Anarchy and Onslaught - Use these Currency Items /23
Use the following 23 currency items in either Anarchy or Onslaught.
Scroll of Wisdom
Portal Scroll
Orb of Transmutation
Orb of Augmentation
Armourer's Scrap
Blacksmith's Whetstone
Orb of Alteration
Chromatic Orb
Glassblower's Bauble
Jeweller's Orb
Orb of Chance
Orb of Fusing
Orb of Scouring
Orb of Alchemy
Cartographer's Chisel
Orb of Regret
Chaos Orb
Regal Orb
Gemcutter's Prism
Blessed Orb
Divine Orb
Exalted Orb
Eternal Orb
Domination and Nemesis - Use these Currency Items /23
Use the following 23 currency items in either Domination or Nemesis.
Scroll of Wisdom
Portal Scroll
Orb of Transmutation
Orb of Augmentation
Armourer's Scrap
Blacksmith's Whetstone
Orb of Alteration
Chromatic Orb
Glassblower's Bauble
Jeweller's Orb
Orb of Chance
Orb of Fusing
Orb of Scouring
Orb of Alchemy
Cartographer's Chisel
Orb of Regret
Chaos Orb
Regal Orb
Gemcutter's Prism
Blessed Orb
Divine Orb
Exalted Orb
Eternal Orb
Ambush and Invasion - Use these Currency Items /24
Use the following 24 currency items in either Ambush or Invasion.
Scroll of Wisdom
Portal Scroll
Orb of Transmutation
Orb of Augmentation
Armourer's Scrap
Blacksmith's Whetstone
Orb of Alteration
Chromatic Orb
Glassblower's Bauble
Jeweller's Orb
Orb of Chance
Orb of Fusing
Orb of Scouring
Orb of Alchemy
Cartographer's Chisel
Orb of Regret
Chaos Orb
Regal Orb
Gemcutter's Prism
Blessed Orb
Divine Orb
Exalted Orb
Eternal Orb
Vaal Orb
Rampage and Beyond - Use these Currency Items /23
Use the following 23 currency items in either Rampage or Beyond.
Scroll of Wisdom
Portal Scroll
Orb of Transmutation
Orb of Augmentation
Armourer's Scrap
Blacksmith's Whetstone
Orb of Alteration
Chromatic Orb
Glassblower's Bauble
Jeweller's Orb
Orb of Chance
Orb of Fusing
Orb of Scouring
Orb of Alchemy
Cartographer's Chisel
Orb of Regret
Chaos Orb
Regal Orb
Gemcutter's Prism
Blessed Orb
Divine Orb
Exalted Orb
Vaal Orb
Talisman - Use these Currency Items /10
Use each of the following Currency Items.
Chromatic Orb
Orb of Chance
Orb of Fusing
Orb of Scouring
Orb of Regret
Orb of Alchemy
Gemcutter's Prism
Blessed Orb
Chaos Orb
Vaal Orb
ペランダス - Use these Currency Items /12
Use each of the following Currency Items.
Orb of Transmutation
Orb of Augmentation
Orb of Alteration
Chromatic Orb
Orb of Chance
Orb of Alchemy
Jeweller's Orb
Orb of Fusing
Vaal Orb
Blacksmith's Whetstone
Armourer's Scrap
Glassblower's Bauble
予言 - Use these Currency Items /13
Use each of the following Currency Items.
Orb of Transmutation
Orb of Augmentation
Orb of Alteration
Chromatic Orb
Orb of Chance
Orb of Alchemy
Jeweller's Orb
Orb of Fusing
Vaal Orb
Blacksmith's Whetstone
Armourer's Scrap
Glassblower's Bauble
Sealed Prophecy
エッセンス - Use these Currency Items /15
Use each of the following Currency items.
Orb of Transmutation
Orb of Augmentation
Orb of Alteration
Chromatic Orb
Orb of Chance
Orb of Alchemy
Jeweller's Orb
Orb of Fusing
Vaal Orb
Blacksmith's Whetstone
Armourer's Scrap
Glassblower's Bauble
Orb of Scouring
Chaos Orb
Sealed Prophecy
ブリーチ - Use these Currency Items /8
Use each of the following Currency items.
Orb of Transmutation
Orb of Augmentation
Orb of Alteration
Chromatic Orb
Jeweller's Orb
Blacksmith's Whetstone
Armourer's Scrap
Orb of Alchemy
レガシー - Use these Currency Items /8
Use each of the following Currency items.
Orb of Transmutation
Orb of Augmentation
Orb of Alteration
Chromatic Orb
Jeweller's Orb
Blacksmith's Whetstone
Armourer's Scrap
Orb of Alchemy
ハービンジャー - Use these Currency Items /8
Use each of the following Currency items.
Orb of Transmutation
Orb of Augmentation
Orb of Alteration
Chromatic Orb
Jeweller's Orb
Blacksmith's Whetstone
Armourer's Scrap
Orb of Alchemy
アビス - Use these Currency Items /8
Use each of the following Currency items.
Orb of Transmutation
Orb of Augmentation
Orb of Alteration
Chromatic Orb
Jeweller's Orb
Blacksmith's Whetstone
Armourer's Scrap
Orb of Alchemy
ベスティアリー - Use these Currency Items /8
Use each of the following Currency items.
Orb of Transmutation
Orb of Augmentation
Orb of Alteration
Chromatic Orb
Jeweller's Orb
Blacksmith's Whetstone
Armourer's Scrap
Orb of Alchemy
インカージョン - Use these Currency Items /8
Use each of the following Currency items.
Orb of Transmutation
Orb of Augmentation
Orb of Alteration
Chromatic Orb
Jeweller's Orb
Blacksmith's Whetstone
Armourer's Scrap
Orb of Alchemy
アルティメイタム - Use these Currency Items /4
Use each of the following currency items to modify items.
エクスペディション - Use these Currency Items /8
Use each of the following currency items to modify items.
Orb of Transmutation
Orb of Chance
Orb of Alchemy
Jeweller's Orb
Orb of Fusing
Cartographer's Chisel地図職人のたがね
Enkindling Orb濃縮のオーブ
Instilling Orb注入のオーブ

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