デリリウム - Complete Encounters V /4
Complete each of the following Encounters.
名前 | 全ての説明を表示 |
Defeat Varhesh, Shimmering Abberation in Terrace Map without becoming Fearful. | KillVarheshInTerraceWithoutBecomingFearful |
Defeat Enticer of Rot in Spider Forest Map within 5 seconds of Avatar of Rot's death. | KillEnticerOfRotAndAvatarOfRotWithin5Seconds |
Defeat Lady Stormflay in Ghetto Map while you are affected by Vulnerability. | |
Defeat Piety the Empyrean in Shrine Map while you are affected by Piety's Rage. |
ハーベスト - Complete Encounters V /4
Complete each of the following Encounters.
名前 | 全ての説明を表示 |
Defeat Portentia, the Foul in Waste Pool Map after she has transformed at least 3 times and without being affected by any Effluents | KillPortentiaTheFoulAfter3TransformsAndWithoutBeingAffectedByEffluents KillPortentiaTheFoulWithoutBeingAffectedByEffluents |
Defeat Terror of the Infinite Drifts in Desert Spring Map while you have 10 stacks of Quicksand | KillTerrorOfInfiniteDriftsWith10StacksQuicksand |
Defeat Guardian of the Chimera in Pit of the Chimera Map after searching at least 25 Smoke Clouds | KillChimeraAfterSearching25Clouds |
Defeat The Shaper without being hit by any of his or his clone's non-Basic Attack skills |
ハイスト - Complete Encounters V /4
Complete each of the following Encounters.
名前 | 全ての説明を表示 |
Defeat The Hallowed Husk in Palace Map after it has cast Blood Rain at least 3 times and without having stood in the Proximity Shield bubble | KillHallowedHuskAfter3BloodRainsAndWithoutStandingInProximityShield KillHallowedHuskWithoutStandingInProximityShield |
Defeat the Trio of Bosses in Vaal Temple Map by killing K'aj A'alai last | KillVaalTempleBossesInReverse |
Defeat Aulen Greychain in Fungal Hollow Map while both you and him are affected by Immortal Call | KillAulenGreychainWhileHimAndYouHaveImmortalCall |
Defeat Chayula, Who Dreamt without being hit by Chaos Cyclone projectiles and after they have used Chaos Cyclone at least 3 times |
リチュアル - Complete Encounters V /4
Complete each of the following encounters.
名前 | 全ての説明を表示 |
Defeat a Delve Boss | |
Defeat the Mastermind | |
Complete Domain of Timeless Conflict | |
Complete the Simulacrum |
アルティメイタム - Complete Encounters V /4
Complete each of the following encounters.
名前 | 全ての説明を表示 |
Upgrade a Breachstone using a Breach Blessing | |
Open a Labyrinth Trial from your Hideout | |
Use a Veiled Chaos Orb | |
Itemise an Incursion Temple |
エクスペディション - Complete Encounters V /4
Complete each of the following encounters.
名前 | 全ての説明を表示 |
Complete a Rare Blighted Map | |
Defeat the Omnitect | |
Defeat a Bestiary Boss | |
Complete The Beachhead |
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Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.