リチュアル - Complete Encounters VII /4
Complete each of the following encounters.
Defeat the bosses of Foundry Map within three seconds of one another and without being hit by Corpse RainKillFoundryMapBossesWithinThreeSecondsOfOneAnotherAndWithoutBeingHitByCorpseRain
Kill the bosses of Bramble Valley Map without being hit by Melur Thornmaul's Slam, Orvi Acidbeak's Shrill Screech and Elida Blisterclaw's Vine SpikesKillBramblefallBossesWithoutBeingHitBySlamScreechSpikes
Kill Burtok, Conjurer of Bones in Necropolis Map while you are affected by Bone Roil and he is BleedingKillBurtokConjurerOfBonesWhileAffectedByBoneRoilAndWhileHeIsBleeding
Kill Doedre the Defiler in Sepulchre Map while you have five stacks of Doedre's Suffering, Torment and WitheringKillDoedreTheDefilerWhileYouHave5StacksOfDoedresSufferingTormentWithering
アルティメイタム - Complete Encounters VII /4
Complete each of the following encounters.
Defeat a Metamorph in Tane's Laboratory
Defeat a Delve Boss
Defeat a Bestiary Boss
Defeat a Map Boss while under the effects of a Divine ShrineKillAnyMapBossWhileAffectedByDivineShrine
エクスペディション - Complete Encounters VII /4
Complete each of the following encounters.
Defeat Murgeth Bogsong in Stagnation Map while affected by Toxic Swamp.KillMurgethBogsongWhileAffectedByToxicSwamp
Defeat Merveil, the Returned in Underground Sea Map while affected by at least four stacks of Screech.DefeatMerveilUndergroundSeaMapWhileAffectedByFourStacksOfScreech
Defeat both Witches of the Cauldron in a Twinned Burial Chambers Map.TwinnedBurialChambers
Defeat the Trio in Crystal Ore Map while affected by Righteous Fire.DefeatTrioCrystalOreMapWhileAffectedByRighteousFire

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