Doedre Topic /9
Doedre's DamningWhere her mouth should have been
there was only a whirling, black void.
Doedre's TenureWhile Doedre lacked Maligaro's sense of style,
she surpassed her master in pure malevolence.
Doedre's ElixirDoedre Darktongue knew the Way of the Thaumaturge.
In order to receive, one must give... without hesitation.
Doedre's ScornA scar of the flesh you'll never forget,
A scar of the mind you'll never remember.
Doedre's SkinAs she was sentenced to death, Doedre was silent.
As she was tied to the stake, Doedre was silent.
As the flames licked away her life, Doedre was silent.
But Wraeclast had not heard the last of her.
Doedre's MalevolenceIt was Doedre who learned that pain is just
as much about fear as it is about injury.
Replica Doedre's Damning"Prototype #8 makes it difficult to think negatively, but two fatalities
resulted when a lead researcher used an epithet in its presence."
Doedre's TongueMaligaro did the cutting... at her request.
In the new void, a malevolent power emerged.
Doedre's Madness"Hold your tongue before I claim it." - Doedre Darktongue
Doedre FlavourText /35
Doedre's Madness
"Hold your tongue before I claim it." - Doedre Darktongue
You were your own worst enemy, Doedre.
Oh, Doedre. We witches have to have some standards.
I didn't catch a word of what you said, Doedre. That's probably a good thing.
Embrace death, Doedre, for your flesh was your undoing.
This was the only way to satisfy your appetite, Doedre.
Doedre is close. I'll follow the flow of chemicals and fumes.
I could have used a mind like yours against the tyranny of the gods, Doedre. I'll settle for your soul, though.
You were your own worst enemy, Doedre, but I suppose it's me now.
I hate to repeatedly torture a fellow witch, but you brought this on yourself, Doedre.
The Black Core is near. If the Beast were in any way human, we could think of the Black Core as the Beast's heart. I'm not even going to try to explain to you what it really is.

Naturally, the Black Core is an 'invites only' party and we're not on the list. Yet I believe I have a way to correct that little oversight. Malachai gave up much of himself when he became the Beast's prime servant. Both in spirit and in flesh. Yet, in a moment of rare sentimentality, he kept a few pieces. Three vital organs, placed in the safe-keeping of his godless three; Inquisitor Maligaro, Shavronne of Umbra and Doedre Darktongue. No doubt you've heard of them on your travels.

Bring me those organs and, I promise, I shall get us into the Black Core.
Malachai chose his three most loyal servants to guard those precious innards. His Godless Three. Inquisitor Maligaro, Shavronne of Umbra, and Doedre Darktongue.

If the history books are accurate, High Templar Voll burned Maligaro and Doedre at the stake on his way to lay siege to Sarn. He didn't have to worry himself with Shavronne. Brutus had already sorted her out.

Yet slaves of nightmare seem to be shackled just as tightly to life as they are to the Beast. I, of course, am living proof of that.

Don't worry yourself with that little detail, though. Shackles are made to be unlocked.
Good! Two down, one to go.

You know, prior to meeting Maligaro, Shavronne and Doedre, I rather admired them. Their work, their accomplishments... sheer genius! As it turns out, genius is something better appreciated from afar.

So let's remove this one, last genius from the vicinity, shall we?
We, the Court of Reckoning find you, Doedre Stamatis, guilty of the following transgressions against God:

{Perversion of God's Creation

Promotion of Heretical Beliefs

Unlawful Enslavement of Eternal Citizens

Torture of the Innocent

Murder of the Servants of Purity}

For these most severe crimes, I do sentence Doedre Darktongue to burn at the stake till naught is left but ash. May her life serve as penance for the lives she has taken, and let Purity sweep away the dust of her deeds from our firmament.

- High Templar Voll, Commander of the Army of Purity
Malachai's apprentices. Shavronne of Umbra, Doedre Darktongue and Inquisitor Maligaro. You'll find no more devoted servants in all of Nightmare. In life, they were the three finest forgers of corruption in the Empire.

I'm inclined to agree with Malachai on this one. It would have been such a waste to let them languish in death.

Poor Deshret. Each had their wicked way with her, you see, their turn at trying to subsume Deshret into the collective corruption. Ingenious, they are. True artists. Had Deshret been in possession of an imagination, they might well have succeeded in creating a Ghast of her. Fortunately for us, Deshret never had such a faculty.
On this day, the eve of this Rapture's completion, I honour those who have passed and whose passion and knowledge have brought us to the brink of salvation.

Inquisitor Maligaro, a creative force without equal.

Shavronne of Umbra, an aesthete of transcendent sensibility.

Doedre Darktongue, an idol of fervor and dedication.

You taught me far more than I ever taught you, my students... my friends. We strove to make a greater world together and, in your memory, I shall make that world a reality.

Wraeclast teems with the memories of a violent past. Although the flesh and minds of its original inhabitants are long-gone, their emotions - anger, fear, envy - remain in the artefacts they have left behind.

