계약 / Crafting Bench, Fossil, Harvest, Catalyst / Tiers / iLvl / Weights
heist contract alert level +% final [-5]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [5]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [5]
map extra content weighting [1]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
map rare monsters have nemesis mod [1]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [-7]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [7]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [7]
map item drop quantity +% [19]
map item drop rarity +% [11]
몬스터의 동작 속도가 기본 수치 밑으로 내려가지 않음
몬스터의 이동 속도가 기본 수치 밑으로 내려가지 않음
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
몬스터에게 걸리는 저주 효과 #% 감폭
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
몬스터 기절 면역
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
몬스터가 명중 시 #초 동안 위축 유발
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
몬스터의 공격 속도 #% 증가
몬스터의 시전 속도 #% 증가
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
몬스터의 원소 저항 +#%
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
지원군의 시전 속도 #% 증가
지원군의 이동 속도 #% 증가
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [-10]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [0]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [10]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map extra content weighting [1]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
map magic pack mod rules [1]
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
몬스터가 명중 시 격분 충전 획득
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
몬스터가 명중 시 인내 충전 획득
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
몬스터가 명중 시 권능 충전 획득
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
몬스터의 치명타 피해 배율 #%
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
플레이어가 생명력, 마나 또는 에너지 보호막 재생 불가
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
경보 레벨 #%당 플레이어의 에너지 보호막 회복 속도 #% 감폭
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
경보 레벨 #%당 플레이어의 생명력 회복 속도 #% 감폭
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
경보 레벨 #%당 플레이어의 마나 회복 속도 #% 감폭
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map ground effect patches per # tiles [#]
map ground effect radius [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
지역에 얼음 지대 존재
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map ground effect patches per # tiles [#]
map ground effect radius [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
지역에 #%만큼 피해가 증가한 감전 지대 존재
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map ground effect patches per # tiles [#]
map ground effect radius [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
지역에 훼손된 지대 존재
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map ground effect patches per # tiles [#]
map ground effect radius [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
지역에 신성화 지대 존재
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map ground effect patches per # tiles [#]
map ground effect radius [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
경보 레벨 #%당 플레이어 저항 최대치 #%
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [-6]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [6]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [6]
map item drop quantity +% [16]
map item drop rarity +% [9]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
경보 레벨 #%당 플레이어의 플라스크 충전량 #% 감소
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
플레이어의 막기 확률 #% 감소
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
경보 레벨 #%당 플레이어의 방어도 #% 감폭
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
플레이어가 방지하는 억제된 주문 피해 #%
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
경보 레벨 #%당 플레이어의 회피 #% 감폭
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
heist contract alert level +% final [-4]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [4]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [4]
map item drop quantity +% [10]
map item drop rarity +% [6]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
heist contract alert level +% final [0]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [0]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [0]
map item drop rarity +% [0]
heist contract alert level +% final [0]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [0]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [0]
map item drop rarity +% [0]
heist contract alert level +% final [0]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [15]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [0]
map item drop quantity +% [13]
map item drop rarity +% [8]
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
경보 레벨 #%당 플레이어 냉기 저항 #%
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
경보 레벨 #%당 플레이어 번개 저항 #%
heist contract alert level +% final [#]
heist contract lockdown timer +% [#]
heist monster spawner alive limit +% [#]
map item drop quantity +% [#]
map item drop rarity +% [#]
계약 아이템 /15
Contract Enchant /4
레벨 | Description |
1 | 100%의 확률로 강탈 상자의 내용물 복제 몬스터의 생명력 100% 증폭 |
1 | 강탈 완료 시 드러내기 3개 추가 생성 강탈 상자가 25%의 확률로 비어 있음 |
1 | 폐쇄까지 남은 시간 50% 감소 도둑 특전의 효과 2배 heist contract lockdown timer +% [-50] |
1 | 도둑 장비 발견 불가 주요 강탈 대상의 도둑의 증표 가치 200% 증폭 |
Community Wiki
Contracts are an item class used to perform Heists. They were introduced in the Heist league, but have been incorporated into the base game content afterwards. They can be taken to Adiyah, the Wayfinder at The Rogue Harbour to open a portal to the contract area.
Contracts can be found as random drops, and can also be purchased from Whakano, the Barber in The Rogue Harbour. Smuggler's Caches randomly found in zones have an increased chance to drop unique Contracts and are the only way to obtain Quest Contracts.
Contracts have an Area Level, which determines the monster level (and thus the difficulty of the monsters in the area), and the dropped item level. The highest Area Level is 83, wherein chests can occasionally drop Influenced items as well. Ventor's Gamble does not have any effect on drops received from Heist chests, neither does any IR/IQ (Item Rarity/Item Quantity) mod on an item. Only Thief's Trinkets and Brooches have an effect on Heist chests, see Optimal Gear for more info.
Like Maps, Contracts can be converted into Normal, Magic or Rare rarities. Magic and Rare varieties have a higher Item Quantity and Item Rarity trait at the cost of more negative mods. Affixes can be added (and removed) as well, increasing the difficulty but also increasing the amount of item drops and decreasing the alert level raised (i.e. when opened, caches advance the meter less per opening, and therefore more caches can be opened overall before the alarm is triggered). Players can re-roll mods using Orb of Alteration for Magic contracts, and
Orb of Scouring/
Orb of Alchemy (or
Chaos Orb) for Rare contracts. Players can also run a 2-3 mods version of the contract by upgrading a magic contract to rare by using
Regal Orb.
Although possible, it is not worthwhile to use an Exalted Orb on rare contracts, or to apply a
Vaal Orb, for reasons of economic viability and the fact that contracts do not have their own corrupted implicit(s), respectively.
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