Dialogue /122
Monster | Cue | Dialogue |
Elreon | PrimaryDefenderStartsFight | Well met, exile. Know that we must purify those who stand in the way of our crusade. |
Elreon | PrimaryDefenderStartsFight | This bastion will not fall as long as our faith remains strong. |
Elreon | PrimaryDefenderStartsFight | Logistics is the key to any crusade, and we'll defend it with our lives. |
Elreon | PrimaryDefenderStartsFight | Behind every crusade is a bloody legacy the public never sees. |
Elreon | PrimaryDefenderStartsFight | Your purification has been ordered, heretic. |
Elreon | PrimaryDefenderStartsFight | I withstood your Inquisition, exile. And I am stronger for it. |
Elreon | PrimaryDefenderStartsFight | I'd prefer peace if I had the choice, but I don't. |
Elreon | PrimaryDefenderStartsFight | You made me question my faith last time we met. I have found new resolve. |
Elreon | PrimaryDefenderStartsFight | It is the highest calling to die for one's crusade. |
Elreon | PrimaryDefenderStartsFight | Exile, you know how this ends. |
Elreon | PrimaryDefenderStartsFight | Purity is mine to wield against the unworthy. |
Elreon | PrimaryDefenderStartsFight | The sacred bones of centuries of Templar are an unstoppable tide. |
Elreon | PrimaryDefenderStartsFight | God, lend me your might to smite the wicked! |
Elreon | PrimaryDefenderStartsFight | God, lend me your speed to confront the wicked! |
Elreon | PrimaryDefenderStartsFight | Purification through fire! |
Elreon | SafehouseLeaderIntro | This is a place of sanctuary, one which I cannot allow you to defile. |
Elreon | SecondaryDefenderArrival | Take heart, crusader! God aids our defense! |
Elreon | SecondaryDefenderArrival | We must protect these sorely needed supplies together! |
Elreon | SecondaryDefenderArrival | A holy crusade is still a war, and war comes with necessary evils. |
Elreon | SecondaryDefenderArrival | Sometimes, crusading is bloody work. Let's get it done. |
Elreon | SecondaryDefenderArrival | Strength in faith, and strength in numbers. |
Elreon | SecondaryDefenderArrival | I will not fail the cause! |
Elreon | SecondaryDefenderArrival | I'm here to save your sorry arse, Vagan. |
Elreon | SecondaryDefenderArrival | Couldn't buy your way out of this one, could you. |
Elreon | SecondaryDefenderArrival | God helps even the most nauseatingly ugly of creatures. |
Elreon | SecondaryDefenderArrival | The bigger they are, the more help they need. |
Elreon | SecondaryDefenderArrival | General Gravicius, your reinforcements are here. |
Elreon | SecondaryDefenderArrival | Worry not, crusader! Your saviour has arrived. |
Elreon | SecondaryDefenderArrival | Iniquity breeds in safety. This keep must be cleansed. |
Elreon | SecondaryDefenderArrival | I'll not stand idly by and let you fail our brethren! |
Elreon | SecondaryDefenderArrival | Wickedness and sin. That's all I see here. |
Elreon | SecondaryDefenderArrival | God has called for a purge! None of you are without sin. |
Elreon | SecondaryDefenderArrival | Sorry, friend, but God's got another plan for this fight! |
Elreon | SecondaryDefenderArrival | You've earned a special place in God's heart, Vorici. Let me send you there. |
Elreon | SecondaryDefenderArrival | You're no part of God's plan. What ghastly thing made you? |
Elreon | SecondaryDefenderArrival | You may be a fellow Templar, but your unhallowed crusade is yours alone. |
Elreon | SecondaryDefenderArrival | One thing I learned from the Templars: never trust a man in a mask. |
Elreon | SecondaryDefenderArrival | Funny thing about the crusades. They start focused, but end up consuming all. |
Elreon | ReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrival | Only a fool brings a fight to God's doorstep. |
Elreon | ReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrival | For the crusade, I'll defend this to the death. |
Elreon | ReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrival | It seems we are all sinners, here. |
Elreon | ReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrival | I'll smite all comers! |
Elreon | ReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrival | God is everywhere, warrior. Even in you. |
Elreon | ReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrival | I think you've been spending too much time wearing black and sitting alone in the dark, Vorici. |
