ペランダス - Complete these Encounters III /6
Complete the following Encounters in the Labyrinth.
Use a Hidden Switch
Use a Silver Key to open a Silver Door
Use a Golden Key to open a Golden Door
Complete an optional Trap Gauntlet
Complete a Puzzle
Reveal a Secret Passage
予言 - Complete these Encounters III /6
Complete each of the following Encounters.
Kill 1000 Monsters in a single Rampage kill streak
Kill a Keepers of the Trove Bloodline Pack
Kill a monster possessed by two Torment Spirits
Kill a Warband Leader
Fully clear a map affected by a Tempest
Kill a Rare monster with Inner Treasure
エッセンス - Complete these Encounters III /5
Complete each of the following Encounters.
Open a Cartographer's Strongbox
Kill Igna Phoenix
Touch an Echoing Shrine
Kill Haast, Unrelenting Frost
Kill Monsters touched by Tormented Spirits x500
ブリーチ - Complete these Encounters III /4
Complete each of the following Encounters.
Kill a Warband Leader
Open 100 Strongboxes x100
Kill 100 Nemesis Rares x100
Open 10 Perandus Coffers x10
ハービンジャー - Complete these Encounters III /5
Complete each of the following Encounters.
Open a Diviner's Strongbox
Open a Perandus Trove
Kill Unique Beyond Demons x100
Kill a Voidspawn of Abaxoth Bloodline Pack
Gain Splinters from Unique Breach monsters x50
アビス - Complete these Encounters III /8
Complete each of the following Encounters.
Defeat Belcer, the Pirate Lord while possessed by Tormented Bootlegger and the Tormented Buccaneer
Defeat The Reaver without anyone in party being Bear Trapped
Defeat Drought-Maddened Rhoa after breaking all three Rhoa Nests
Defeat Witch of the Cauldron while she has more than 30 Souls from Soul Eater
Defeat Hybrid Widow while being Covered in Spiders
Defeat Gnar, Eater of Carrion while he is Enraged
Defeat Stonebeak, Battle Fowl while she is Enraged
Defeat Erythrophagia while you are affected by three of the Curse Zones
ベスティアリー - Complete these Encounters III /5
Complete any 4 of the following Encounters.
Defeat a Voidspawn of Abaxoth Bloodline Pack
Kill a Rare monster with Inner Treasure
Defeat a monster possessed by two or more Tormented Spirits
Open Perandus Coffers x10
Defeat Harbingers x50
インカージョン - Complete these Encounters III /5
Complete any 4 of the following Encounters.
Touch Acceleration Shrines x10
Defeat Beyond Unique Bosses x50
Defeat Warband Bosses x50
Complete the Abyssal Depths
Open Clasped Hands x50
デルヴ - Complete these Encounters III /4
Complete any 3 of the following Encounters.
Defeat Abaxoth, the End of All That Is
Defeat a Breachlord
Defeat a Lich
Complete the Beachhead
ビトレイアル - Complete these Encounters III /4
Complete each of the following Encounters.
Defeat High Lithomancer without taking damage from bouldersKillHighLithomancerWithoutDamageFromBoulders
Defeat the Trio of Bosses in the Alluring Abyss by killing A'alai last
Defeat Uul-Netol, Unburdened Flesh while having 5 or more stacks of Corrupted Blood
Defeat the Vaal Omnitect in an area level of 75 or higher without allowing any Energised Phantasms to restore Energy Shield to itKillVaalOmnitectNoESHealFromPhantasmsBetrayal
シンセシス - Complete these Encounters III /4
Complete each of the following Encounters.
Defeat The Shaper without detonating any Anomalies.
Defeat the Vessels of the Vaal in the Alluring Abyss within 5 seconds of each other.KillVesselsOfTheVaalWithin5Seconds
Defeat the Syndicate Mastermind while allowing all Volatile Skeletons to rise and without detonating any in an area level of 80 or higher.KillCatarinaWithoutDetonatingVolatileSkeletons
Kill a monster with five Essences in an area level of 80 or higher.
リージョン - Complete these Encounters III /4
Complete each of the following Encounters.
Complete trades with Cadiro Perandus x15
Open Strongboxes x200
Activate Shrines x200
Defeat Rogue Exiles x200
ブライト - Complete these Encounters III /4
Complete each of the following Encounters.
Defeat Harbingers x150
Defeat Warband Generals x50
Open Breaches x150
Open Maps with Fortune Favours the Brave x30
メタモルフ - Complete these Encounters III /4
Complete each of the following Encounters.
Defeat Erythrophagia in Phantasmagoria Map while not Cursed.
Defeat Sebbert, Crescent's Point in Moon Temple Map while affected by Dark Vortex.
Defeat Legius Garhall in Ancient City Map without defeating any Blackguard Interrogators or Blackguard Enforcers.
Defeat the Arena Map bosses within 5 seconds of the first boss dying.

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