デリリウム - Complete Encounters V /4
Complete each of the following Encounters.
Defeat Varhesh, Shimmering Abberation in Terrace Map without becoming Fearful.KillVarheshInTerraceWithoutBecomingFearful
Defeat Enticer of Rot in Spider Forest Map within 5 seconds of Avatar of Rot's death.KillEnticerOfRotAndAvatarOfRotWithin5Seconds
Defeat Lady Stormflay in Ghetto Map while you are affected by Vulnerability.
Defeat Piety the Empyrean in Shrine Map while you are affected by Piety's Rage.
ハーベスト - Complete Encounters V /4
Complete each of the following Encounters.
Defeat Portentia, the Foul in Waste Pool Map after she has transformed at least 3 times and without being affected by any EffluentsKillPortentiaTheFoulAfter3TransformsAndWithoutBeingAffectedByEffluents
Defeat Terror of the Infinite Drifts in Desert Spring Map while you have 10 stacks of QuicksandKillTerrorOfInfiniteDriftsWith10StacksQuicksand
Defeat Guardian of the Chimera in Pit of the Chimera Map after searching at least 25 Smoke CloudsKillChimeraAfterSearching25Clouds
Defeat The Shaper without being hit by any of his or his clone's non-Basic Attack skills
ハイスト - Complete Encounters V /4
Complete each of the following Encounters.
Defeat The Hallowed Husk in Palace Map after it has cast Blood Rain at least 3 times and without having stood in the Proximity Shield bubbleKillHallowedHuskAfter3BloodRainsAndWithoutStandingInProximityShield
Defeat the Trio of Bosses in Vaal Temple Map by killing K'aj A'alai lastKillVaalTempleBossesInReverse
Defeat Aulen Greychain in Fungal Hollow Map while both you and him are affected by Immortal CallKillAulenGreychainWhileHimAndYouHaveImmortalCall
Defeat Chayula, Who Dreamt without being hit by Chaos Cyclone projectiles and after they have used Chaos Cyclone at least 3 times
リチュアル - Complete Encounters V /4
Complete each of the following encounters.
Defeat a Delve Boss
Defeat the Mastermind
Complete Domain of Timeless Conflict
Complete the Simulacrum
アルティメイタム - Complete Encounters V /4
Complete each of the following encounters.
Upgrade a Breachstone using a Breach Blessing
Open a Labyrinth Trial from your Hideout
Use a Veiled Chaos Orb
Itemise an Incursion Temple
エクスペディション - Complete Encounters V /4
Complete each of the following encounters.
Complete a Rare Blighted Map
Defeat the Omnitect
Defeat a Bestiary Boss
Complete The Beachhead

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