リチュアル - Complete Encounters VII /4
Complete each of the following encounters.
名前 | 全ての説明を表示 |
Defeat the bosses of Foundry Map within three seconds of one another and without being hit by Corpse Rain | KillFoundryMapBossesWithinThreeSecondsOfOneAnotherAndWithoutBeingHitByCorpseRain KillFoundryMapBossesWithoutBeingHitByCorpseRain |
Kill the bosses of Bramble Valley Map without being hit by Melur Thornmaul's Slam, Orvi Acidbeak's Shrill Screech and Elida Blisterclaw's Vine Spikes | KillBramblefallBossesWithoutBeingHitBySlamScreechSpikes |
Kill Burtok, Conjurer of Bones in Necropolis Map while you are affected by Bone Roil and he is Bleeding | KillBurtokConjurerOfBonesWhileAffectedByBoneRoilAndWhileHeIsBleeding |
Kill Doedre the Defiler in Sepulchre Map while you have five stacks of Doedre's Suffering, Torment and Withering | KillDoedreTheDefilerWhileYouHave5StacksOfDoedresSufferingTormentWithering |
アルティメイタム - Complete Encounters VII /4
Complete each of the following encounters.
名前 | 全ての説明を表示 |
Defeat a Metamorph in Tane's Laboratory | |
Defeat a Delve Boss | |
Defeat a Bestiary Boss | |
Defeat a Map Boss while under the effects of a Divine Shrine | KillAnyMapBossWhileAffectedByDivineShrine |
エクスペディション - Complete Encounters VII /4
Complete each of the following encounters.
名前 | 全ての説明を表示 |
Defeat Murgeth Bogsong in Stagnation Map while affected by Toxic Swamp. | KillMurgethBogsongWhileAffectedByToxicSwamp |
Defeat Merveil, the Returned in Underground Sea Map while affected by at least four stacks of Screech. | DefeatMerveilUndergroundSeaMapWhileAffectedByFourStacksOfScreech |
Defeat both Witches of the Cauldron in a Twinned Burial Chambers Map. | TwinnedBurialChambers |
Defeat the Trio in Crystal Ore Map while affected by Righteous Fire. | DefeatTrioCrystalOreMapWhileAffectedByRighteousFire |
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Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.