Angels and Demons Mystery Box
Price: 30
Receive a random prize with an Angels and Demons theme! It'll appear inside your MTX stash, waiting to be unwrapped.
Mystery packs contain one random microtransaction that is guaranteed to cost at least as much as the pack.
Angels and Demons Mystery Box Attr /8
名前 | 全ての説明を表示 |
shop_tw | MysteryPackAngelsAndDemonsBox |
name_tw | 天使惡魔神秘寶箱 |
price_tw | 85 |
shop_us | MysteryPackAngelsAndDemonsBox |
name_us | Angels and Demons Mystery Box |
price_us | 30 |
description_us | Receive a random prize with an Angels and Demons theme! It'll appear inside your MTX stash, waiting to be unwrapped. |
secondaryDescription_us | Mystery packs contain one random microtransaction that is guaranteed to cost at least as much as the pack. |
Angels and Demons Mystery Box
Angels and Demons Mystery Box
Angels and Demons Mystery Box
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Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.