アビス - Complete these Encounters VI /8
Complete each of the following Encounters.
Defeat Guardian of the Minotaur without anyone in party being hit by the lightning Arc
Defeat Guardian of the Hydra without anyone in party being hit by the turrets
Defeat The Cleansing Light while he is channelling Divine Beam
Defeat Amalgam of Nightmares while you have maximum stacks of any Effluent
Defeat Nassar, Lion of the Seas without being affected by Tidal Wave or anyone in party being hit by the Lightning Bolts
Defeat Armala, the Widow while being covered in a Web
Defeat The Hallowed Husk while having 5 or more stacks of Corrupted Blood Rain
Defeat the Atziri trio by killing A'alai last
インカージョン - Complete these Encounters VI /8
Complete each of the following Encounters.
Defeat Shock and Horror after she uses Lightning Beam twice while being affected by the BeamKillShockAndHorrorAfter2LightningBeam
Defeat Eater of Souls after being hit by 15 Rune TrapsKillEaterOfSoulsAfterTriggering15RuneTraps
Defeat Elder after allowing Eldritch Decay to drop 5 timesKillElderAfter5EldritchDecay
Defeat Sanguine Siren while 3 Blood Ravens are alive
Defeat The Goddess while you are affected by her Beam
Defeat The Infernal King without taking damage from the fiery mortarsKillInfernalKingWithoutMortarDamage
Defeat Guardian of the Phoenix with 5 phoenixes alive
Defeat Guardian of the Minotaur without being hit by his SlamKillMinotaurWithoutSlamDamage
リージョン - Complete these Encounters VI /4
Complete each of the following Encounters.
Complete the Beachhead
Unlock Veiled Modifiers x60
Defeat the Pale Council
Defeat Atziri in the Temple of Atzoatl
ブライト - Complete these Encounters VI /4
Complete each of the following Encounters.
Defeat Chayula, Who Dreamt outside of its Domain
Defeat Amanamu, Liege of the Lightless while at least 2 Stygian Hearts are active
Defeat a Bestiary Boss
Defeat The Vaal Omnitect while you are affected by a Tempest and Lightning Exposure
メタモルフ - Complete these Encounters VI /4
Complete each of the following Encounters.
Socket a Unique Watchstone into a Citadel
Use any Guardian's Exalted Orb
Level an Awakened Gem to level 5
Use an Awakener's Orb

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