ビトレイアル - Defeat Mastermind II /5
Defeat the Mastermind of the Immortal Syndicate while fulfiling each of the following conditions.
名前 | 全ての説明を表示 |
Defeat the Syndicate Mastermind without taking any damage from his/her sculpture | |
Defeat the Syndicate Mastermind without allowing them to remain in any Blackflame phase for longer than 30 seconds | KillCatarinaWithoutBlackPhaseOver20Sec |
Defeat the Syndicate Mastermind without allowing any Volatile Skeletons to raise from the ground | |
Defeat the Syndicate Mastermind without taking any damage from him/her during the final Blackflame phase | KillCatarinaWithoutDamageInFinalPhase |
Defeat the Syndicate Mastermind without allowing them to teleport 3 or more times with the Teleport Slam ability | KillCatarinaWithout3OrMoreTeleports |
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