Elreon | ReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrival | Power is a false idol, Janus. It has led you astray. |
Elreon | ReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrival | Not at all. Let us see who He sides with, false Templar. |
Elreon | ReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrival | And in the way I shall remain! |
Elreon | ReplyToSecondaryDefenderArrival | Good thing I'm in a smiting mood! |
Elreon | SecondaryDefenderArrival | We shall stand impregnable. |
Elreon | SecondaryDefenderArrival | Fight with renewed vigor, crusaders! |
Elreon | SecondaryDefenderArrival | We do what we must for the greater good. |
Elreon | SecondaryDefenderArrival | Exile, you leave us no choice. |
Elreon | SecondaryDefenderArrival | Can my God borrow you from Hinekora for this fight, honored warrior? |
Elreon | SecondaryDefenderArrival | Will you answer the call, Vorici? |
Elreon | SecondaryDefenderArrival | About time your family fought in a war, rather than just fund them, Janus. |
Elreon | SecondaryDefenderArrival | Crusaders take all shapes, I suppose. Can you follow orders, Hillock? |
Elreon | SecondaryDefenderArrival | Great emperors have become trapped by their own machines, Riker. Take care not to make the same mistake. |
Elreon | SecondaryDefenderArrival | Let's get this crusade in shape. |
Elreon | KillPlayer | I told you this bastion would not fall. |
Elreon | KillPlayer | You should never have come here, child. |
Elreon | KillPlayer | Add one more sin to the pile - and burn it. |
Elreon | KillPlayer | When you see him, exile, shrink not from God. |
Elreon | Escape | God's worthy are saved, but heretics are punished. |
Elreon | Escape | I was right to have faith. |
Elreon | Escape | Only God knows what we have done, now. |
Elreon | Defeated | Agh... my faith was not strong enough... |
Elreon | Defeated | Not here! |
Elreon | Defeated | Expose our sins, exile. It is what we deserve. |
Elreon | Defeated | I've... failed... |
Elreon | Defeated | Back... to the Inquisition... |
Elreon | Defeated | We should solve this with words. |
Elreon | Defeated | God certainly keeps testing me. |
Elreon | Defeated | To fall, perhaps to die again, but pure I remain. |
Elreon | Defeated | Perhaps I deserve this vengeance. |
Elreon | Defeated | God's eyes are not upon us this day. |
Elreon | Defeated | Lord, did I err? |
Elreon | OfferBargain | You remind me why I left the Templars. Consider me intimidated, Exile. I'll bargain. |
Elreon | OfferBargain | If you wish to change minds, Exile, it is better to raise people up than cut them down. Crusades are not won and lost on the battlefield alone. If you have someone in mind, I will put them at my right hand, and expose them to new ideas. |
Elreon | OfferBargain | Dominus exiled me too, you know. Thought I were too soft for Templar leadership, and that my radical ideas might turn others against him. He was right! I have a knack for bringing others 'round to my way of thinking without too much blood. Perhaps you should consider using such a talent yourself. |
Elreon | OfferBargain | It's hard working for a group when you don't like their methods. Reminds me of some dark days under the Templar. I'd rather find something less grim to do. Would you consider sparing this old man's life? Never too old for a second chance. |
Elreon | OfferBargain | All this time, all this bloodshed, I kept telling myself that the ends justify the means. But I can't stop asking myself: what if I'm wrong? Have I damned myself? Reckon it's time I took a sabbatical. I'll retreat from all this and wait for a divine sign. |
Elreon | OfferBargain | If only you could see the bigger picture Exile! If only you could understand what we're trying to build! Are you in a listening mood? Stay your blade and perhaps, once you've heard what we are doing here, you will change your mind. |
Elreon | OfferBargain | How about some old-fashioned bribery? |
Elreon | BarginAccepted | The ranks of the faithful swell! |
Elreon | BarginAccepted | I'll let you know what I find out. |
Elreon | BarginAccepted | Consider it done! |
Elreon | BarginAccepted | Go with peace, Exile. And if you see God somewhere on your journey, tell him I'm waiting to hear from him. |
Elreon | BarginAccepted | Alright then, listen closely. |
Elreon | BarginAccepted | Not all Templar's old tactics are without their uses here. |
