アビス - Complete these Encounters V /3
Complete each of the following Encounters.
Defeat the Pale Council
Defeat any Breachlord
Release an Essence of Hysteria, Insanity, Horror or Delirium
ベスティアリー - Complete these Encounters V /8
Complete each of the following Encounters.
Defeat the Pale Council without allowing the Volatile Tome to cast SparkKillPaleCouncilNoTomeSpark
Defeat The Constrictor while you have 10 stacks of Grasping Vines
Defeat Atziri, Queen of the Vaal after killing 3 different Clones in the fightKillAtziriWithKilling3Clones
Defeat the Shaper after allowing 15 Anomalies to explodeKillShaper15AnomaliesExplode
Defeat Guardian of the Phoenix while you have the Phoenix Fire Bomb debuff
Defeat Piety, the Empyrean without allowing her to transformKillPietyMapNoTransform
Defeat The Elder without allowing Eldritch Decay to dropKillElderWithoutEldritchDecay
Defeat Portentia, the Foul while you have 10 stacks of any Effluent
インカージョン - Complete these Encounters V /4
Complete any 3 of the following Encounters.
Defeat Atziri, Queen of the Vaal
Defeat Abaxoth, the End of All That Is
Defeat Chayula, Who Dreamt
Defeat Ulaman, Sovereign of the Well
リージョン - Complete these Encounters V /4
Complete each of the following Encounters.
Defeat The Cleansing Light in Basilica Map while no statues are in their starting positions.
Defeat Woad, Mockery of Man in Defiled Cathedral Map while no statues are in their starting positions.
Defeat Armala, the Widow in Sunken City Map while you are affected by 5 or more stacks of Covered in Webs.
Defeat Vision of Justice in Orchard Map while you are affected by an Offering of Judgement.
ブライト - Complete these Encounters V /4
Complete each of the following Encounters.
Kill 1000 Monsters in a single Rampage kill streak
Defeat a Possessed Beyond Boss
Complete The Beachhead
Defeat the Pale Council
メタモルフ - Complete these Encounters V /4
Complete each of the following Encounters.
Activate Shrines x200
Defeat Beyond Unique Bosses x50
Open Legion Monoliths x50
Open Maps with Fortune Favours the Brave x30

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