Warbands and Tempest - Redeem Divination Card Sets /47
Turn in sets of at least 32 of the following 47 Divination card types to Tasuni:
名前 | 全ての説明を表示 |
Three Faces in the Dark | 闇の中の三つの顔 |
The Doctor | 医者 |
The Hermit | 世捨て人 |
The Metalsmith's Gift | 鍛冶屋の贈り物 |
The Battle Born | 戦禍の生まれ |
The Gladiator | 剣闘士 |
The Scholar | 学者 |
The Brittle Emperor | 脆い皇帝 |
The Poet | 詩人 |
The Carrion Crow | 死肉を食らうカラス |
Hope | 希望 |
Vinia's Token | ヴィニアの形見 |
The Summoner | 召喚士 |
The Cataclysm | 大災害 |
The Hunger | 飢え |
The Hoarder | 貯め込み屋 |
The Drunken Aristocrat | 酔っぱらった貴族 |
The Sun | 太陽 |
The Warden | 刑務所長 |
The Scarred Meadow | 傷ついた牧草地 |
The Dark Mage | 闇の魔術師 |
The Gemcutter | 宝石職人 |
The Gambler | ギャンブラー |
The Lover | 恋人 |
Chaotic Disposition | 混沌とした気質 |
The Road to Power | 力への道 |
The Avenger | 復讐者 |
Emperor's Luck | 皇帝の幸運 |
Time-Lost Relic | 失われた遺物 |
Lucky Connections | 幸運なコネクション |
The Feast | 祝宴 |
Rain of Chaos | 混沌の雨 |
The Watcher | 傍観者 |
The Incantation | 呪文 |
Coveted Possession | 所有欲 |
The King's Heart | 王の心 |
Abandoned Wealth | 放棄された富 |
The Wind | 疾風 |
The Pact | 協定 |
Gemcutter's Promise | 宝石職人の誓い |
The Celestial Justicar | 天上の大司法長官 |
The Chains that Bind | 束縛する鎖 |
The Inventor | 発明家 |
Jack in the Box | びっくり箱 |
The Union | 結婚 |
Humility | 謙虚 |
The Explorer | 冒険者 |
ペランダス - Redeem Divination Card Sets /13
Turn in sets of at least 7 of the following 13 Divination card types to Tasuni:
予言 - Redeem Divination Card Sets /12
Turn in sets of at least 7 of the following 12 Divination card types to Tasuni.
エッセンス - Redeem Divination Card Sets /12
Turn in sets of at least 7 of the following 12 Divination card types to Tasuni.
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Wikis Content is available under CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 unless otherwise noted.