TerrianFortified Redoubt, Heroic Tomb, Lost Sanctum, Chittering Chamber
  • expedition_templar_remnant
  • expedition_common_remnant_logbook
  • DialogueThe Oriathans haven't been very friendly to us. This expedition might take us through one of their sites, and I've half a mind to desecrate a bit extra on purpose. Interested in some destruction, Exile?
    1SuffixRunic Monsters have 10% chance to drop additional Simulacrum Splinters1000
    1SuffixExcavated Chests have 10% chance to contain additional Simulacrum Splinters1000
    1SuffixRunic Monsters have 10% chance to drop an additional Heist Contract1000
    1SuffixExcavated Chests have 10% chance to contain an additional Heist Contract1000
    1PrefixMonsters have 15% increased Movement Speed
    Monsters have 15% increased Attack Speed
    Monsters have 15% increased Cast Speed
    1PrefixMonsters deal 15% increased Damage1000
    1PrefixMonsters have 15% increased Maximum Life1000
    1PrefixMonsters have 30% chance to Avoid All Damage from Hits1000
    1PrefixMonsters' Hits can't be Evaded1000
    1PrefixMonsters' Hits are always Critical Strikes1000
    35PrefixHits against Monsters cannot be Critical Strikes1000
    35PrefixDamage cannot Leech Life from Monsters
    Damage cannot Leech Mana from Monsters
    1PrefixMonsters are Immune to Physical Damage1000
    1PrefixMonsters are Immune to Cold Damage1000
    1PrefixMonsters are Immune to Fire Damage1000
    1PrefixMonsters are Immune to Lightning Damage1000
    1PrefixMonsters are Immune to Chaos Damage1000
    1PrefixMonsters have 100% chance to Avoid being Chilled
    Monsters have 100% chance to Avoid being Frozen
    Monsters have 100% chance to Avoid being Ignited
    Monsters have 100% chance to Avoid being Shocked
    46PrefixRunic Monsters apply a random Hex on Hit1000
    46PrefixRunic Monsters inflict Petrification for 2 seconds on Hit100
    68PrefixRunic Monsters are Duplicated100
    24PrefixMonsters are Immune to Curses1000
    1PrefixMonster Hits ignore Physical Damage Reduction1000
    1PrefixMonsters do not grant Flask Charges when Slain1000
    1PrefixEvery 4 seconds, Runic Monsters Regenerate 30% of Life over one second1000
    1PrefixMonsters take 30% reduced Damage1000
    1PrefixMonsters have 30% increased Attack Speed while on Low Life
    Monsters have 30% increased Cast Speed while on Low Life
    Monsters deal 30% increased Damage while on Low Life
    Monsters have 30% increased Movement Speed while on Low Life
    1PrefixMonsters have 100% increased Critical Strike Chance against Enemies on Full Life1000
    73PrefixMonsters have base Ward equal to 20% of their maximum Life1000
    30PrefixMonsters have +5% to all maximum Resistances
    Monsters have +30% to all Resistances
    1PrefixMonsters Impale Enemies on Hit with Attacks
    Monsters have 100% increased Impale Effect
    12PrefixMonsters have 100% increased Bleeding Duration
    Monsters' Attack Hits inflict Bleeding
    20PrefixAll Damage from Monsters' Hits can Poison
    Monsters have 100% increased Poison Duration
    Monsters Poison on Hit
    10PrefixAll Damage from Monsters' Hits can Ignite
    Monsters' Hits have 20% chance to Ignite
    Monsters have 100% increased Ignite Duration
    10PrefixAll Damage from Monsters' Hits can Freeze
    Monsters' Hits have 10% chance to Freeze
    14PrefixAll Damage from Monsters' Hits can Shock
    Monsters' Hits have 20% chance to Shock
    Monsters have 100% increased Effect of Shock
    68PrefixMonsters have +5% to maximum Chance to Block Spell Damage
    Monsters have +50% Chance to Block Spell Damage
    Monsters have +5% to maximum Chance to Block Attack Damage
    Monsters have +50% Chance to Block Attack Damage
    1PrefixMonsters Penetrate 15% Fire Resistance1000
    1PrefixMonsters Penetrate 15% Cold Resistance1000
    1PrefixMonsters Penetrate 15% Lightning Resistance1000
    1PrefixMonsters Penetrate 15% Chaos Resistance1000
    45PrefixMonsters gain 50% of Physical Damage as Extra Chaos Damage1000
    73PrefixMonsters' Hits remove 10% of current Energy Shield
    Monsters' Hits remove 10% of current Mana
    1PrefixMonsters Kill things with 20% or lower Life on Hit1000
    1Suffix25% increased Pack size1000
    1SuffixMonsters grant 40% increased Experience1000
    45SuffixMonsters grant 60% increased Experience1000
    68SuffixMonsters grant 80% increased Experience1000
    78SuffixMonsters grant 100% increased Experience1000
    6Prefix50% increased number of Magic Monsters500
    12Prefix50% increased number of Rare Monsters500
    1Suffix50% increased Quantity of Artifacts dropped by Monsters800
    1Suffix50% increased Quantity of Artifacts found in Excavated Chests800


    Id: MapWorldsCemetery
    Act: 11
    Area Level: 71
    Cemetery Attr /11
    Show Full Descriptions
    The PantheonSoul of Gruthkul
    Captured Soul of Erebix, Light's Bane
    BossErebix, Light's Bane
    Elder Map BossErebix, Light's Bane
    Tagstemple, swamp, map, cannot_be_twinned, einharmaps, map_drops_can_upgrade_to_sanctuary
    Atlas LinkedOvergrown Shrine Map, Marshes Map, Cage Map, Hallowed Ground, Fields Map, Plateau Map
    Upgraded FromOvergrown Shrine Map, Marshes Map, Cage Map
    Divination CardThe Lich
    More is Never Enough
    Ambitious Obsession
    Man With Bear
    exit entrance boss entrance entrance exit exit
    entrance boss exit entrance entrance exit
    exit boss exit entrance entrance exit entrance
    exit boss entrance exit exit entrance
    Crafting Bench /5
    (17–19)% increased Critical Strike Chance6x Orb of AlterationOne Hand Melee · Two Hand Melee · One Hand Ranged · Two Hand RangedCemetery Map
    +(17–19)% to Global Critical Strike Multiplier6x Orb of AlterationOne Hand Melee · Two Hand Melee · One Hand Ranged · Two Hand RangedCemetery Map
    (45–75)% increased Spell Critical Strike Chance6x Orb of AlterationTwo Hand MeleeCemetery Map
    (30–49)% increased Spell Critical Strike Chance6x Orb of AlterationOne Hand Melee · One Hand RangedCemetery Map
    (17–21)% increased Global Critical Strike Chance9x Orb of AlterationQuiver · AmuletCemetery Map
    Attack Time
    Energy Shield
    71Erebix, Light's Bane120,4397130.73365826,84936,47340404025
    71Grinning Totem10,9494471.535,12972,9460000
    71Grinning Totem10,9494471.535,12972,9460000
    71Vaal Totem10,9494471.535,12972,9460000
    71Grinning Totem10,9494471.535,12972,9460000
    71Vaal Totem10,9494471.517,56472,9460000


    Id: ExpeditionCemetery
    Act: 2
    Area Level: 1
    Cemetery Attr /4
    Show Full Descriptions
    river_end river river_start corner corner 100

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