Ezomyr Topic /3
Crest of Ezomyr"A symbol of my birthright and claim to my fiefdom.
I must have it if I am to return my family to its rightful place."
Lone Antler TalismanThe First Ones thundered over Ezomyr
upon hooves of grey and black.
The people felt their stamping rage
and cowered as the fury rained down.
- The Wolven King
Rot Head TalismanTo catch a big fish you need tempting bait.
And there is no fish bigger than the Empire,
and no bait as tempting as Ezomyr.
- The Wolven King
Ezomyr FlavourText /14
Lone Antler Talisman
The First Ones thundered over Ezomyr
upon hooves of grey and black.
The people felt their stamping rage
and cowered as the fury rained down.
- The Wolven King
Rot Head Talisman
To catch a big fish you need tempting bait.
And there is no fish bigger than the Empire,
and no bait as tempting as Ezomyr.
- The Wolven King
Crest of Ezomyr
"A symbol of my birthright and claim to my fiefdom.
I must have it if I am to return my family to its rightful place."
{Book 2: Bloody Flowers}

High Templar Voll had Victario entreat Thane Rigwald of Ezomyr, knowing that a poet would fare far better than any politician in rousing the romantic Ezomytes to rebellion. Stirred by Victario's impassioned words, Rigwald mustered his blood-bound clans, and on the 3rd Fiero of Dirivi 1333 IC, took to the fields of Glarryn in open rebellion against Governor Gaius Sentari.

Such was the colourful splendour of a thousand tartans and banners that the Ezomyte uprising became known as "The Bloody Flowers' Rebellion". Though Sentari's Gemling legionnaires slew three Ezomytes for every one of their own fallen, the Bloody Flowers won the day through sheer fury-driven courage.

Governor Sentari fled to Sarn, only to return in Astrali with reinforcements drawn from the capital, Vastiri and southern garrisons. Little did Sentari know that, by so weakening those forces, he was playing right into Voll's hands.

{ - Garivaldi, Chronicler to the Empire}
The Son of Ezomyr met the Son of Sarn
Upon the road to the Imperial throne.
The Eternal offered his cunning,
His eyes and ears, bought and paid for.
The Ezomyte offered his strength,
His sword, earned in the arena.
A pact was forged,
With the Labyrinth as witness.
Two men separated by blood.
Two men bound by hope.
Two men, and only one emperor.
The Warrior bled upon Izaro's stones,
And cursed Izaro's ilk.
He looked upon the walls of his tomb,
Built by his masters, his enemies,
And called for the First Ones to carry him,
To the forest and fields of his Ezomyr.
Yet while the First Ones remained silent,
The Guide did speak
Of secrets planted by clever hands
Enslaved by gold.
And with one such secret,
Plucked the life of the Warrior
From the First Ones' jaws.
A Guide, cornered and quailing,
A Warrior, watching,
The moment bathed in the shadow
Of doubt,
Of ambition,
Of an imperial throne.
And a people made free
By an Emperor of Ezomyr.
The Warrior threw off that cold and cloying shadow,
And struck down the slavering beasts.
The Guide looked to the Warrior
With gratitude in his eyes.
And spoke of doubt,
Of ambition,
Of an imperial throne,
And a people made free
By an Emperor of Sarn.
The Guide led the Warrior down a path
That wound and twisted
Through fields of blossoming promises.
Green-bladed hopes.
The Warrior closed his eyes.
A mere moment
To feel the warmth of the sun on his back,
And to drink from the Guide's proffered flask.
Now the Warrior staggers and crawls
Down the wounded, tortured causeway.
The bitterness stings his weeping eyes.
The fire roars in his belly,
Consuming him.
The Warrior will not ascend.
Instead he hunts.
Guided by his love for Ezomyr.
Forgive me, Ezomyr.
Forgive me, Ezomyr.
The Greatwolf has forced me to forget who I was... and has taught me to be so much more.

A man becomes a king so that he may protect the people of the day. A man becomes a god so that he may protect the people of all the days to come.

And so the endless hunt begins.

The fervour of the First Ones remains, bound by the druids into fetishes of tooth and bone, skin and claw. I know where these potent talismans have been strewn. I have their scent.

And so the endless hunt begins.

I shall pursue the thieves of our ancient heritage. I shall wrest our First Ones from the clutching and the corrupted lest they feed and grow fecund on power not their own. Power I must have, must wield, in the name of all that is Ezomyr to come.

And so the endless hunt begins.

- Rigwald
Grigor left without a single word to me, rude bugger, but I suspect his poetic soul has been drawn back home, to Ezomyr. A long journey, but a trek worth taking to find solace among one's own people. Of course, they'll get quite the shock when they see him. Let's hope familial love is as nearsighted as they say!

There're the fine tales Grigor will be able to tell them, of course. Come to think of it, now that Dominus has been knocked off his perch, there's nothing to stop the Ezomytes from learning a thing or two from Grigor's stories. They might even consider invading this jewel in Wraeclast's tarnished crown. I certainly hope they have just such an eye for opportunity... a man could make a tidy sum helping said invaders navigate Sarn and its many hazards.
You defeated Kitava, did you? Which one is that again? The Hungry God? No, the God of Hunger, right? There are so many Karui tribes, and so many gods. We don't all share the same ones, either. There are tribes in Western Ngamakanui, beyond Ezomyr, with gods most of us are barely aware of. Those tribes are strange, and we don't go there.
Ah. A plague wiped out Ezomyr? Of course. I've been down here thousands of years! Everything and everyone I've ever heard of... all dead! What about the Caaltu? They had the absolute best wines, feasts that went on for days, and the women... by Rongo, the women! Please tell me the Caaltu are still thriving!

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