Elreon | OfferBetrayal | Personally, I believe this whole thing's being mismanaged. Devotion starts at the top. If you'd like, I can leverage my supporters in the Syndicate to depose our current leader and take up the role myself. |
Elreon | OfferBetrayal | In my Templar days, men that failed as hard as these would have been demoted. I'm in a position to reimplement that policy, if it suits your interests. |
Elreon | OfferBetrayal | Sometimes, Exile, excommunication is the right tool to send a message. I do have some sway in this organisation, and I could get someone removed from the Syndicate, if that's what you're after. |
Elreon | OfferBetrayal | No need for an Inquisition. I'll tell you everything I know about my fellow crusaders. |
Elreon | OfferBetrayal | You can't really trust someone who worships trees and ghosts, can you? |
Elreon | OfferBetrayal | Perandus serves no power above his own. He's no ally of mine, nor of anyone who cannot help him achieve whatever foul fantasies he has cooked up. |
Elreon | OfferBetrayal | That creature is no creation of God. Whatever power it serves, we'd do well to do what we can to stop it. Together. |
Elreon | OfferBetrayal | I don't know what God's plan is, Exile, but I know that Gravicius is not part of it. |
Elreon | OfferBetrayal | Maloney fills me with doubt. The worst atrocities of the Templar were ordered by men in masks. Just think about why that might be for a moment, and you'll see why he's a far bigger threat than I. |
Elreon | OfferBetrayal | God welcomes all into his arms, but I can't say the reverse is true. Some people need a little nudge. |
Elreon | OfferExecute | I'm no traitor or trader. I choose to die for the cause. |
Elreon | OfferExecute | In front of my commander, I'll choose death every time. |
Elreon | OfferExecute | Stay strong, crusader. This Exile can do no worse than the Syndicate. |
Elreon | OfferExecute | This old crusader has reached his limit for Inquisitions. Just end it. |
Elreon | ReplyToBetrayalAccepted | Some have less faith than others. They are to be pitied. |
Elreon | ReplyToBetrayalAccepted | Madness is putting one's faith in long-lost ancestors. They were human, and flawed, and they'll betray you just like you've betrayed me. |
Elreon | ReplyToBetrayalAccepted | Oh assassin, how expected. |
Elreon | ReplyToBetrayalAccepted | Not the first time I've been betrayed for my faith. As always, I remain resolute. |
Elreon | ReplyToBetrayalAccepted | Gravicius, what happened to you to make you this way? |
Elreon | ReplyToBetrayalAccepted | Shut my mouth and I'll preach by humming, fiend. |
Elreon | ReplyToBetrayalAccepted | I won't judge you for this, but God will. |
Elreon | Interrogated | The Templars had a habit of questioning their own, forcefully. You can't frighten me. |
Elreon | Interrogated | The Inquisition never ends. I learned that a long time ago. |
Elreon | Interrogated | From diplomacy to torture. I see. |
Elreon | ReplyToExecution | Your methods are brutal. God will not watch you kindly. |
Elreon | ReplyToExecution | Why do you inflict such violence? |
Elreon | ReplyToExecution | Even my rivals deserve better. |
Elreon | SafehouseLeaderDefeated | I thought God was working through me... |
Elreon | PrimaryDefenderStartsFight | Others say you've long helped this land, holy man. Why turn your back on it now? |
Elreon | Escape | I underestimated Elreon. That won't happen again. |
Elreon | Defeated | I'm sorry, holy man, but you've chosen the wrong crusade. |
Elreon | BarginAccepted | Better a deal than having to kill you, old man. |
Elreon | Interrogated | I will not be too hard on him, Exile... as long as he talks. |

Action Speed cannot be modified to below 50% of base value
Cannot be Knocked Back
cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished [0]
cannot be stunned while stunned [1]
cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished [0]
cannot be stunned while stunned [1]
Spectre | N |
Tags | betrayal_syndicate_member, bludgeoning_weapon, fast_movement, fire_affinity, has_two_hand_mace, has_two_handed_melee, human, humanoid, light_armour, lightning_affinity, medium_height, melee, not_dex, physical_affinity, red_blood |
Energy Shield From Life
Ailment Threshold

Critical Strike Chance
Critical Strike Multiplier
Attack Distance
6 ~ 12
Attack Time
1.995 Second
Damage Spread
Model Size
The following values do not include map affix bonuses, monster buff bonuses, altar bonuses, atlas skill bonuses.
