メタモルフ - Defeat Conquerors Conditionally /4
Defeat each of the following Conquerors of the Atlas under the specified conditions.
Defeat Baran, The Crusader after every square of the arena has become a Mana Rune and without having been affected by Mana Rune.KillBaronConditionallyHasBeenHitByRune
Defeat Veritania, The Redeemer without being hit by any Tornadoes or entering the Hurricane.KillVeritaniaConditionallyWithoutEnteringHurricane
Defeat Al-Hezmin, The Hunter without causing any Tunnelling Vipers to emerge.KillAlHezminWithoutAnyTunnellingVipersEmerging
Defeat Drox, The Warlord after having destroyed at least 10 Vexillum Immortalis bubbles.

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