インカージョン - Defeat the Vaal Omnitect /1
Defeat the Vaal Omnitect.
インカージョン - Defeat the Vaal Omnitect /5
Defeat the Vaal Omnitect while fulfiling each of the following conditions in an area level of 68 or higher.
Defeat the Vaal Omnitect while all of the Lightning Defenses in the room are active, without taking any Damage from them.KillVaalOmnitectWithoutDamageFromLightningDefences
Defeat the Vaal Omnitect while all Flame Turrets have been activated, without taking any Damage from them.
Defeat the Vaal Omnitect after defeating waves of Experimented Hatchlings.KillVaalOmnitectAfterKillingExperimentedHatchling
Defeat the Vaal Omnitect after defeating the two Omnitect's Guard.KillVaalOmnitectAfterKillingGuards
Defeat the Vaal Omnitect without allowing any Energised Phantasms to restore Energy Shield to it.KillVaalOmnitectNoESHealFromPhantasms

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