Select Monster Level
Evasion Rating
Energy Shield
Spell Damage
Attack Time
Minion Life
Minion Energy Shield
Minion Damage
Ailment Threshold
The following values are skill base values and do not include map affix bonuses, monster buff bonuses, altar bonuses, atlas skill bonuses, monster base damage(ex: The Maven 150% multiplier), monster rarity bonuses (ex: unique 70% more, unique attack 33% less).
Attack, RangedAttack, MirageArcherCanUse, Projectile, MeleeSingleTarget, Multistrikeable, Melee, ProjectilesFromUser
Default Attack
Base Damage: 359–538
Critical Strike Chance: 5%
Attack Time: 1.995 sec
Strike your foes down with a powerful blow.
skill can fire arrows [1]
skill can fire wand projectiles [1]

walk emerge distance [300]
Triggerable, Attack
Base Damage: 359–538
Critical Strike Chance: 5%
Attack Damage: 130%
Attack Time: 1.995 sec
Cooldown Time: 4 sec
75% of Physical Damage Converted to Lightning Damage
Deals 30% more Attack Damage
Deals 149.5% more Damage
is area damage [1]
Triggerable, Attack
Base Damage: 359–538
Critical Strike Chance: 5%
Attack Damage: 170%
Attack Time: 1.995 sec
Deals 70% more Attack Damage
is area damage [1]
Attack, Area, Melee, Movement, Travel, Slam, Totemable
Leap Slam
Base Damage: 359–538
Critical Strike Chance: 5%
Attack Time: 1.995 sec
Cooldown Time: 10 sec
Jump through the air, damaging and knocking back enemies with your weapon where you land. Enemies you would land on are pushed out of the way. Requires an Axe, Mace, Sceptre, Sword or Staff.
Deals 90% less Damage
40% less Attack Speed
Base radius is 1.5 metres
is area damage [1]

Spell, Multicastable, Triggerable
Cast Time: 1.5 sec
Cooldown Time: 15 sec
alternate minion [371]
number of monsters to summon [5.268]
summon specific monsters radius +% [-9.146341463414636]
summoned monster rarity [3]
summoned monsters are minions [1]
summoned monsters no drops or experience [1]
Melee, Attack, Area, Movement, Triggerable, Damage, Duration, Fire, Slam, Totemable
Consecrated Path
Base Damage: 359–538
Critical Strike Chance: 5%
Attack Damage: 120%
Attack Time: 1.995 sec
Cooldown Time: 8 sec
Slams the ground at a targeted location. If an enemy is near where you target, you'll teleport to it from a short distance away, slam, and create an area of consecrated ground. Can't be supported by Multistrike, and requires a Sword, Axe, Mace, Sceptre, Staff or Unarmed.