Doedre Darktongue, Marceus Lioneye, Shavronne of Umbra, Maligaro, Victario. If these names mean nothing to you now, they will soon. Keep an eye out for their long-lost possessions. Each holds the memory of failure, sadness and a desire for revenge.
Despite your best efforts, Beast Slayer, a splinter of hope remains. The very seed that brought my Beast into existence. The Dark Ember.

Never again shall it birth a life so magnificent as the Beast, yet a residue of that power still lingers. Enough to give us a fighting chance against the ravenous Kitava.

How do we obtain this Dark Ember? Three hearts were silenced, three hearts must sing again, one last time. In that final flickering of life, our saviour seed shall be born. All I need are three fine souls with which to stoke the flames.

Shavronne of Umbra. Inquisitor Maligaro. Doedre the Darktongue. Three spirits of near unfathomable resilience and vigour, freed with the Beast's final exhalation. So let us begin the harvest!

Shavronne has come home, to Axiom. We shall give her the warm welcome she sincerely deserves.
Our brutal construction nears completion and now only the wretched Doedre Darktongue remains.

Unlike her compeers who, in undeath, have yearned for the familiar, Doedre appears drawn to the old wounds of calamity. The cataclysm took Sarn and left much that a parasite like Doedre might enjoy.

I shall meet you in Sarn, where I hope you shall make swift and bloody work of that foul hag.
If Sarn wasn't mad enough, now we've got some whip-tongued hag cooking up a stinking curse in the sewers. Took her for my mother-in-law at first. But no, based on my meagre historical knowledge, I reckon we've a certain Doedre Darktongue to contend with.

Where in blazes she's hiding, I've no idea. So the only way we're going to catch this witch is by getting our hands, and possibly a lot more, well and truly dirty. By 'we', I mean 'you', of course. The sewers are no place for a simple businessman like me.

Do us all a favour. Head into them sewers and track that old hag down. Get her to reveal herself and put her down. Hah... better your eyes than mine, eh?
You'd suppose someone as crafty as Doedre would've kept her ugly head under wraps, soon as she saw you coming. I guess death robs us of many things, including our common sense.

In any case, thank you. The sewers can run clear now that there's no fetid witch clogging up the pipes.

Here, have a little something to commemorate your fine clean-up job.
Doedre Darktongue is the insidious infection that threatens to make septic the great and terrible wound that is Sarn.

However, any certainty that I had as to her exact whereabouts has been sundered by the sheer stench of her presence. We shall have to deduce her location from those who know the area best, these locals that cling to Sarn like hungry maggots.
Once more into the breach, and once more we return victorious. Although, I have to admit, I did not relish the sensation of imbibing that foul witch's soul. I felt decidedly... unclean.

Still, our journey nears completion. To the north lies Highgate and the cessation of our efforts to extract the Dark Ember from my dearly departed Beast.

And none too soon. Every hour Kitava's strength grows, and the longer he and the other gods dwell in this land, the less is humanity's chance of survival.
Peel back the skin, for there are secrets in sinew. Mysteries in muscle. Plunder the intestinal fortress, reach deep into bowels of power. The esoterica of kings lies not in the mind, but in the beating walls of a bloodied heart!

The wonders of the universe are screamed from the ramparts of our fleshly fortresses. Shall the meat show us holiness? Oh, how I feel the tingling of our sacred bodies pressed together, tight and fluid.

Let the meat show us the way. Hail the meat, praise the meat. The meat is both debasement and divinity alike. The meat shall lead us down the path to true enlightenment.
Doedre's Malevolence... An aptly named pair of gloves, for her malevolence knew no bounds. Even when her tongue was removed by Maligaro, she still managed to find new methods of spellcasting to continue torturing her subjects.
Ah, I recognise that circlet. It belonged to Doedre Darktongue... the perverse old hag that she was. Her mind was more twisted even than Malachai's.
Doedre's Damning
Where her mouth should have been
there was only a whirling, black void.
Doedre's Tenure
While Doedre lacked Maligaro's sense of style,
she surpassed her master in pure malevolence.
Doedre's Elixir
Doedre Darktongue knew the Way of the Thaumaturge.
In order to receive, one must give... without hesitation.
Doedre's Scorn
A scar of the flesh you'll never forget,
A scar of the mind you'll never remember.
Doedre's Skin
As she was sentenced to death, Doedre was silent.
As she was tied to the stake, Doedre was silent.
As the flames licked away her life, Doedre was silent.
But Wraeclast had not heard the last of her.
Doedre's Malevolence
It was Doedre who learned that pain is just
as much about fear as it is about injury.
Replica Doedre's Damning
"Prototype #8 makes it difficult to think negatively, but two fatalities
resulted when a lead researcher used an epithet in its presence."
Royale Doedre's Damning
Where her mouth should have been
there was only a whirling, black void.
Doedre's Tongue
Maligaro did the cutting... at her request.
In the new void, a malevolent power emerged.

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