デリリウム - Complete Encounters III /4
Complete each of the following Encounters.
Defeat Lord of the Grey in Belfry Map without being affected by Devouring Darkness.KillKitavaInBelfryMapWithoutBeingAffectedByDevouringDarkness
Defeat The Brittle Emperor in Wasteland Map while standing in his Consecrated Ground.
Defeat Nightmare's Omen in Primordial Pool Map without taking damage from his Blood Projectiles after he has submerged at least twice.KillNightmaresOmenInPrimordialPoolWithoutTakingDamageFromBloodProjectiles
Defeat He of Many Pieces in Museum Map while he has at least 15 Chaos Bombs active.
ハーベスト - Complete Encounters III /4
Complete each of the following Encounters.
Defeat Preethi, Eye-Pecker in Desert Map while you are BleedingKillPreethiEyePeckerWhileYouAndHerAreBleeding
Defeat The Fallen Queen after defeating both The Broken Prince and the Hollow Lady in Vaal Pyramid MapKillFallenQueenAfterBrokenPrinceAndHollowLady
Defeat Stalker of the Endless Dunes in Dig Map without being affected by Garukhan's SandstormKillStalkerOfEndlessDunesWithoutBeingAffectedBySandstorm
Defeat Sallazzang in Gardens Map without being affected by Suppressing FireKillSallazzangWithoutSuppressingFire
ハイスト - Complete Encounters III /4
Complete each of the following Encounters.
Defeat Leif, the Swift-Handed in Castle Ruins Map while you are BlindedKillLeifTheSwiftHandedWhileBlinded
Defeat The High Templar in Villa Map without being affected by Cold BeamKillHighTemplarWithoutBeingAffectedByColdBeam
Defeat Oak the Mighty in Mesa Map while you are TauntedKillOakTheMightyWhileTaunted
Defeat Jorus, Sky's Edge in Temple Map while he is channelling Scorching RayKillJorusWhileHeIsChannellingScorchingRay
リチュアル - Complete Encounters III /4
Complete each of the following encounters.
Defeat Captain Clayborne, The Accursed in Frozen Cabins Map without defeating any Drowned CrewKillCaptainClayborneWithoutDefeatingDrownedCrew
Defeat Ormud, Fiend of the Flood in Forking River Map without being hit by Water Vortex or Collapsing OrbKillOrmudFiendOfTheFloodWithoutBeingHitByWaterVortexOrCollapsingOrb
Defeat Lycius, Midnight's Howl in Lair Map while he is channelling Wolf BarrageKillLyciusMidnightsHowlWhileHeIsUsingWolfBarrage
Defeat The Gorgon in Sulphur Vents Map while all players are Petrified by it
アルティメイタム - Complete Encounters III /4
Complete each of the following encounters.
Defeat a Possessed Unique Monster
Open a Unique Strongbox
Make a trade with Cadiro Perandus
Complete a Grand Heist
エクスペディション - Complete Encounters III /4
Complete each of the following encounters.
Defeat The Reaver in Ramparts Map while affected by Bear Trap.KillTheReaverWhileAffectedByBearTrap
Defeat Stonebeak, Battle Fowl in Canyon Map after defeating Gnar, Eater of Carrion and without having damaged Stonebeak prior to Gnar's death.KillStonebeakAfterGnarAndWithoutDamagingGnarBeforeStonebeakDeath
Defeat Stone of the Currents in Wharf Map while Voltage Surge is active and while at least 15 Flood Orbs are alive.KillStoneOfTheCurrentsWhileVolatileSurgeIsActiveAnd15FloodOrbsAreAlive
Defeat both Titans of the Grove in a Twinned Peninsula Map.TwinnedPeninsula

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