Deals 20% more Attack Damage
Deals 149.5% more Damage
Base duration is 2 seconds
75% of Physical Damage Converted to Fire Damage
ground consecration art variation [1]
is area damage [1]

Object Type
version 2 extends "Metadata/Monsters/LeagueBetrayal/BetrayalTarget"
Object Type Codes
version 2 extends "Metadata/Monsters/LeagueBetrayal/BetrayalTarget" Preload { preload_epk = "Metadata/Effects/Spells/Masters/Elreon/consecrated_ground/unholy.epk" } StateMachine { create_state_Helm_0 = "ShowMeshSegments( HoodShape );" create_state_Boots_0 = "ShowMeshSegments( BootsShape );" create_state_Gloves_0 = "ShowMeshSegments( GlovesShape, Hand_KnotShape, Hand_SashShape );" //create_state_Back_0 = "ShowMeshSegments( );" //create_state_Weapon_0 = "ShowMeshSegments( );" create_state_Helm_11 = "ShowMeshSegment( Hood_loweredShape );" create_state_Helm_12 = "ShowMeshSegment( Hood_loweredShape );" create_state_Helm_13 = "ShowMeshSegment( Hood_loweredShape );" create_state_Helm_14 = "ShowMeshSegment( Hood_loweredShape );" create_state_Helm_15 = "ShowMeshSegment( Hood_loweredShape );" //Azal's Eye create_state_Helm_16 = "ShowMeshSegment( HoodShape );" create_state_Helm_17 = "ShowMeshSegment( Hood_loweredShape );" create_state_Helm_18 = "ShowMeshSegment( Hood_loweredShape );" create_state_Helm_19 = "ShowMeshSegment( Hood_loweredShape );" create_state_Helm_20 = "ShowMeshSegment( Hood_loweredShape );" //Akanilim's Hide create_state_Back_21 = " AddAttached( Metadata/Monsters/LeagueBetrayal/BetrayalAttachments/AkanilimsHideWingsHeld.ao, aux_back_attachment ); PlayAnimationAttached( Metadata/Monsters/LeagueBetrayal/BetrayalAttachments/AkanilimsHideWingsHeld.ao, Elreon ); " //Shiaphet's Pall create_state_Back_22 = " AddAttached( Metadata/Monsters/LeagueBetrayal/BetrayalAttachments/ShiaphetsPallCapeHeld.ao, aux_back_attachment ); PlayAnimationAttached( Metadata/Monsters/LeagueBetrayal/BetrayalAttachments/ShiaphetsPallCapeHeld.ao, Elreon ); " //Xunti's Parasol create_state_Back_23 = " AddAttached( Metadata/Monsters/LeagueBetrayal/BetrayalAttachments/XuntisParasolCapeHeld.ao, aux_back_attachment ); PlayAnimationAttached( Metadata/Monsters/LeagueBetrayal/BetrayalAttachments/XuntisParasolCapeHeld.ao, Elreon ); " //Tekiton's Spine create_state_Back_24 = " AddAttached( Metadata/Monsters/LeagueBetrayal/BetrayalAttachments/TekitonsSpineCapeHeld.ao, aux_back_attachment ); PlayAnimationAttached( Metadata/Monsters/LeagueBetrayal/BetrayalAttachments/TekitonsSpineCapeHeld.ao, Elreon ); " //Gogori's Plague create_state_Back_25 = " AddAttached( Metadata/Monsters/LeagueBetrayal/BetrayalAttachments/GogorisPlagueWingsHeld.ao, aux_back_attachment ); PlayAnimationAttached( Metadata/Monsters/LeagueBetrayal/BetrayalAttachments/GogorisPlagueWingsHeld.ao, Elreon ); " //Harimal's Campaign create_state_Back_26 = " AddAttached( Metadata/Monsters/LeagueBetrayal/BetrayalAttachments/HarimalsCampaignCapeHeld.ao, aux_back_attachment ); PlayAnimationAttached( Metadata/Monsters/LeagueBetrayal/BetrayalAttachments/HarimalsCampaignCapeHeld.ao, Elreon ); " //Tau Poh's Banner create_state_Back_27 = " AddAttached( Metadata/Monsters/LeagueBetrayal/BetrayalAttachments/TauPohsBannerCapeHeld.ao, aux_back_attachment ); PlayAnimationAttached( Metadata/Monsters/LeagueBetrayal/BetrayalAttachments/TauPohsBannerCapeHeld.ao, Elreon ); " //Bu's Bottle create_state_Back_28 = " AddAttached( Metadata/Monsters/LeagueBetrayal/BetrayalAttachments/BusBottleCapeHeld.ao, aux_back_attachment ); PlayAnimationAttached( Metadata/Monsters/LeagueBetrayal/BetrayalAttachments/BusBottleCapeHeld.ao, Elreon ); " //Rithkin's Dance create_state_Back_29 = " AddAttached( Metadata/Monsters/LeagueBetrayal/BetrayalAttachments/RithkinsDanceCapeHeld.ao, aux_back_attachment ); PlayAnimationAttached( Metadata/Monsters/LeagueBetrayal/BetrayalAttachments/RithkinsDanceCapeHeld.ao, Elreon ); " //Cantar's Coffin create_state_Back_30 = " AddAttached( Metadata/Monsters/LeagueBetrayal/BetrayalAttachments/CantarsCoffinCapeHeld.ao, aux_back_attachment ); PlayAnimationAttached( Metadata/Monsters/LeagueBetrayal/BetrayalAttachments/CantarsCoffinCapeHeld.ao, Elreon ); " }
