额外传奇物品 掉落普通 25
迷信之1后缀在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 4% 的几率取得额外魔符 掉落普通 100
迷信之50后缀在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 (5–6)% 的几率取得额外魔符 掉落普通 75
迷信之70后缀在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 (7–8)% 的几率取得额外魔符 掉落普通 50
迷信之40后缀在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 2% 的几率取得额外深渊物品 掉落普通 100
迷信之50后缀在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 3% 的几率取得额外深渊物品 掉落普通 75
迷信之70后缀在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 4% 的几率取得额外深渊物品 掉落普通 50
迷信之40后缀在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 2% 的几率取得额外裂隙物品 掉落普通 100
迷信之50后缀在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 3% 的几率取得额外裂隙物品 掉落普通 75
迷信之70后缀在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 4% 的几率取得额外裂隙物品 掉落普通 50
迷信之60后缀在夺宝奇兵中打开奖励宝箱时有 1% 的几率获得额外的致命贪婪物品 掉落普通 50
迷信之80后缀在夺宝奇兵中打开奖励宝箱时有 2% 的几率获得额外的致命贪婪物品 掉落普通 25
迷信之60后缀在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 1% 的几率取得额外惊悸迷雾物品 掉落普通 50
迷信之80后缀在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 2% 的几率取得额外惊悸迷雾物品 掉落普通 25
迷信之40后缀在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 1% 的几率取得额外战乱之殇物品 掉落普通 100
迷信之50后缀在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 2% 的几率取得额外战乱之殇物品 掉落普通 75
迷信之70后缀在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 3% 的几率取得额外战乱之殇物品 掉落普通 50
迷信之40后缀在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 1% 的几率取得额外菌潮物品 掉落普通 100
迷信之50后缀在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 2% 的几率取得额外菌潮物品 掉落普通 75
迷信之70后缀在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 3% 的几率取得额外菌潮物品 掉落普通 50
迷信之40后缀在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 1% 的几率取得额外先驱者物品 掉落普通 100
迷信之50后缀在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 2% 的几率取得额外先驱者物品 掉落普通 75
迷信之70后缀在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 3% 的几率取得额外先驱者物品 掉落普通 50
迷信之40后缀在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 1% 的几率取得额外地心探险物品 掉落普通 100
迷信之50后缀在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 2% 的几率取得额外地心探险物品 掉落普通 75
迷信之70后缀在夺宝冒险中开启奖励宝箱时,有 3% 的几率取得额外地心探险物品 掉落普通 50
工艺工作台 /1
区域内额外有 2 个走私者秘藏
map extra content weighting [1]
map heist league [1]
5x 混沌石地图等级 9
其他属性 词缀 /10
使用剩余 3
unique_map 0
no_monster_packs 0
普通 50
使用剩余 15
unique_map 0
no_monster_packs 0
普通 50
使用剩余 3
no_monster_packs 0
unique_map 0
普通 250
使用剩余 15
no_monster_packs 0
unique_map 0
普通 250
1ExpeditionRelic后缀符纹怪物有 10% 的几率额外掉落一份夺宝奇兵契约expedition_templar_remnant 1000
普通 0
1ExpeditionRelic后缀发掘的箱子有 10% 的几率额外有一份夺宝奇兵契约expedition_templar_remnant 1000
普通 0
local sentinel drone difficulty + [4]
special_sentinel_mod 0
sentinel_c 0
普通 0
local sentinel drone difficulty + [6]
special_sentinel_mod 0
sentinel_c 0
普通 0
local sentinel drone difficulty + [8]
special_sentinel_mod 0
sentinel_c 0
普通 0
1MemoryLines传奇区域内额外有 2 个走私者秘藏
map heist league [1]
物品 /4
需求 任意任务(等级2
夺宝冒险中掉落的物品稀有度提高 (11–15)%
需求 任意任务(等级3
夺宝冒险中掉落的物品稀有度提高 (16–20)%
需求 任意任务(等级4
夺宝冒险中掉落的物品稀有度提高 (21–25)%
需求 任意任务(等级5
夺宝冒险中掉落的物品稀有度提高 (26–30)%
天赋 /18
专精: 夺宝奇兵
地图内有走私者秘藏的几率 +12%
专精: 夺宝奇兵
地图内走私者秘藏掉落的几率提高 100%
地图内掉落的蓝图有 10% 的几率为完全解密
专精: 夺宝奇兵
地图中每有一个走私者秘藏被打开,你地图中走私者秘藏包含蓝图的几率提高 10%
区域内每有一个走私者秘藏被打开,走私者秘藏掉落的赏金猎人印记总增 10%
你包含走私者秘藏的地图有 5% 几率包含6个额外的走私者秘藏
专精: 夺宝奇兵
专精: 夺宝奇兵
你地图中可找到的夺宝奇兵契约需求解密术、凶蛮之力或洞察的可能性总增 100%
专精: 夺宝奇兵
你地图中可找到的夺宝奇兵契约指定高价值目标的可能性总增 80%
你地图中可找到的夺宝奇兵契约指定珍贵目标的可能性总增 55%
专精: 夺宝奇兵
你在地图中可找到的夺宝奇兵契约需求爆破、逆向奇术或解除陷阱的可能性总增 100%
专精: 夺宝奇兵
你地图中可找到的夺宝奇兵契约需求灵敏、欺诈或工程学的可能性总增 100%
额外内容的几率 +2%
额外内容的几率 +2%
额外内容的几率 +2%
额外内容的几率 +2%
额外内容的几率 +2%
额外内容的几率 +2%
额外内容的几率 +2%
额外内容的几率 +2%
额外内容的几率 +2%
额外内容的几率 +2%




这本系列的这一章中,谈谈劫盗同盟。但并不是在盗贼港湾劫盗,而是如何在舆图中刷契约,蓝图和盗贼之印。 (盗贼港湾劫盗的前置准备工作)


  1. 最简单的办法是利用地图仪词缀,但是由於每季地图仪词缀都会做部分轮换,以至於这个方法并不总是行得通。 (比如3.17就没有劫盗词缀)

  2. 常用的让地图必定拥有劫盗内容的方法是使用觉醒六分仪或尊崇六分仪,洗出词缀:
    区域含有 1 个走私者的秘宝
    3 次使用



  • 【Smuggling Routes】能让每十张图大概获得2800个左右的盗贼之印。也就是说,平均每张图280个盗贼之印。


  • 一条龙 】会使蓝图的掉落机率翻倍,并使掉落的蓝图有10%机率为完全解密的。


    搜索方法:网页市集/Trade找劫盗玩法过滤/Heist Filter,下面发现的侧厅/wings选择最小最大值4/4

  • 秘密仓库】 会使区域内有走私者的秘宝的机率增加4%,这个天赋可以跟六分仪词缀及地图仪词缀叠加,这样就可以在一张地图内获得多个走私者的秘宝。

综上所述。 。 。

劫盗很难称得上是一种“财富密码”(也就是你能专注去做并由此专赚取大量通货的方式,劫盗主要还是基础小通货)。 建议是将劫盗作为一种额外的零投入赚通货方式(尤其是赛季初期),天赋路过时点出一条龙秘密仓库,然后忘记他们的存在。 (个人理解是不要太过纠结於箱子和蓝图的出现概率)



The Forbidden Trove, 缩写TFT上很迅速地卖出83级的契约和蓝图,也可以选择批量卖出多余的垃圾契约: 找到这里: #bulk-heist-wts-asc

  • TFT交易及高仓标价为国际服限定,腾讯服不适用


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