-- src\Data\Spectres.lua minions["Metadata/Monsters/LeagueBetrayal/BetrayalElreon"] = { name = "Elreon", life = 6, energyShield = 0.5, fireResist = 40, coldResist = 40, lightningResist = 40, chaosResist = 25, damage = 1.2, damageSpread = 0.2, attackTime = 1.995, attackRange = 12, accuracy = 1, weaponType1 = "Two Hand Mace", skillList = { "Melee", "BetrayalElreonLeapSlam", "BetrayalElreonSummonUnholySentinels", "WalkEmergeBetrayal", "BetrayalElreonSmite", "BetrayalElreonDashSlam", "BetrayalElreonConsecratedPath", }, modList = { }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["Melee"] = { name = "Default Attack", hidden = true, color = "4", baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, description = "Strike your foes down with a powerful blow.", skillTypes = { [SkillType.Attack] = true, [SkillType.RangedAttack] = true, [SkillType.MirageArcherCanUse] = true, [SkillType.Projectile] = true, [SkillType.MeleeSingleTarget] = true, [SkillType.Multistrikeable] = true, [SkillType.Melee] = true, [SkillType.ProjectilesFromUser] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { attack = true, melee = true, projectile = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "skill_can_fire_arrows", "skill_can_fire_wand_projectiles", }, levels = { [1] = {levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["BetrayalElreonLeapSlam"] = { name = "Leap Slam", hidden = true, color = "4", baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, description = "Jump through the air, damaging and knocking back enemies with your weapon where you land. Enemies you would land on are pushed out of the way. Requires an Axe, Mace, Sceptre, Sword or Staff.", skillTypes = { [SkillType.Attack] = true, [SkillType.Area] = true, [SkillType.Melee] = true, [SkillType.Movement] = true, [SkillType.Travel] = true, [SkillType.Slam] = true, [SkillType.Totemable] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 2.5, baseFlags = { attack = true, area = true, melee = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "active_skill_attack_speed_+%_final", "active_skill_damage_+%_final", "active_skill_base_area_of_effect_radius", "is_area_damage", }, levels = { [1] = {-40, -90, 15, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["BetrayalElreonSummonUnholySentinels"] = { name = "BetrayalElreonSummonUnholySentinels", hidden = true, color = "4", baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { [SkillType.Spell] = true, [SkillType.Multicastable] = true, [SkillType.Triggerable] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1.5, baseFlags = { spell = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "number_of_monsters_to_summon", "summon_specific_monsters_radius_+%", "alternate_minion", "summoned_monster_rarity", "summoned_monsters_are_minions", "summoned_monsters_no_drops_or_experience", }, levels = { [1] = {2, -50, 371, 3, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {2, 2}, cost = { }, }, [2] = {6, 0, 371, 3, levelRequirement = 83, statInterpolation = {2, 2}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["WalkEmergeBetrayal"] = { name = "WalkEmergeBetrayal", hidden = true, color = "4", baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 0.72, baseFlags = { }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "walk_emerge_distance", }, levels = { [1] = {300, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["BetrayalElreonSmite"] = { name = "BetrayalElreonSmite", hidden = true, color = "4", baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { [SkillType.Triggerable] = true, [SkillType.Attack] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1.5, baseFlags = { attack = true, area = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "active_skill_damage_+%_final", "skill_physical_damage_%_to_convert_to_lightning", "is_area_damage", }, levels = { [1] = {0, 75, baseMultiplier = 1.3, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {2}, cost = { }, }, [2] = {0, 75, baseMultiplier = 1.3, levelRequirement = 20, statInterpolation = {2}, cost = { }, }, [3] = {1, 75, baseMultiplier = 1.3, levelRequirement = 21, statInterpolation = {2}, cost = { }, }, [4] = {200, 75, baseMultiplier = 1.3, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {2}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["BetrayalElreonDashSlam"] = { name = "BetrayalElreonDashSlam", hidden = true, color = "4", baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, skillTypes = { [SkillType.Triggerable] = true, [SkillType.Attack] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1, baseFlags = { attack = true, area = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "is_area_damage", }, levels = { [1] = {baseMultiplier = 1.7, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {}, cost = { }, }, }, } -- src\Data\Skills\spectre.lua skills["BetrayalElreonConsecratedPath"] = { name = "Consecrated Path", hidden = true, color = "1", baseEffectiveness = 0, incrementalEffectiveness = 0, description = "Slams the ground at a targeted location. If an enemy is near where you target, you'll teleport to it from a short distance away, slam, and create an area of consecrated ground. Can't be supported by Multistrike, and requires a Sword, Axe, Mace, Sceptre, Staff or Unarmed.", skillTypes = { [SkillType.Melee] = true, [SkillType.Attack] = true, [SkillType.Area] = true, [SkillType.Movement] = true, [SkillType.Triggerable] = true, [SkillType.Damage] = true, [SkillType.Duration] = true, [SkillType.Fire] = true, [SkillType.Slam] = true, [SkillType.Totemable] = true, }, statDescriptionScope = "skill_stat_descriptions", castTime = 1.5, baseFlags = { attack = true, area = true, melee = true, duration = true, }, baseMods = { }, qualityStats = { }, stats = { "active_skill_damage_+%_final", "skill_physical_damage_%_to_convert_to_fire", "base_skill_effect_duration", "ground_consecration_art_variation", "is_area_damage", }, levels = { [1] = {0, 75, 2000, 1, baseMultiplier = 1.2, levelRequirement = 1, statInterpolation = {2}, cost = { }, }, [2] = {0, 75, 2000, 1, baseMultiplier = 1.2, levelRequirement = 20, statInterpolation = {2}, cost = { }, }, [3] = {1, 75, 2000, 1, baseMultiplier = 1.2, levelRequirement = 21, statInterpolation = {2}, cost = { }, }, [4] = {200, 75, 2000, 1, baseMultiplier = 1.2, levelRequirement = 84, statInterpolation = {2}, cost = { }, }, }, }
Action Speed cannot be modified to below 50% of base value
Id | CannotBeSlowedBelowValueBosses |
Family | CannotBeSlowedBelowValue |
Domains | Monster (3) |
GenerationType | Unique (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats | |
Craft Tags | speed |
Cannot be Knocked Back
Id | ImmuneToKnockback |
Family | ImmuneToKnockback |
Domains | Monster (3) |
GenerationType | Unique (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats |
cannot be stunned for ms after stun finished [0]
cannot be stunned while stunned [1]
Id | StunRepeatImmunityBoss__ |
Family | Nothing |
Domains | Monster (3) |
GenerationType | Unique (3) |
Req. level | 1 |
Stats |
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